CITED AS:Liu HQ,Wang ZC,Wang Q,et al.Application of Airtraq®optical laryngoscope combined with bronchofibroscope for endotracheal intubation in patients with cervical spine injury[J].Zhongguo Kangfu Lilun Yu Shijian,2015,21(6):713-716.
1.1 一般资料
2007年1月~2014年10月收入北京博爱医院骨关节康复科、脊柱脊髓外科或脊柱脊髓功能重建科并在静吸复合全麻下接受手术的颈椎损伤患者50例,其中男性39例,女性11例;年龄16~75岁;体重50~88 kg。
所有患者术前常规禁食8 h,禁饮6 h。患者入室后建立静脉通道,常规监测无创血压(non-invasive blood pressure,NIBP)、心电图(electrocardiogram, ECG)、脉搏血氧饱和度(pulse blood oxygen saturation, SPO2)。面罩辅助呼吸下行麻醉诱导,方案是咪唑安定0.04 mg/kg、丙泊酚2 mg/kg、维库溴铵0.1 mg/kg或罗库溴铵0.6 mg/kg、芬太尼2 μg/kg或舒芬太尼0.4 μg/kg、地塞米松10 mg。面罩正压通气3 min后实施经口气管插管术。男性患者选择7.5-ET导管,女性患者选择7.0-ET导管。
每次实施气管插管时如果操作时间超过3 min,则停止操作,改由面罩正压通气1 min后再继续实施操作,插管时间重新计算,并将观察项目“一次性插管成功率”记为“0次”。
1.2 观察指标
观察两组的插管时间(intubation time,IT)、一次插管成功率(success rate of single intubation,SRSI)、插管期间血流动力学改变及插管相关并发症发生的情况。
1.3 统计学分析
A组中有4例患者插管时间超过3 min仍没有成功,经面罩重新正压通气后改为在光学窥喉镜联合纤维支气管镜下实施气管插管,没有被纳入最后的统计。
表1 两组患者一般资料比较(n)
表2 两组患者的MAP比较(mmHg)
表3 两组患者的HR比较(min-1)
表4 两组插管相关并发症发生情况(n)
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Application of Airtraq®Optical Laryngoscope Combined with Bronchofibroscope for Endotracheal Intubation in Patients with Cervical Spine Injury
LIU Hai-quan,WANG Zeng-chun,WANG Qiang,REN Zi-gang,XIONG Wei,WANG Jun-jie
1.Capital Medical University School of Rehabilitation Medicine,Beijing 100068,China;2.Department of Anesthesiology,Beijing Bo'ai Hospital,China Rehabilitation Research Center,Beijing 100068,China
Objective To explore the application of Airtraq®optical laryngoscope combined with bronchofibroscope for endotracheal intubation(EI)in patients with cervical spine injury(CSI).Methods 50 patients with CSI undergoing spine surgery under combined general anesthesia were randomly assigned to two groups,group A(n=25)received EI by using Airtraq®optical laryngoscope and group AF(n=25) received EI by usingAirtraq®optical laryngoscope combined with bronchofibroscope.The intubation time(IT),success rate of single intubation(SRSI),hemodynamic changes in endotracheal intubation,and complications related to EI were observed.Results IT was significantly longer in groupAthan in groupAF(P<0.001),and SRSI was significantly lower than in groupA in groupAF(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in hemodynamic changes in EI and complications related to EI between two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Airtraq®optical laryngoscope combined with bronchofibroscope would be safely and effectively used for EI in patients with CSI.
cervical spine injury;optical laryngoscope;bronchofibroscope;endotracheal intubation
1.首都医科大学康复医学院,北京市100068;2.中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院麻醉科,北京市100068。作者简介:刘海泉(1976-),男,河北廊坊市人,主治医师,主要研究方向:临床麻醉与疼痛。通讯作者:王强,男,浙江杭州市人,主任医师。E-mail: 13801032889@163.com。