摘 要:本文筆者认为,高中英语单元复习课的由四个模块构成。这四个模块即课文内容再现、语言知识复习、语法概念图编制和综合语言运用。基于这样的原因,笔者提出了高中英语单元复习课要围绕以上四个模块进行的教学策略。这对我们提高高中英语教学的有效性,促进学生英语综合能力的素养的提升,无疑是一个很好的借鉴。
下面,笔者以人教版《英语》第一册必修Unit one Friendship单元为例,简要谈谈高中英语单元复习课的教学策略。
Anne______in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. As her family was Jewish, they had to ______ in order not to ______ by the German Nazis. Anne regarded her diary as her best friend. She didnt want to ______ a series of ____ in a diary as most people do, but she wanted the diary itself to be her ______ . she wandered if it was because she hadnt been able to be outdoors for so long that she had grown ______ about everything to_______ nature. But sadly, she was only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It was ______ looking through these any longer because nature was one thing that really must_______.
He ______the doctors advice and goes on smoking.
In the _______ soil, there is a lot of air.
She doesnt want to set down a _____ of facts in a diary as most people do.
The mother tried to ____ down her crying baby.
Her son fell ill yesterday, which ____ her.
Knowledge is _____, which proves to be true.
People often see lightening before _____ in the stormy evening.
We cant do it best if we dont _____ put our heart onto our study.
Nobody knows who created the ______ , but this is a useful creation.
The street were _____ and the day was dull.
(参考答案:1. ignores 2. loose 3. series 4. calm. 5. upset 6. power 7. thunder 8. entirely 9. curtain 10. dusty)
(1)The street lights go on ______.
Excuse me, is John Smith in?
(2)John Smith? He _____lives here. He moved out a few weeks ago.
(3)You could have just phoned.
I want to explain things ______.
(4)Please ______ all the money I owe you and let me know how much it is.
(5)Was it an accident or did David do it _______.
(6)There will be _____ lectures by Professor Eric Robinson next week .
(7)_______ and tell me what happened.
(8)The President is deeply______ this issue.
(9)When I was back home from the trip, I wanted to ______my feelings on paper.
(10)When youre ______ a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone.
(參考答案:1. at dusk 2. no longer 3. face to face 4. add up 5. on purpose 6. a series of 7. calm down 8. concerned about 9. set down 10. going through)