赵波 李颖毅
[摘 要] 目的:探讨肾细胞癌组织中鸟嘌呤核苷酸解离抑制因子2(RhoGDI2)的表达及其与临床病理因素关系。方法:选择2010年1月至2014年8月期间60例肾细胞癌患者为研究对象;检测癌及癌旁组织RhoGDI2表达,分析RhoGDI2的表达与肾细胞癌临床病理关系。结果:肾细胞癌组织中RhoGDI2的表达水平高于癌旁组织,肾细胞癌组织中RhoGDI2表达的阳性率(70.0%)显著高于癌旁组织(38.3%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.1175,P=0.0005);肾细胞癌组织中RhoGDI2的表达与病理分期、分化程度、淋巴结转移、肿瘤大小有显著相关性(P<0.05)。结论:RhoGDI2在肾细胞癌中呈高表达;肾细胞癌中RhoGDI2的表达参与了肾细胞癌的发病、转移和进展。
[关键词] 肾细胞癌;鸟嘌呤核苷酸解离抑制因子2;病理
中图分类号:R737.11 文献标识码: B 文章编号:2095-5200(2015)05-122-03
[Abstract] Objective: To study expression of guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitory factor 2 in renal cell carcinoma and the correlation with clinical pathology. Methods: 60 cases of renal cell carcinoma patients were selected as the research object.The expression of RhoGDI2, and the correlation with clinical pathology in renal cell carcinoma were made for statistical analysis. (1)From Jan. 2010 to Aug. 2014, immunohistochemistry was used to assess the expression of RhoGDI2 in 60 pairs of renal cell carcinoma tissues and adjacent pancreatic tissues, and its correlation with clinicopathological features was also analyzed. Results: RhoGDI2 expression level in renal cell carcinoma tissues was higher than the tissue adjacent to carcinoma. Positive rate (70.0%) of RhoGDI2 expression in renal cell carcinoma tissue was significantly higher than tissue adjacent to carcinoma (38.3%), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=12.1175,P=0.0005). RhoGDI2 expression in renal cell carcinoma tissue were significantly correlated with pathological staging, degree of differentiation, lymph node metastasis, tumor size (P<0.05). Conclusion: RhoGDI2 is highly expressed in renal cell carcinoma; The expression of RhoGDI2 is involved in the pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma, metastasis and progress in renal cell carcinoma.
[Key words] Renal cell carcinoma; Guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitory factor 2; Pathology
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
选择2010年1月至2014年8月期间被我院收治60例肾细胞癌患者为研究对象,患者年龄42~80岁,平均(57.2±4.16)岁,男38例,女22 例,体重指数为(21.59±3.10 )kg/m2。60例肾细胞癌患者均经手术病理证实为肾细胞癌,符合肾细胞癌诊断标准[8]。排除近3个月内接受靶向治疗、放化疗者;严重精神疾病者;肺结核者;免疫性疾病者;急性感染者;其他系统恶性肿瘤;过度饮酒者;资料缺失;未完成随访者。按照病理分期,I期12例,II期48例。取相邻癌旁组织为对照组。本研究获我院伦理委员会审核批准,并经患者签署知情同意书。
1.2 免疫组化方法
术中取直径5~8 mm标本,中性福尔马林保存。石蜡块切成4?m厚标本,经孵育、染色,高倍镜下观察。判定按照细胞染色强度:无染色0 分,淡黄色 1 分,棕黄色 2 分,深褐色 3 分。染色细胞阳性率:0 分为阴性;小于 25%判定为 1 分;25%与 50%之间为 2 分;50%与 70%之间为 3 分;大于 75%为 4 分。得分为 0 即阴性,2~3 即弱阳性,4~5 分即中等阳性,6~7 分即强阳性[6]。
1.3 统计学处理
采用SPSS 17.0软件,计数资料采用χ2检验,病理参数间统计执行person χ2检验,等级资料采用秩和检验;P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 肾细胞癌、癌旁组织中RhoGDI2表达
2.2 RhoGDI2在肾细胞癌组织中表达与病理关系
3 讨论
另有学者研究认为:RhoGDI2参与肾细胞癌进展另一种可能机制为:RhoGDI2通过上调基质金属蛋白酶2(MMP2)表达参与肾细胞癌进展及肿瘤细胞增殖和转移[15]。恶性肿瘤组织中RhoGDI2 mRNA及MMP2 mRNA检测水平明显高于癌旁组织,而相关性显示,RhoGDI2及MMP2表达之间呈现正相关,表明RhoGDI2及MMP2可能共同参与了恶性肿瘤发病及进展。
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