
2015-11-02 06:48曾睿
重庆与世界 2015年9期

□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿

□ Written by Zeng Rui


□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿

翟雷鸣中华人民共和国外交部领事司副司长、领事保护中心主任 摄影:唐楠














2015年重庆市海外领事保护工作培训会在重庆举行,翟雷鸣在会上作报告。 摄影:唐楠








“Seeking Security before Pursuing Development”—The Dialogue with Zhai Leiming, deputy director general of the Department of Consular Affairs of the People's Republic of China and director of the Center for Consular Protection

□ Written by Zeng Rui

Personage introduction:Zhai Leiming, deputy director general of the Department of Consular Affairs of the People's Republic of China and director of the Center for Consular Protection

With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, more and more Chinese citizens and enterprises “go out”, and thus their overseas security is also drawing more attention of the society from all walks of life than ever before. In April this year, the Chinese government deployed naval ships for emergency evacuation of Chinese citizens in Yemen; the Chinese government took powerful “China Action” to offer assistance in Nepal earthquake and made great contribution in recent event of lost MH370 f ight, all of which make it continue to become the focus of attention the problems of Chinese citizens' overseas risk and consular protection safety. Recently, Zhai Leiming, deputy director general of the department of consular affairs of the People's Republic of China and director of the center of consular protection has made a special trip to guide foreign affairs system for launching foreign consular protection in Chongqing. Therefore,we give an exclusive interview to Zhai Leiming especially for such topics as overseas security risks of Chinese citizens and enterprises and consular protection.

Reporter: Director Zhai, welcome to come to the mountain city of Chongqing in summer. Now, more and more Chinese citizens and enterprises to go abroad and their overseas security is also getting more attention of the society from all walks of life than ever before since the Chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and enterprises in the overseas. Could you tell me what's working mechanisms our country government has built currently? Which consular services can Chinese citizens and enterprises in overseas get? What do you think of the present situation of Chinese citizens and enterprises' overseas security as a decision maker and executive director of overseas safety emergencies for Chinese citizens and companies dealt by our country's foreign ministry?

Zhai Leiming: Thanks for your question. For everyone,including myself, consular protection is a new thing. Consular protection is to serve each individual citizen. In the past,because few of citizens went abroad and very few chances of emergency cases existed, there was almost no need to give some consular protection. Consular protection is a new f eld of China's diplomacy as well as one of the highlights of China's diplomacy, for it involves every Chinese who go abroad. In the process of “going out”, especially in recent ten years, Chinese citizens suffer a lot of things in overseas. According to the reports, the leader's care and public attention from people push the consular protection work to an unprecedented height.

In 2004, 11 Chinese workers were killed in Afghanistan,which shocked the whole nation. It was an event of terrorist attack against overseas Chinese citizens with most death tolls we have met so far, giving rise to high attention to the overseas security of Chinese citizens and enterprises paid by the state leaders and all walks of life. Subsequently, led by the ministry of foreign affairs, a Joint Inter-ministerial Conference Mechanism for protecting the security of overseas Chinesecitizens and institutions has been established; since 2004 since the establishment of the Joint Inter-ministerial Conference Mechanism, China has basically established central and local overseas embassies and consulates, a “five-in-one” linkage mechanism of overseas safety protection for enterprises and individuals through continuous exploration and practice, and also implemented the regular overseas risk assessment system,thus making dramatic breakthroughs in the safety protection for overseas Chinese citizens and institutions. Regardless of Libyan evacuation of overseas Chinese in 2011 or Yemen evacuation and rescue in Nepal earthquake this year, the mechanism always f rst starts, actively to help those in trouble abroad by means of gathering comprehensive power in all aspects. In April this year, the Chinese government dispatched naval ships to evacuate Chinese citizens and some foreign nationals in Yemen, which is the f rst time for China to evacuate their compatriots with armed forces in Chinese history. Earlier,when Libyan unrest happened in 2011 and the whole country kept in anarchy, the Chinese government evacuated more than 35800 people from Libya for emergency, leaving wonders in the history of global consular protection.

Anyone who has Chinese nationality in accordance with the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China shall get consular protection by the Chinese government in overseas. That is to say, all the Chinese citizens can be offered consular protection from Chinese embassies and consulates,whether these people are overseas Chinese settling abroad,or temporary traveler to go abroad or inhabitants of mainland China or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots. Once the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal persons in the host country are in illegal infringement, Chinese embassies and consulates will state the relevant requirements and urge their host authorities to handle issues fairly, friendly and properly in accordance with the generally accepted principles of international law, the relevant international conventions, bilateral treaties or agreements and relevant laws of China and their host countries. Besides, Consular protection includes help or assistance our overseas embassies and consulates offer to Chinese citizens or legal person such as providing safety information about international travel, assisting to hire lawyers and translators, visiting detained personnel and helping to evacuate dangerous areas, etc.

