Effects of Soil Amendment on Growth,Yield and Output of Flue-cured Tobacco in South Anhui Province

2015-11-08 05:19JinhuaPANShunyaoZHUANGXuezhengSHlZhihongCAOXianjieCAlSenCHENG
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年12期

Jinhua PAN,Shunyao ZHUANG*,Xuezheng SHl,Zhihong CAO,Xianjie CAl,Sen CHENG

1.State Key Lab of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China;

2.Shanghai Tobacco Group Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200082,China

Effects of Soil Amendment on Growth,Yield and Output of Flue-cured Tobacco in South Anhui Province

Jinhua PAN1,Shunyao ZHUANG1*,Xuezheng SHl1,Zhihong CAO1,Xianjie CAl2,Sen CHENG2

1.State Key Lab of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China;

2.Shanghai Tobacco Group Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200082,China

[Objective]The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil amendment composed of biochar and inorganic mineral material on growth and development,yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco in South Anhui Province.[Method]A field plot experiment was conducted.The agronomic traits,yield and output value,as well as appearance quality and flavor of flue-cured tobacco were evaluated.[Result]The soil amendments composed of biochars and inorganic mineral materials could significantly increase plant height,stem diameter,leaf size,yield and output of flue-cured tobacco,as well as proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves at the middle and late growth period.The yield in the X3 treatment group (70%T20+30%ZC)was highest,and it was higher than that in the control group by 398 kg/hm2.Compared with that in the control group,the output of flue-cured tobacco in the X3 treatment group was increased by 10 290 yuan/hm2.In terms of appearance quality and flavor,the flue-cured tobacco leaves in the soil amendment treatment groups were all better than those in the control group. [Conclusion]The application of soil amendment composed of biochar and inorganic mineral material is an effective measure to improve tobacco-growing soil,promote tobacco growth and development,improve tobacco yield and output and improve tobacco leaf quality in South Anhui region.

Flue-cured tobacco;Soil amendment;Agronomic traits;Yield and output;Appearance quality;Smoke panel test

I n present,tobacco is an important economic crop in China,and its economic benefit is closely related to yield,grade and production costs[1]. The cultivation of tobacco in Anhui Province can be traced back to Wanli of the Ming Dynasty[2].Anhui Province is one of the key cigarette producers,and also the major tobacco-growing area in China[3].Biochar,as one kind of soilamendment,hasbeenwidely used in agricultural production in recent years.There have been many researches on effects of biochar on tobacco-growing soil physical and chemical characteristics and tobacco leaf quality,and a lot of progress has been made[4-7].In China,there have been also many reports on effects of biochar on tobacco-growing soil physical and chemical characteristics and tobacco leaf quality[8-16],but there are rare relevant reports about drylands in South Anhui region.The tobaccogrowing area in South Anhui has good hydrothermal environment.However,the tobacco-growing drylands are mostly compact,barren,thin,acid and dry red soil slopes,which are vulnerable to spring drought, summer drought,autumn drought,uncoordinated precipitation distribution and other natural disasters.With the expansion of tobacco-growing area to South Anhui,tobacco-growing soil environment deteriorates gradually due to excessive fertilizer application,longterm continuous cropping and unrea-sonable mechanical tillage,resulting in stunted growth of tobacco plants.In addition,tobacco diseases and pests become more severe,indirectly affecting the improvement of tobacco yield and quality[17].To address the issues above,referring to existing research results,the effects of soil amendments composed of biochars and inorganic mineral materials on growth,yield,output and quality of flue-cured tobacco were investigated in South Anhui. This study will provide certain scientific basis for ascertaining the influence rules of soil amendment on tobaccogrowing soil physical and chemical characteristics and tobacco leaf quality in South Anhui,improving production level of peculiar tobacco and improving farmers’income and regional economic development.

Materials and Methods

Overview on test site

The test was conducted in the Nanchong Farm in Shuangle Village,Gaoqiao Township,Yangliu Town,Xuanzhou District,Xuancheng City, Anhui Province during March to August of 2014.The test site has an altitude of 90-100 m,slope of 5°-15°,and typical north subtropical humid monsoon climate.During the growth period of tobacco,South Anhui has sufficient heat and light resources. From March to August,the test site has temperature of≥10°C,accumulated temperature of 3 760°C,average temperature of 21.9°C,sunshine of 979.4 h/d and sunshine percentage of 45%.At the same time,South Anhui has a relatively abundantrainfall. During March to August,the average accumulative rainfall is 941.4 mm,the average monthly rainfall is 156.9 mm,while the rainfall is mostly concentrated during mid-June to early-July.In overall,the climatic conditions are suitable for high-quality tobacco cultivation.The test soil was quaternary laterite soil(aluminum-contained moist leaching soil)with texture of clay loam,bulk density of 1.22 g/cm3,pH of 4.63,total nitrogen of 1.20 g/kg,organic matter of 15.90 g/kg,nitrate nitrogen of 44.19 mg/kg,ammonium nitrogen of 0.89 mg/kg and available potassium of 27.44 mg/kg.

