Trade lssue over Agriculture Products between China and Countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt:Features and Status

2015-11-08 05:19WUSlMANWumuerBUWAJARAblaJunpengLUOShuaiSHAO
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年12期

WUSlMAN Wumuer,BUWAJAR Abla,Junpeng LUO,Shuai SHAO

College of Economy&Trade,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China

Trade lssue over Agriculture Products between China and Countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt:Features and Status

WUSlMAN Wumuer,BUWAJAR Abla*,Junpeng LUO,Shuai SHAO

College of Economy&Trade,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China

The bilateral trade margin has been surged rapidly as cooperation over trade of agriculture products between China and countries on the silk road economic belt comes closely and stands as each others’essential partner.At present,however,the trade coexistence in bilateral industries that the concentration focused by markets and products is too much of the same.In light of this,sides over these countries must enhance their mutual understanding and promote more exchanges to seek tactics that can overcome the shorthand in commercial trade,allowing win-win in the agriculture production trade.

Trade cooperation;Trade status;Complementary

“SilkRoadEconomicBelt connects China with central Asia countries via Longhai,Lanxin railways as well as the Lian-Huo highway that runs along the silk road and reaches as far as Europe nations,fully displaying its agglomeration and radiation function in economy”[1].Building silk road together is an inevitable trend of regional economy integration,which focuses on“Five Connections”in the fields of policies,transportation,trade,ban knotes and people[2].Through letting one unit guide a whole area,this belt can strengthen the economy cooperation cross Asia and Europe,promote world economy growth,optimize urban population layout and eventually help the economy converging on the west. For China,the bilaterally agricultural trade with countries along silk road will promote thorough utility of markets and products both from domestic and foreign,expand the open standard of agriculture and achieve ultimately modern agricultural strategy.Besides,the belt can also assure our country’s food safety and solve the resources scarcity via diverse exporting markets.

Given the situation that there has still no certain scope of silk road economic belt as well as the related countries,the silkroad economicbelt hereby mentioned in this paper is on the theory of ancient silk road,which cross the continent and the economic belt around the region to carry out economic and trade cooperation. Countries along the road mainly include China,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan,Russia,Afghanistan,India,Pakistan,Iran,Azerbaijan,Armenia,Georgia,Turkey,Saudi Arabia,Iraq,Belarus,Finland,Poland,Holland,Germany,Jordan,Egypt,Ukraine,Moldova,Syria,France,the United Kingdom,I taly,Libya,and Algeria.For the type of agricultural products, agricultural products are divided into 19 categories:Live Animals,Meat,Milk &Eggs,AquaticProducts,Cereals,Fruits&Vegetables,Sugar,Coffee,Feed,Miscellaneous Food,Drink Material,Tobacco,Leather,Oilseeds,Textile Fiber,Raw Materials,Animal Fats,VegetableOil&Others[3].

Trade Features of Agriculture Products between China and countries along theSilkRoadEconomic belt

Bilateral trade margin surges annually while China’s trading partners remain lack diverseness

Amid current economic momentum,some developed economies have witnessed sustained downturn in their economy and other emerging economies have also seen their economic decrease brought by the global malaise.As still the fastest growth economy in the world,China’s economy goes slight down in these years butthe domesticdemand remain strong.10-year harvest in China’s agriculture and relative supporting policies in grain,cotton,oil and sugar have made trade of agriculture products achieve fast growth[4].Trade margin of agriculture products reaches to 186.75 billion dollars,6.3%up to last year,within which the export margin is 64.84 billion dollars and import grows to 11.89 billion dollars,relatively surging 7.4%and 5.8%.Besides,China and countries along the silk road economic belt have seen their trade surge in agriculture products and remain a good momentum in trade development.In the years of 2001-2013,bilateral trade has grown from 3.402 billion dollars to 32.954 dollars,with annually growth rate being 20.33%.Export from China to the countries silk road economic belt has surges from 2.673 to 10.275 billion dollars,with annually growth rate 11.88%.Import margin has increased from 730 million to 22.678 billion USD,growing annually 33.16%and being more 21.28%than export’s.

In those trade economies,countries like India,France,Germany,Holland and Russia assume the leading partners,amounting to more than 45% margin over trade.China’s trade with India,France,Germany has assumed to 5.162,3.564,2.999 billion USD,with the rate of 15.60%,10.77%and 9.06%. During the observation period,growth rate of trade between China and India has reached 38 times increase and those of Ukraine and Belarus have also assumed 24 times’growth.Moreover,countries like Iran,Jordan,Kyrgyzstan,Syria and Afghanistan have grown more of a time.However,countries like Iran,Jordan,Kyrgyzstan,Syria and Afghanistan have grown more of a time.From above research,it is clearly showing that the trade of agricultural products between China and countries along the silk road economic belt is too much of concentrated,mainly converging on Europe Union and market of Russia.Trade margin with countries from middle,west and south Asia regions is much less than that of the former two markets.In this case,China need to explore new markets in various countries to found a diverse agricultural market,consolidating the development of trade over agricultural products.Meanwhile,the trade ofagriculturalproducts should be regarded asthe main breakthrough pointofcooperating countries along the silk road,deepening the mutual cooperation and friendly relations in all respects and improving our national influence in this region. Such measures may further promote the development of trade of China’s agricultural products[5].

