来源出版物:Insect Science,2015,22(4): 495-502
封面介绍:照片示贵州施秉喀斯特地貌。本期报道了施秉喀斯特地区林地土壤甲螨的群落组成及多样性的研究(pp. 791-799)。照片由贵州师范大学罗泰昌于2011年7月摄于贵州施秉上舞阳河景区。
目的:为了解施秉喀斯特地区林地土壤甲螨的分布和群落组成特点,明确中国西南喀斯特地区林地类型对土壤甲螨群落密度、组成和物种多样性的影响,对该区林地土壤甲螨的群落结构及多样性进行了的调查和分析。方法:2012年8月选取了中国西南施秉喀斯特地区典型生境中的8个样地,每个样地9个取样点,用Berlese-Tullgren装置分离土样24 h。多样性分析采用常见的多样性指数;群落相似性分析采用Jaccard相似性系数(CJ);群落聚类分析分别采用Marczewski-Steinhaus距离(Cms)和Bray-Curtis距离,应用R 2.11程序进行类平均法聚类。结果:中国西南喀斯特8个样地中土壤甲螨由少数的优势属和数量众多的稀有属组成。其中全菌甲螨属 Perscheloribates(22.48%)和长单翼甲螨属Protoribates(11.45%)个体数量最为丰富。长单翼甲螨属Protoribate、上罗甲螨属Epilohmannia、小奥甲螨属Oppiella、小盾珠甲螨属Suctobelbella和盖头甲螨属Tectocepheus分布广泛。本区的甲螨组成(属级水平)表现出明显热带和亚热带地区特点。在天然常绿落叶阔叶林中,甲螨的个体数量和种类数较多,但多样性不高,而在人工针叶林中甲螨多样性最高。甲螨群落组成和分布特征多样,异质性高,特别是在天然常绿落叶阔叶林中突出。结论:施秉喀斯特生态系统的不同林分影响甲螨的物种多样性和群落稳定性,天然常绿落叶阔叶混交林是甲螨的“避难所”。
来源出版物:昆虫学报,2015,58(7): 791-799联系邮箱:张燕,zhangysd@163.com
封面介绍:A burying beetle mother(Nicrophorus vespilloides)interacts with and feeds its offspring in the mouse carcass she has prepared. In the brain,there is variation in the differential expression of the eight orthologs of octopamine across different social and reproductive contexts. In this issue,Cunningham et al. show that the different orthologs of octopamine also vary in differential expression in different tissues? see pages 495-502,photo by Allen J. Moore.
Expression of octopaminergic receptor genes in 4 nonneural tissues in female Nicrophorus vespilloides beetles
Christopher B. Cunningham; Mary K. Douthit; Allen J. Moore
Octopamine regulates the function of many tissues and physiological processes in invertebrates. The expression of octopamine receptor genes has been examined in multiple tissue types in several different insect orders. However,little work has addressed this issue in Coleoptera. Most studies characterize individual genes in different tissue types,but here we describe the expression of 6 octopamine receptor genes in thoracic musculature,oviducts,Malpighian tubules,and fat body of female Nicrophorus vespilloides beetles to characterize both different genes and different tissues within a single study. We then compare the gene expression profiles found in this beetle to other insects to examine the extent to which expression profiles are conserved across insects. We also examine the relative involvement of octopamine verses octopamine/tyramine receptors based on receptor gene expression in each tissue to help elucidate if tyramine plays a role in the regulation of these tissues. We find a high degree of overlap in the expression profile of the 6 genes examined in the thoracic musculature,a moderate amount for the oviducts,and divergent profiles for Malpighian tubules and fat body. Based on expression difference in receptor subtypes,our results also support the suggestion that tyramine is a biogenic amine with physiological actions separate from octopamine.
biogenic amines; Coleoptera; G-protein coupled receptors; quantitative real-time PCR