Test materials

The tobacco cultivar was Yunyan 97.The soil amendments were composed of various inorganic mineral materials (G20,T20 and diatomaceous earth SiO2)and biochars(bamboo charcoal and rice husk charcoal).

Test design

Total 6 treatments were arranged,including CK,X1,X2,X3,X4and X5(Table 1).

Table 1 Soil amendment treatments in tobacco-growing dry slope in Xuancheng

The biochars and inorganic mineral materials were applied along a ditch before the transplanting.In all the treatmentgroups,film plastic was mulched after ridging.After the film mulching,the tobacco seedlings were transplanted according to the row spacing of 45 cm on March 16,2014. There were 3 replicates for each treatment.In the randomized block design,there were total 18 plots (Fig.1),and the area of each plot was 60 m2(4.8 m×12.5 m).The field management was as usual in South Anhui.The ridge width was 1.2 m,and there were4 ridges in each plot.

Table 2 Appearance of agronomic traits of tobacco plants at the rosette stage under conditions of different soil amendments

lndicator measurement and methods

Determination of agronomic traits The agronomic traits of flue-cured tobacco were investigated according to YC/T142-1988.During the seedling to mature stages,the growth indicators were investigated three times on April 20,May 6 and June 13,respectively. The height,leaf length,leaf width,stem diameter of tobacco plants in each treatment were recorded.Total 5 tobacco plants were selected randomly from each plot,and the final data were expressed as their means.Plant height referred to the actual distance between root base to growing point(measured by tape measure).The stem diameter referred to the diameter of stem at the first node of main stem(measured by caliper).

Maximum leaf area(cm2)=Maximum leaf length(cm)×Maximum leaf width(cm)×0.65.

Collection of tobacco leaf samples and evaluation on economic traits The lower tobacco leaves were harvested at an appropriately early time;the middle tobacco leaves were harvested after their maturity;the upper tobacco leaves were harvested after they were completely mature.They were all harvested one by one.During the harvest period,the tobacco leaves growing in drylands were harvested four times on June 23,July 10,July 24 and August 3,respectively.The tobacco leaves in each plot were harvested singly.After the harvest,the tobacco leaves from each plot were baked singly.After the baking,they were also weighed singly (accurate to 0.01 kg). The tobacco leaves harvested four times from each plot were added together.The final yield was expressed as the mean of the 3 replicates in each treatment.The grading of tobacco leaves was conducted by local skilled workers according to the standards during sales.Total 8 grades were classified,including Upper orange II,Upper orange III,Upper orange IV,Middle orange II,Middle orange III,Middle orange IV,Lower orange II and Lower orange III.The tobacco leaves at the grades of Upper orange II,Middle orange II and Middle orange III were first-grade leaves;the tobacco leaves at the grades of Upper orange II,Upper orange IV,Middle orange IV,Lower orange II and Lower orange III were middle-grade leaves. Since the amount of tobacco leaves at the other grades was extremely little,they were not further classified.After the grading,the tobacco leaves in each treatment were weighed,and then the yield of tobacco leaves at each grade was calculated.

Data statistics and analysis

The data were processed and analyzed using Excel 2003 and SPSS 22.0.

Table 3 Appearance of agronomic traits of tobacco plants at the vigorous growth stage under conditions of different soil amendments

Results and Analysis

Effects of different soil amendment on agronomic traits of flue-cured tobacco at various growth stages

Effect of different soil amendment on growth of flue-cured tobacco at the rosette stage As shown in Table 2,after the transplanting,the tobacco seedlings entered the rosette stage,during which the roots,stems and leaves of tobacco all grew rapidly[18]. Therefore,soil environment directly affects root development of leaf quality of flue-cured tobacco.At the rosette stage (April 20),the tobacco plant heights ranged from 26.73 to 30.13 cm.In the soil amendment treatment groups,the tobacco plant heights were significantly higher than that in the control group.No significant differences were observed in maximum leaf length,maximum leaf width or stem diameter among the treatment groups. It could be concluded that the soil amendments improved growth of tobacco plants by improving soil microenvironment at the rosette stage.

