
2015-11-05 08:33张昭寰肖莉莉刘海泉潘迎捷
食品工业科技 2015年12期

娄  阳,张昭寰,肖莉莉,刘海泉,2,3,潘迎捷,2,3,赵  勇,2,3,*







抗生素作为20世纪最重要的医学发现之一,具有防治疾病、促进机体生长等功效,在全球范围内广泛应用于医疗业与养殖业中[1-2]。但近年来,随着抗生素的过度使用和长期滥用,导致的细菌耐药性问题日趋严重,已成为当前国际学术领域研究的热点之一。研究表明,抗生素抗性基因(Antibiotic Resistance Genes,ARGs)是细菌耐药性产生及传播的关键因素,能使抗生素对微生物作用降低甚至完全失效[3]。世界卫生组织(WHO)已将ARGs作为21世纪威胁人类健康的最重大挑战之一,并宣布将在全球范围内对控制ARGs进行战略部署[4]。2006年,自Pruden等[5]将ARGs作为一种新型环境污染物提出之后,有关其在各种介质中传播和污染的研究与报道日益增多。

ARGs主要广泛存在于食品、土壤、水体和大气等介质中[6-7],并可通过水平基因转移(Horizontal Gene Transfer,HGT)机制随食物链进入人体[8],对人类健康和流行病的防治构成潜在的威胁。目前,国内外对于ARGs的综述多集中于土壤、水体和大气等环境介质[9-10],但对食品及食品相关环境中ARGs的研究尚缺乏系统性的归纳和总结。食品作为ARGs的储存库和传播工具,被认为是ARGs进入人体最直接的载体,应当被政府和研究人员给予更高程度的关注。


1 食品源中抗生素抗性基因的污染来源



图1 抗生素抗性基因在食品中潜在的传播Fig.1 Potential exposure pathways and transport of antibiotic resistance genes in food

2 抗生素抗性基因在食品中污染现状





表1 产品中检出的抗生素抗性基因Table 1 Detection of antibiotic resistance genes in food



表2 食品相关环境中检出的抗生素抗性基因Table 2 Detection of antibiotic resistance genes in food related environment

3 抗生素抗性基因在食品相关环境中污染现状






4 展望






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Research progress of source and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in food

LOU Yang1,ZHANG Zhao-huan1,XIAO Li-li1,LIU Hai-quan1,2,3,PAN Ying-jie1,2,3,ZHAO Yong1,2,3,*
(1.College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;2.Laboratory of Quality and Safety Risk Assessment for Aquatic Products on Storage and Preservation Shanghai,Ministry of Agriculture,Shanghai 201306,China;3.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Aquatic-Product Processing and Preservation,Shanghai 201306,China)

The existence of antibiotic resistance genes in food poses enormous potential threaten to human health.The source,transport and distribution situations of ARGs in food and food related environment were systematically elaborated in this review.Meanwhile,combining with the latest research progress,the necessity of the study on ARGs in food was pointed out domestically.In addition,the further research directions were proposed.

antibiotic resistance genes;carrier;dissemination tool;food;food related environment









畜禽夏季喂野菜 防病快长真不赖
夏季养畜禽 驱蚊有妙招
多胚蛋白酶 高效养畜禽