摘 要:中国石化塔河炼化有限责任公司2#制氢转化炉对流室转化原料预热段出口集合管的加强接头出现了裂纹,导致装置紧急停车。对开裂的炉管进行了有限元分析,分析结果表明:工作时由于炉管与旁边的横梁接触,使加强接头在外壁产生了最大应力,最大应力值为90.3 MPa,此应力高于632 ℃下材料的许用应力,因此导致炉管开裂。同时,还对炉管开裂位置的母材进行了金相分析,发现开裂位置的母材晶粒粗大,并有碳析出,导致晶界弱化。根据应力分析和金相分析结果,对炉管热膨胀定位方式进行了整改,有效地消除了炉管应力。整改后对裂纹部位进行了打磨、焊接,并在检验合格后再次投用生产。
关 键 词:转化炉;炉管;有限元;金相组织
中图分类号:TQ 116 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1006-1878(2015)07-1684-03
Reason Analysis and Treatment Measures of the Crack on the Strengthened
Joint of the Collection Tube of the Hydrogen Reformer Furnace
HAN Yu-chang
(Sinopec Tahe Petrochemical Co., Ltd.,Xinjiang Kuche 842000, China)
Abstract: Cracks were found on the strengthened joint of the export collection tube in the preheating section for transformation materials of the 2# hydrogen reformer furnace convection cell in Tahe branch. In this paper, the cracked furnace tube was analyzed through finite element method. It was shown that the maximum stress of the strengthened joint was located at the outer wall because of the contact between the furnace tube and the beam beside during the work. The maximum stress was as high as 90.3 MPa, which is higher than the allowable stress of the material at 632 ℃, resulting in the cracking of the furnace tube. At the same time, the metallographic structure of the parent metal at the crack of the furnace tube was also analyzed. Its found that the grain of the parent metal was coarse, with carbon precipitating out, thus causing the grain boundary weaken. According to the results of the stress analysis and metallographic analysis, the position method for the thermal expansion of the furnace tube was rectified, and the stress of the furnace tube was eliminated effectively. After the rectification, the crack position was then ground and welded. The device was put into service again after passing inspection.
Key words: Reformer; Furnace tube; Finite element; Metallographic structure
中国石化塔河炼化有限责任公司2万标m3/h时制氢装置于2010 年9 月投入运行,本装置是由洛阳院总承包,转化炉对流段盘管是由哈尔滨哈锅工程技术有限责任公司制造,中石化第十建设公司安装施工。
2011年6月20日, 2#制氢转化炉(0213-F101)对流室转化原料预热段出口集合管的加强接头发生泄漏,导致装置紧急停车。经检查,发现共有两个加强接头出现裂纹,裂纹部位均位于加强接头的拐角处。一个4#管,另一个2#管,经过紧急抢修,于2011年7月2日恢复生产。2011年10月27日,2#管的加强接头再次发生泄漏,裂纹位置处于上次修補焊缝的下融合线处的热影响区内。本文采用有限元分析方法和金相组织分析,主要探讨加强接头出现裂纹的原因,并对裂纹采取有效地修复措施。
1 转化炉技术参数
转化原料气中主要含有H2O、H2、CO2、CO、CH4、N2等。原料预热段的操作压力为2.65 MPa、设计压力为3.25 MPa,操作温度为560~610 ℃、设计温度为630 ℃。转化炉加强接头的材质为F347H、集合管和炉管的材质为TP347H。加强接头锻件经过固熔处理,接头与集合管焊接后进行了整体稳定化热处理。