Effect of different soil amendment on growth of flue-cured tobacco at the vigorous growth stage At the vigorous growth stage,tobacco plants need to absorb a lot of nutrients. Therefore,under the same application level of nitrogen fertilizer,the differences in agronomic traits also reflect the utilization ability of flue-cured tobacco for fertilizer[19-20].As shown in Table 3,the plant heights,stem diameters,maximum leaf lengths,maximum leaf widths,maximum leaf areas in the X1,X2,X3,X4 and X5 treatment groups were all higher than those in the control group.The plant height and maximum leaf length were all highest in the X1 treatment group.The growthimproving advantage of soil amendments was gradually shown.In short,the application of soil amendment can bring the vigorous growth stage of tobacco plants forward and maintain good growth of tobacco plants.

Effect of different soil amendment on growth of flue-cured tobacco at the mature stage Table 4 showed that among the treatment groups,the heights of tobacco plants ranked asX1>X3>X4>X2>X5>CK;the stem diameters of tobacco plants ranked as X2>X5>X3>X4>X1>CK;the maximum leaf lengths ranked as X2>X3>X4>X5>CK>X1;the maximum leaf widths ranked as X5>X2>X3>CK>X1>X4;the maximum leaf areas ranked as X2>X3>X5>X4>CK>X1.The maximum leaf lengths and widths of all the soil amendment treatment groups,except X1,were higher than those of the control group.It suggests that soil amendments can improve height and stem diameter of tobacco plants at mature stage,as well as leaf size(maximum leaf area)at late growth period.

Table 4 Appearance of agronomic traits of tobacco plants at the mature stage under conditions of different soil amendments

Effects of different soil amendment on economic traits,yield and output of flue-cured tobacco

Tobacco leaf dry weight is an important indicator evaluating quality of flue-cured tobacco,and is also closely related to the economic benefits of tobacco farmers.Tobacco leafdry weight after baking can reflect industrial quality of flue-cured tobacco to some extent.As shown in Table 5,the yields of tobacco leaves in various treatment groups ranked as X3>X2>X1>X5>X4>CK.The yields of tobacco leaves in the X3,X2and X1treatment groups were significantly higher than that in the control group.Among them,the yield of tobacco leaves in the X3treatment group(by 397.5 kg/hm2)was increased most greatly.The yield of tobacco leaves in the X5treatment group was increased slightly compared with that in the control group.However,no significant difference was observed in yield of tobacco leaves between the X4and control groups.Compared with that in the control group,the outputs of tobacco leaves in the X1,X2,X3,X4and X5 treatment groups were increased by 6 255,5 145,10 290,1 380 and 4 005 yuan/hm2,respectively.

Among the treatment groups,the proportions offirst-grade tobacco leaves ranked asX1>X5>X2>CK>X3> X4(Table 5).In the X1 treatment group with soil amendment composed of 50%LC+50%ZC,the proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves was highest,and it was 6.1%higher than that in the control group.The proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves in the X5treatment group was 1.8%higher than that in the control group.The difference in proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves between the X2and control groups was relatively small(only 0.3%).In the X3treatment group with soil amendment composed of 30% bamboo charcoal and 70%T20,the proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves was reduced by 3.3%compared with that in the control group.In the X4treatment group with soil amendment composed of 50%Si and 50%LC,the proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves was reduced by 4.1% compared with that in the control group.

Table 5 Effects of different soil amendment on agronomic traits,yield and output of fluecured tobacco

Table 6 Appearance quality evaluation of tobacco leaves under different soil amendments

Effect of different soil amendment on appearance quality of flue-cured tobacco

Appearance quality of flue-cured tobacco include color,maturity,leaf structure,identity,oil content,chro-maticity and other factors.The appearance quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves is generally graded comprehensively according to grading standards by experts.Appearance quality of flue-cured tobacco is affected by soil environment,climate,nutritional level and baking process[21-22].The fluecured tobacco leaves with high maturity,moderate thickness,loose structure,concentrated oil and high chromaticity are generally considered as first-grade tobacco leaves.Maturity can treated as a comprehensive indicator of appearance evaluation,but the other relevant factors also need to be taken into account[23-24].Yang et al.[25]found that the higher the maturity of tobacco leaves was,the looser the leaf structure was,and the higher the maturity of tobacco leaves was,the better the elasticity of tobacco leaves was.As shown in Table 6,the X5treatment group showed the highest(51.9,out of 60)total score,but the X3treatment group showed the lowest total score (36.8),which showed certain correlation with results about tobacco yield.The tobacco yield in the X3treatment group was highest,but in the X5 treatment group was equivalent to that in the control group.It suggests that soil amendments can improve appearance quality of tobacco leaves.

