
2015-12-13 10:29建筑设计清华大学建筑设计研究院
世界建筑 2015年1期




1 中山站站区鸟瞰/Aerial view of Zhongshan Research Station






1 站区选址与规划策略


2 建造体系策略


3 外部形态体系策略




4 功能与需求策略




5 节能策略


6 环保策略


7 材料与构造策略




2 原站区规划及主导风向示意/Original site plan with predominant wind direction

3 “十一五”站区规划及主导风向示意/New site plan with predominant wind direction

Since its establishment in 1989, China Antarctic Zhongshan Research Station has gone through the hardship of extremely cold weather and severe snowstorms. The station area has been deteriorating, and can hardly fulfill the requirements for Chinese scientific expedition in Antarctic.

Since 2002, Tsinghua University Architectural Design Institute, delegated by Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration (CAA), has worked on the design of Zhongshan Research Station for the Antarctic Expedition for Investigation of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", going through phases of project proposal, site investigation, feasibility study, engineering design, construction, completion and acceptance. The project lasted more than eight years. A total of more than 20 people visited the Antarctic research station site and conducted a large amount of hard and pioneering work.

The construction of the Antarctic station confronted many difficulties, including extremely severe environment, remote location, long-distance and difficult transportation, short construction cycle, weak field support ability, high operational cost, strict environmental protection requirements and special material requirements.

The design of the Antarctic research station must comply with the principles of security, independence, applicability, feasibility, adaptability, weather resistance, efficiency, user-friendliness, energy-saving and environmental protection.

The architectural design strategies for China Antarctic Zhongshan Research Station mainly include the following aspects:

1 Strategy for station location & planning

The location and planning of the station area play an important role in the design process of the Antarctic Research Station in terms of accessibility, guarantee for logistics and transportation operation, service life of station buildings, energy consumption for snow clearing, environmental protection and wind energy utilization. Consideration shall be taken on the relationship between dominant wind direction, accumulated snow, and buildings, as well as pipeline design, preparing for the long-term development.

2 Strategy for construction system

The harsh environment and climate and remote location of the Antarctic greatly restrict transportation and onsite construction activities of the Antarctic Research Station. Therefore, various construction methods shall be adopted according to different capacity of transportation, construction feasibility and cycle, including full-prefabrication, complete field assembly and integration of both.

3 Strategy for building form

The form of the Antarctic Research Stations must adapt to the Antarctica's complicated environment and withstand its harsh climate.

It needs respond to dynamically changing groundsurface conditions including low temperature, strong wind, accumulated snow and floating ice shelves.

Strategies include form coefficient conducive to energy-efficiency, sectional treatment to reduce windage, as well as elevated ground floor, etc.

4 Strategy for functional requirements

Security requirements: elements threatening security of the research station include harsh environment such as accumulated snow, low temperature, strong wind and ice shelves, as well as remote geographical location and inconvenient transportation. The design strategies include strategies for energy security, storage material security and fire control.

Functional requirements: the Antarctic Research Station is a comprehensive and independent system. The conflict between functional requirements andarchitectural volume limit is solved mainly through provision of multi-function space.

Spiritual needs: space for public interaction and extended indoor sight distance are required to alleviate serious psychological pressure of the science expedition team members during the period of polar nights.

5 Strategy for energy-saving

Strategies taken to save energy include appropriate station area planning, improvement of building form, enhancement of building envelope insulation, choosing suitable heat source, recycle waste heat from power generation, building fresh air system for full heat recovery and etc. Heat consumption of unit area has reduced from 200w per square meters to 25w per square meters. Though the change of heat source, fuel utilization efficiency has trebled and the comprehensive energy-saving effect has increased 20 times.

At the same time, wind and other renewable energy sources have been utilized.

6 Strategy for environmental protection

In addition to strict emission standards, energy management, waste disposal and oil pollution control, appropriate planning of station area can reduce accumulated snow on and around buildings and greatly reduce emissions caused during snow clearing. Extending service life of buildings is one of the most important environmental protection measures. The façade material has a maximum windresistance coefficient of 64 m/s and is radio-resistant.The external retaining system can be replaced without affecting the internal use. The above measures have doubled the service life of the original Antarctic buildings, which was less than 20 years.

7 Strategy for material and structure

The building materials for Antarctic Research Station shall be adapted to harsh climate, easy to be transported and used during construction, and meet the requirements of environmental protection, safety, reliability and economic efficiency. A large number of new building materials were utilized, including FRP-framed window, LOW-E membrane that prevents heat from radiating outward from inside, as well as metal insulation sandwich board with broken bridge opening and fluorocarbon lacquer surface.

Through research, many unique building structures were designed, such as the creative peripheral double-layered composite structure which combines insulation, fire prevention, protection systems and cab be replaced in the future. It met various demands of transportation, installation, safety, energy-saving and sustainable renewal.

After capacity construction of Zhongshan Research Station for China's "Tenth Five-Year Plan", the station achieved the expected goals of resisting harsh environment, improving working and living condition, advancing environmental protection and increasing energy-saving. It greatly enhanced the comprehensive capacity of Chinese Antarctic expedition, and promoted China into the list of Antarctic expedition powers.

9 内陆车队车库外景/Exterior view, garage

10 污水处理栋和废物处理栋外景/Exterior view, sewage and waste disposal building

11 综合库外景/Exterior view, warehouse

12 高空物理观测栋外景/Exterior view, high-altitude physical observation building

13 高空物理观测栋平面图示/Plan diagram, high-altitude physical observation building

14 高空物理观测栋剖面/Section, high-altitude physical observation building





ZHANG Lei: Zhongshan Station Project, completed by the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, well interprets the modern concept of architecture-"architecture is a machine for living". Important design factors such as personal aesthetic judgment and cultural customs became invalid in this project. Aiming for a true shelter for human activities in nature, the design responds to the extreme constraints of many aspects, including location, layout, volume, material, construction, operation and environmental protection. As a result, an "appropriate" architectural model is created, rather than a "beautiful" one.

FAN Lu: Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station is consisted of a group of buildings that express functionism in full term. The extreme heavy weather condition makes a strict limit on each architectural strategy for station buildings. Confined by lots of complicated architectural problems in Antarctic-site selecting and planning, building system, material transporting, constructing method, external form, use of interior space, psychological demand, energy utilizing and saving, the architectural design there goes back to a kind of original state. Then architectural creativity is got from the wisdom to face cruel survival pressures, but without the metaphysics of history, art and philosophy.

Zhongshan Research Station Construction of China's Antarctic Expedition for China's "Tenth Five-Year Plan", 2011

Architects: Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University

15 高空物理观测栋细部/Details, high-altitude physical observation building

16 高空物理观测栋内景/Interior view, high-altitude physical observation building