At present, the situation of Chinese citizens and enterprises at overseas security risk is not so optimistic that it presents the characteristics of “simultaneously rising of volume and rate”. In 2014, the annual number of mainland residents outbound gets breakthrough of a hundred million,reaching117 million, a year-on-year increase of 18.453 million,a new high for 5 years. In addition, there are more than 25000 overseas Chinese enterprises, with total assets abroad of nearly $3 trillion. In 2014, the number of consular protection and assistance cases that China's overseas diplomatic and consular institutions accepted throughout the year continues to rise sharply, up to 59526, including 14340 cases of consular protection and 45186 cases of consular assistance.

Reporter: ln the current time, centered on the national strategy of “One Belt and One Road” and the big channel of Central Europe Railways such as “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe”, all the provinces and cities nationwide are actively deepening opening to the outside world with great vigor and continuously expanding foreign exchanges,which will inevitably bring a large number of personnel exchanges and economic and trade cooperation. Please talk about the great significance of doing consular protection well to promoting the opening to the outside world and boosting the local economic and social development.

Zhai Leiming: We think that to pursue development,seeking security is the f rst priority. The safety of people and institutions in enterprises that “go out” is not only the foundation of further development for those enterprises in overseas, but is the premise of sustainable extension to achieve economies of scale and also our requirements to maintain overseas interests and personnel safety. This is a “livelihood project for overseas people” as well as very large system engineering, dependent heavily on the understanding and support from all departments and all sectors of society, and even more on the concern and commitment to security work from our enterprises which“go abroad”. In spite of overseas risk, some measures taken effectively can mitigate these risks, reduce and avoid the loss as much as possible.

Both “One Belt and One Road” and “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe” Railway are involved in central Asia where relevant countries have common faith in Islam. Due to different national conditions, there exist religious issues, unbalanced development, relatively unsound laws and regulations and social public security problems in individual areas from the overall point of view all of which require us to pay attention. The key for us is to understand and make clear of the country we want to go. When go further to know a certain country, we must get some accurate information from authoritative sourcesin a timely manner. It is useful to turn to Chinese consular service network and hotline—12308. The official websites of overseas embassies and consulates can provide security timely authoritative warning with accurateness; if the condition allows, you can also go directly to foreign authoritative website to see related information, so that the various understanding of the situation of the destination country can be attained. In brief, there are four sentences to summarize: one is to take precautions—to get the knowledge about customs, folkways,laws and regulations, safety risk, the social security, and epidemic situation in the destination as much as possible before starting out. The second sentence is to ask about taboos and bans upon arrival in a foreign country—to keep yourself informed of what things are forbidden and what things can be done in the country you are entering; for example, in Arab countries, one can't bring alcohol drinks or liquor and can't bare his body, or it will cause trouble. The third sentence is called “do in Rome as Rome does”—to do things in accordance with the rules in foreign countries regardless of your wealth .The fourth sentence is to do within our capabilities—to know how many things you can be competent to do without reluctance, which is very important not only for our enterprises but also the citizens,this sentence is very important, for it is no use doing things that is impossible to be completed.

Reporter: For many ordinary people, “consular protection” is a relatively new concept. As head of consular protection center of the ministry of foreign affairs, could you tell us the significance of “consular protection” for the common people in the most popular language? What do you want to say to a growing number of Chinese citizens who “go out”?

Zhai Leiming: Nowadays, no country or nation like China has such a large number of people to go abroad; never before can a country like China go out so quickly; it is the most significant population migration on this planet. In the year of 2014, our outbound people reached 117 million, with pure shopping consumption abroad from mainland residents totaling more than 1 trillion yuan; Chinese labor service personnel in the overseas exceeded 7 million people and staffs who study abroad are up to more than 1.7 million people, including nearly 500000 students alone in 2014. With so many people go abroad to study,to make a living and to strive, an overseas Chinese, as we say,has been formed and in rapid development, which def nitely bring the surge in both cases and demand of consular protection.

If I had to summarize the meaning of consular protection in the most popular words that is “where compatriots are,where our protection is”. Our fellow citizens, please remember hotline number: 12308. 12308 is the harmonics of 123 consular protection, which is very easy to remember. If our citizens and legal persons abroad feel security threatened, or our legitimate rights and interests are violated, you can contact our embassies and consulates or dial the hotline—12308 in the emergency call center of consular protection of the People's Republic of China, to ask for help. The hotline has offered a lot of helps for our compatriots all over the world on its the opening from the beginning; for example, a female overseas student's life was saved on the opening day. As a diplomat, maybe we have to pay more attention to Chinese citizens and enterprises' safety in the overseas than any other professional people. So we hope that every fellow who “go out” can have the basic knowledge of overseas security and consular protection, and be sure to remember the number 12308.