Table 7 Effect of different soil amendment on smoke quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves

Effect of different soil amendment on smoke quality of flue-cured tobacco

All the 5 testers considered that the tobacco leaves in the soil amendment treatment groups were better than those in the control group.Different tester gave different evaluation results on the same sample.The first tester considered that the tobacco leaves in the soil amendment treatment groups were all good,but the tobacco leaves in the X5treatment group were best.The tobacco leaves in the X3and X5treatment groups tasted slightly sweet.The second tester considered that the tobacco leaves in the soilamendmenttreatmentgroups were all better,and the quality of tobacco leaves in the X3,X4and X5treatment groups was equivalent to each other.The tobacco leaves in the X3,X4and X5treatment groups all had rich aroma,but the nicotine content in tobacco leaves of the X5treatment group was higher.The third tester considered that the tobacco leaves in the X3and X4treatment groups were better,and they had pure aroma.The quality of tobacco leaves in the X2treatment group was a little bad.The fourth tester considered that the tobacco leaves in the X1,X2,X3,X4and X5treatment groups were all good,in the X3 and X4treatment groups were better,and in the X4treatment group were best.There were no significant differences in tobacco quality among the other treatment groups.The fifth tester considered that the tobacco leaves in the X3,X4and X5treatment groups were better,and in the X5treatment group were bestwith appropriate smoke concentration.The tobacco leaves in the X4and X5treatment groups tasted sweeter,especially those in the X5treatment group.Overall,the tobacco leaves in the X5treatment group tasted better,but in the control treatment group tasted worse(Table 7).

Conclusions and Discussion

Many studies have pointed out that the application of soil amendments can improve the yield and quality of tobacco leaves[26-28].Biochar and inorganic mineral material are porous and ventilate with strong water retention capacity[29].After applied in soil,soil amendment can adsorb nutrients and then release continuously,thereby improving the utilization efficiency of fertilizer by tobacco roots,and further improving growth and development,yield and quality of tobacco leaves. Currently,there are various soil amendments on market,and tobaccogrowing soil also differs significantly across China.Therefore,soil amendment should be appropriately selected for different tobacco-growing soil.The combined application of biochar and inorganic mineral material has no significant effects on growth and development of tobacco leaves in early growth stage,but has significant effects in late growth period.

At the vigorous growth stage,the plant heights,stem diameters,maximum leaf lengths and widths and maximum leaf areas of tobacco leaves in the X1-X5treatment groups were all higher than those in the control group;at the mature stage,the maximum leaf lengths and widths of tobacco leaves in soil amendment treatment groups,except X1treatment group,were higher than those in the control group. However,Qin et al.[30]considered that biochar amendment showed no significant effects on tobacco leaves in late growth period.Compared with those in the control group,the yields of tobacco leaves in X2-X5treatment groups were increased by 27.0-397.5 kg/hm2,and outputs were increased by 1 380-10 290 yuan/hm2.In terms of grading,the proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves in the X1treatment group was 6.1%higher than that in the control group,and in the X5treatment group was 1.8%higher than that in the control group.It indicated that the soil amendmentcomposedofbamboo charcoal and rice husk charcoal mightbe better than the soil amendment composed of bamboo biochar and inorganic mineral material.Among the soil amendments,the effects of X1and X4treatments containing rice husk charcoal were weaker than those of the others,which might be caused by smaller porosity of rice husk charcoal. The results also showed that soil amendments all could improve tobacco yield.In particular,the yield of tobacco leaves was increased greatest by X3treatment(70%T20+30%ZC),and the proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves in the X1treatment group was highest.The results above were consistent with those of Li et al.[31],proving yield-improving effect of soil amendment on tobacco leaves.Considering appearance and smoke quality,tobacco leaf quality was further improved by soil amendments.Overall,the application of soil amendment in tobaccogrowing soilin South Anhuican achieve the desired results.However,how to control costs and increase application is worth further study.

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Responsible editor:Tingting XU

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU



[目的]探讨生物质炭与无机矿石材料组合的土壤结构改良剂对皖南烤烟生长发育、产量及产值的影响。[方法]采用田间小区试验,分析烤烟各个生育期的农艺性状、产量与产值,进行外观质量评价和烟气评吸鉴定。[结果]不同生物炭与无机矿石材料组合的改良剂可明显增加烟叶生育中后期的株高、茎粗和叶片大小、增加烟叶产量产值和上等烟叶的比例,其中X3处理(70%T20+30%ZC)增产最多,较对照处理增产398 kg/hm2,产值增加10 290元/hm2。从烟叶的外观质量评价和烟气评吸鉴定来看,所有改良剂处理均优于CK处理。[结论]施用生物炭和无机矿石改良剂是皖南地区改良植烟土壤、促进烟叶生长发育、提高产量和产值、提升烟叶品质的有效措施。





Supported by Special Project for Shanghai and Anhui Modern Tobacco Agricultural High-tech Demonstration Park(CF56.1-ZJ1).

*Corresponding author.E-mail:isscaspjh1989@163.com

Received:September 2,2015 Accepted:November 2,2015


修回日期 2015-11-02