Table 1 The changes of trade of chinabetweenthe main countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt

Trade partners(Surplus and deficit)and products pattern stand firm while the margin fluctuates

China’s main surplus agriculture products with economic belt countries are fruits and vegetables,coffee,aquatic products,tobacco and oil seeds,but products like textile fibers,animaland plant raw materials,leather,beverage and dairy products make up China’s deficits.From 2001-2013,trade surplus China has assumed from trade with these countries in fruits and vegetables,coffee,aquatic products,tobacco and oil seeds is 41.8 billion USD,sharing 91.94%of all 45.485 billion USD in total balance. Each products’s surplus volume is respectively 0.614, 0.153, 0.129,0.137 and 0.008 1 billion USD in the year of 2001,then has surged to 3.152,0.419,1.053,0.116 and 0.406 billion USD in 2008,reaching to the top over these years and later decreasing due to global financial turmoil,economy regression and trade protectionism.

Deficit products mainly include animal fabrics,animal and plant raw materials, leather,beverageand dairy products,amounting to 40.351 billion USD and also 90.01%of all.Among them,textile fiber(13.675 billion)and raw materials of animal and plant(11.921 billion)has shared 57.10% deficit margin between China and economic beltcountries.Between 2001-2013,China has continued its deficit position in dairy,beverage and leather products and textile fiber and raw materials of animal and plant has turned its surplus to the sustained deficit,reaching to the top of 6.728 billion USD in 2013.The textile fibers has fallen from 0.389 billion to 54 million USD surplus over the years to the deficits 3.201 billion USD in 2013.

From the countries aspect,China’s main deficits of agriculture trade is from economic belt countries such as Germany,Russia,Italy,the United Kingdom and Poland,the total deficits of which is 35.638 billion USD,taking 79.96%of all.Germany’s trade surplus over China is 14.314 billion USD,taking 32.11%of all and becoming the NO.1 importer of China.Each of their trade margin in 2001 with China is 580,72,285 and 107 million USD,then has climbed to 1.724,1.185,0.561,0.632 and 0.437 billion in 2008. while later to 2013,the trend sufferedthe decline,to the margin of 577,545,311,480 and 66 million USD.

China’s main deficits of agriculture trade is from countries likeIndia,France,Uzbekistan FinlandandPakistan,amounting 26.55 billion USD,100%of whole.The largest and two countries among them are India and France,whose surplus over China are 14.701and 5.97 billion USD,sharing 55.37%and 22.48%and becoming the most important exporter to China. China held the surplus during 2001-2011 to Pakistan,then turned to the sustained deficits with 0.17 billion dollars in 2013.

With India,China exported more than import in 2001-2003,then the surplus declined and deficits in 2013 reached to 3.469 billion USD.The former two year’s surplus with French has also turned to a 1.807 billion deficits in 2013.China’s trade with Uzbekistan kept 8 million surplus in 2001 then has been down from 12 million in 2002 to 0.49 billion USD.Finland has long been the surplus place over China,with trade deficits 3 million in 2001 to 547 million in 2013.Based on the differences and complementary of agricultural resources in China and countries along the silk road economic belt,China has exported labor intensive agricultural products,such as vegetables,fruits and aquatic products,which are needed by countries in the silk road.Meanwhile,grain,cotton and other land intensive products from silk road countries are also highly needed by China.Such trade mode indicates that the cooperating prospects is bright and potential is still large between China and countries in silk road economic belt.China and the countries along the silk road economies should be fanning out from point to areas,lining regions with innovation cooperation and gradually forming the silk road with regional economic cooperation,which will surely realize the great rejuvenation of the ancient silk road.

Table 2 Thesituation of china’s main surplus&deficit countries(2013)

Table 3 Thesituation of China’s main surplus&deficitproducts with economic belt countries

Analysis on the Bilateral Agricultural Products Trade Status in China’s Overall Foreign Trade of Agricultural Products

The enhancement between China and economic belt countries

Amid China enters into WTO and carry out its west development strategy,China’s agricultural products trade with economic belt countries has been soared,so as to the bilateral agricultural trade status.The trade rate of agriculturalproducts hasbeen up to 19.55%in 2013,5.74%more than that of 2001,surging 41.57%[6].

In the period of observation,bilateral trade margin rate has decreased within 2001-2004,from 13.81%-12.24%.Later in 2005,however,volume has increased to 16.88% and reached to peak of 25.53%in 2011 before the present two years’decline. China’s agriculturalexportvolume over economic belt countries shares 21.34% oftotalexport,lessthan 0.29%of 2001 and the reduction rate of the figure is 1.34%.As the turning point,2008 saw both upsurge and decline because the former 2 years’export volume to these countries has climbed from 21.63%to 34.06%while later the rate has gradually gone down. As to China’s import from economic belt,the volume rate has moved to 18.84%,gaining 12.89%more than that of 2001.The growth rate is 2.16 times and the import volume may fluctuate and increase within the observation period.