Reporter: You have emphasized that when enterprises “go out”, they must pay special attention to the consciousness of “actively building overseas security of development”. Which aspects do you think the consciousness should be mainly ref ected in the process of “going out” for Chinese enterprises? And what advice do you have for a growing number of Chinese enterprises'“going out”?

Zhai Leiming: Personally, I think this is a problem,because the awareness of “actively building overseas security of development” that we have been calling for is also the important content for Chinese enterprises in overseas to guard against security risks at the same time. In particular way, we suggest that: the first thing to do is the safety assessment in which safety must be put in the first place by closely tracing the local security situation, preparing for the warning, and keeping in touch with the local embassy or consulate. In terms of negotiating project contract, security issues must be put forward to partners and the best way is to entrust security responsibility to the local government and local partners; at the same time, it requires the owner to take responsibility for solving the problems of a work visa and the labor contract. On the one hand, our demand of domestic labor employment is quite large; on the other hand, the huge “going out” f ow of labor force may bother the local government and the local people as they perhaps think we go out seemingly just for earning money andcompeting with them, and therefore we hope in the future that those enterprises especially engaging in engineering contract must be sure to make the labor contract clear with cooperators. Second, perfecting the security system of enterprises and clarifying the relationship of safety responsibility between domestic headquarters and international divisions. For outbound projects, rules and regulations and pre-arranged planning of emergency disposal shall be formulated as soon as possible to ensure the jurisdiction of clear responsibilities,and our contractors involved shall also take responsibility for their own actions. The dozen of tasks of overseas emergency evacuation distinguishes the team with rules from those without rules; it will be very diff cult to evacuate for a temporary team with no training or rules. Third, increasing security investment,we should be generous with money spent on security by putting the security input into cost. Fourth, adhering to management abide by the law. Fifth, strengthening the discipline of employees; we must make clear of what we can do and what we cannot after all we are in others' territorial dominance. Sixth,we should uphold the coexistence of economic and social benefits. Seventh, we should actively integrate into the local society, improve the management level of localization and also pay attention to the feedback of local society. Eighth, we should be endeavoring to conduct public diplomacy and to introduce ourselves much more, the positive side to others.

Here, I especially want to emphasize two points: one is that big economic interests should be one ticket veto to refuse in face of the overseas security risks. The other is that we keep the law in the management and never do anything that are forbidden or nor dare to do in the domestic even though going abroad.

Reporter: As you mentioned in a speech, the responsibility of the consular protection is to protect the limited legal right that need to be paid, but how can we understand the concept correctly such as “legal right”,“limited”, “need to be paid”?

Zhai Leiming: That's a good question. Consular protection isn't omnipotent, just like that we can recommend you a lawyer,but you should not take it for granted that the lawyer can help you win a lawsuit. We can recommend you a translator, but he may not meet your requirements. Consular protection need to be paid, any one of the protection will take tangible or intangible resources. Consular protection takes national diplomatic resources, bilateral relations, even the relationship built by several generations of diplomats with several years' effort. All these resources belong to the country and all Chinese people but not any one of the nation. Therefore, sometimes it takes great efforts for us to accomplish a perfect consular protection. Of course, if influenced by force majeure, such as natural disaster, earthquake, tsunami and disease, the government will be indispensable to make its best endeavors to ensure the safety of the overseas citizens. It is a correct outlook on consular protection that citizens should try their best to avoid cases caused by personal reasons.

Reporter: You always call on the countrymen to notice the civilized quality and outward image, why do you have such a profoundly feeling? From the public media perspective, besides blindly “exposure”, which aspects can lead us to right direction?

Zhai Leiming: It is not a long time since we going out,many behavior need to be regulated; only a few people abroad bring about negative effect. What I want to say to our fellow citizens is that Chinese diplomacy is not only the Chinese foreign ministry's diplomacy, while the image of China is not only the Chinese foreign ministry's image. Anyone dealing with others is part of Chinese diplomacy and image of China. In their eyes, “you represent China.” Meanwhile, I want to warn that some of the actions which are universal at home can be treated as uncivilized at abroad. Besides, you may be easily to be the target of the criminals. For example, Chinese people are rich, they spend money like water and always have a shopping spree. They wear gold and silver jewelry without covering up while going out. Especially for those people who leave their luggage and valuables aside while taking photos, they take it for granted that it's safe, but nothing left at last. Since all these happened in Europe, let alone other backward-developed countries without perfect legal system.

Consular protection cannot live without the media. Generally speaking, consular protection includes emergency disposal and preventive consular protection. We always stick to the point that best consular protection isn't as good as nothing happened, so we pay much attention to the publicity of preventive consular protection. The effect is self-evident. However, consular emergency disposal is a special field,great skills are needed for media publicity, thus, we sincerely hope the media fellows that support us as always can fully understand the particularity of our work, and go on helping us to have a better publicity of the preventive consular protection.

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