
2015-12-13 10:29建筑设计李瑶华东建筑设计研究院
世界建筑 2015年1期




1 鸟瞰/Aerial view






















2 外景/Exterior view

Trinidad and Tobago National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) was built to welcome the British Commonwealth Summit in 2009. Inspired by the steel drum percussion, a special musical instrument of the Caribbean island, the unrestrained national music hall was created. The project of the theatre, unique in cultural characteristics, started in 2006 and was completed four years later.


Trinidad and Tobago is located in the south end of Caribbean Sea of North and Central America. It consists of two Caribbean islands of the Lesser Antilles. Port of Spain, the capital, is located on the island of Trinidad. The typical climate of tropical rainforest breeds an enthusiastic national character.The carnival in February each year is listed as one of the world's four largest carnivals.

The center is located in the northeast angle of Port of Spain, with Queens Park to the north, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the west, Keate Street to the south and the National Memorial Tower to the east. It is at the key node of the central administration district of Port of Spain.


The center is primarily used for the quintessence of national arts, i.e. steel drum performances and training. It also has hotel function. The main theatre can serve as concert hall, cinema and international conference hall. The design has taken into consideration the characteristics of the local ethnic cultural and arts as well as the requirements as a center for art performances and training. It has created a brand new style of architecture with a vocabulary full of geographical and ethnic characteristics.

The project covers an area of 39860m2, with a total construction area of 25550m2, 22126m2on the ground and 3424m2under the ground. Its main functional body is made up of a 1240-seat national professional theatre and an affiliated hotel of higherstar rating, containing 52 rooms. As the cradle of the music of Trinidad and Tobago, the Performing Arts School serves as the third functional unit. The theatre and the hotel are arranged on four storeys, whereas the Performing Arts School on three.


As musical expression of national emotions, steel drum percussion has become a symbolic national musical instrument. NAPA fully demonstrates the art of steel drum and reflects its cultural connotation by integrating the national characteristics with modernity.

The architecture stretches in a way reminiscent of the national flower of Trinidad and Tobago. The texture of the exterior wall comes from the linked concept of steel drum. The center, with its metal texture, looks like an artistic flower blooming in the Caribbean Sea, disseminating unique artistic expression.


The overall layout, taking architectural form into consideration, is divided into three parts according to their different functions: the theatre is located in the east of the base, the main building right on the base, and the affiliated hotel facilities in the northwest of the base, forming the north petal part. The acting school is located to the southwest of the architecture complex with its main entrance to the south of the base.


There are three public landscape squares. Close to the main building a music fountain is arranged, which skilfully accords with the building shape and land characteristics. The plaza in front of the theatre provides a gathering place that can also be used as outdoor theatre for steel drum performance.

Audience Hall

3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan4 剖面/Section

The plane shape of the audience hall looks like a bell, which provides the audience with best angles and proper distance from the stage. It is able to accommodate a large audience that are within direct sound coverage. Short distance between the audience and the performers ensures better exchange between them, reflecting a cordial feeling. The audience hall is about 28m in length, with maximum width of about 32m. There are 1240 seats in the audience hall, of which the audience area includes a loge area with slopes and a two-storeyed gallery area. Separate two-storeyed balconies are arranged near the side walls.


The interior modern architectural style conveys the bold and fiery national temperament of the people of Trinidad and Tobago. In consideration of the dignified and elegant characteristics of National Theatre and the unrestrained traits of steel drum music, the theatre adopts red color as its key tone, producing a warm and prosperous atmosphere, which can also be a cheerful carnival scene under bright lighting.

On the basis of depicting the warmth of the main space, most of the public area is painted grey. It produces a good transit between the building's external metal texture and internal core areas. The grey tone at the entrance hall successfully highlights the red theme wall in respond to the internal atmosphere. The center has become the focus of Port of Spain in the night.


The project is undertaken by Shanghai Construction Group. The final plan was confirmed through careful comparison of various proposals. The team consisted of conventional architects and professional consultants that were able to complete all the work, from landscape design to interior design. Being responsible for the entire design process of the overseas project, the team was challenged by time lag and regulations for implementation. In addition, the 44 hours of oneway journey was very tiring for the designers. Fortunately, relying on their rich experience in international projects, they overcame the obstacles and contributed a new landmark to the vigorous Caribbean island and also a free architectural stage for steel drum.

5-7 内景/Interior view



项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: UdeCott

建设单位/Contractor: 上海建工(集团)海外部/Shanghai Construction Group

建筑设计团队/Project Team: 李瑶,吴正,邵晶,苏涛,刘芳,宋莹/LI Yao, WU Zheng, SHAO Jing, SU Tao, LIU Fang, SONG Ying

用地面积/Site Area: 39860m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 25550m2

设计周期/Design Period: 2006.04-11


LONG Hao: This building (NAPA) reminds us of several famous structure engineers and architects-Torroja and Candela from Spain and Dieste from Uruguay. Behind them there is a same figure-the brick arch in Catalonia, Spain. The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is located in Central America. The name of its capital city, Port of Spain, suggests its connection with the country far away. In this project the Chinese architectural team adopted a typical structure with the local geographical and cultural characteristics -the shell, which is not

of brick or concrete, but of metal and glass. The large stout metal arches produce a response to the exuberant steel drum music. When Chinese architects stretch out their arms overseas, NAPA provides a model for how to understand the local history and culture and express them in modern language.

ZHANG Yue: Large modern theatre and performing arts centre bring the architect great challenges in functional and technical design. In this project, a variety of functions are arranged orderly and rationally in a huge space. The form and the section are in conformity to the structure, which well reflects the comprehensive professional competence of large architectural firms in China. The choice of form and materials was inspired by the local musical instrument in carnivals – the steel drum. It is a respect to the local culture that is contained in the building.

National Academy for the Performing Arts North Campus, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2009

Architects: LI Yao/East China Architectural Design & Research Institute

肯尼迪表演艺术中心The REACH加建项目