In the analysis of economic belt countries,Germany and Russia become the sixth and seventh exporting market,with 3.87%and 3.54%volume. Agricultural products China has exported to Holland and the United Kingdom have also passed the threshold of 1 billion USD,whose rate are 2.45% and 2.26%,indicating that they are also the main market of China’s agricultural products trade.As to see trade volume rate,Germany and Briton have decreased 1.28% and 0.35% from 2001,but those of Russia and Holland have climbed 2.15%and 2.11%.Being the main importing partners of China,India,France,Holland,Germany and Russia have exported over 1 billion USD to China,sharing China agricultural import margin of 3.11%,1.97%,1.18%and 9.66%.From the above research we can draw a conclusion that through the deepened cooperation and gradually increased trade margin,both importing and exporting status of countries along the silk road economic belt has grown its importance to China’s domestic markets.

Status of countries along silk road economic belt has been increasingly prominent in China’s importing market

As trade of agricultural products develops between China and economic belt countries,various agricultural products,especially from abroad,have become the main part of China’s agricultural trade.Alone 2013,China has exported 44.01%of all animal and plant materials to these countries and imported 58.50% of whole volume from them,4.01%and 38.29%more than that of 2001.In those countries,Germany ranks China’s 4thexport market of animal and plant materials. Italy,French and India have also ranked in top 15.Besides,French is China’s 3rdimporting countries and India stays 5th.

There has been more than 43.28%leather of China exported to these countries and 23.14%imported,19.95%and 19.56%more than that of 2001.Italy and Germany are 3rdand6th exporting market of our leather industry,and French as well as Italy are 11thand 14thimporter.Trade margin of oil seed with economic belt countries has shared 37.57%of all the exporting market and 0.12%of import,0.65% and 1.19%less than that of 2001.India and Kazakhstan are the 13thand 15thoil seed export market,and Germany and Iran are the 16thand 12thimport source countries.Coffee exports accounted for 30.04%of all,whose imports accounted for 25.70%,5.60% and 16.07%more than that of 2001. Germany and Russia are China’s 2nd,7th major coffee export markets while Italy and Germany are the largest and the 9thimporting countries;Fruit and vegetable has exported 22.42%of all to these countries and imported 2.60%,reduced 5.00%and 2.79%of 2001.Russia and Germany are our country 8thand 10thfruit and vegetable export market while India and Pakistan are the 14thand 17thimport countries of origin;The aquatic products export margin is 12.43%and import volume is 24.37%,increased 4.37%,9.13% more of 2001.Germany and Russia is China’s 8th,12thlarge aquatic products export countries.Russia and India are respectively the first,13thmajor source ofimports.Carbohydrate,miscellaneous food,tobacco,animal and plant oil and feeding products have all exported approximately 11%-13%of all with the import margin accounting for 3%-12%.Germany,India,Russia and other countries are the five categories of products along the main export markets.Moreover,Pakistan,Kazakhstan and Russia are the main source of imports.


As bilateral relation moves deeply in “silk road economic belt”,trade margin between China and countries has been increased,accompanying also with problems of concentration and correspondence in products and nations.Prompting to development bilateral trade in agricultural products. Here are some suggestions that need to be focused.

(1)Both parts should strengthen the exchanges and cooperation in economic,cultural and other fields,enhancing mutual trust and create a friendly and cooperative partnership. Related countries must avoid trade disputes and friction,working together through the financial crisis and the European debt crisis as well as the world economic downturn brought by adverse effects to achieve common and stable development.

(2)The bilateral trade that is involved in industry and among different industries has still the strong structure of import and export products and also the strong competitiveness.China should re-position its market based on different needs of various countries in the new Silk Road economic belt,start the trade from the product’s quality and characteristics and strengthening the volume of different products so as to promote the development of inter industry trade in China.

(3)China must focus on a longterm prospect and polish a new image. The production of agricultural products and business operators should enhance their awareness,paying attention to the upgrading of export level and the quality of the product itself. The sales has to be connected with service.The processing depth,technology content,quality and grade should be further improved.More varieties and specifications of products should be developed as the production model optimizes.Through the establishment of their own brand products,enterprises can create a good products brand and image in order to open up new markets.

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Responsible editor:Xiaoxue WANG

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU






吾斯曼·吾木尔(1985-),男,新疆吐鲁番人,博士研究生,主要研究方向为农业经济理论与政策联系方式,E-mail:sarari@126. com。*通讯作者,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为农产品市场与贸易,。


Supported by Demonstration Base of Industry-University-Research Cooperation based Training for Postgraduate Students in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(xjaucxyyjs-20141019).


Received:October 3,2015 Accepted:November 15,2015

修回日期 2015-11-15
