Secure Communication Networks in the Advanced Metering Infrastructure of Smart Grid

2015-10-11 06:11:33FengYeandYiQian
ZTE Communications 2015年3期

Feng Ye and Yi Qian

(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Nebraska-Lincoln,Lincoln,NE 68124,USA)

Secure Communication Networks in the Advanced Metering Infrastructure of Smart Grid

Feng Ye and Yi Qian

(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Nebraska-Lincoln,Lincoln,NE 68124,USA)

In this paper,a security protocol for the advanced metering infrastructure(AMI)in smart grid is proposed.Through the AMI,customers and the service provider achieve two-way communication.Real-time monitoring and demand response can be applied because of the information exchanged.Since the information contains much privacy of the customer,and the control messages need to be authenticated,security needs to be ensured for the communication in the AMI.Due to the complicated network structure of the AMI,the asymmetric communications,and various security requirements,existing security protocols for other networks can hardly be applied into the AMI directly.Therefore,a security protocol specifically for the AMI to meet the security requirements is proposed.Our proposed security protocol includes initial authentication,secure uplink data aggregation,secure downlink data transmission,and domain secrets update.Compared with existing researches in related areas,our proposed security protocol takes the asymmetric communications of the AMI and various security requirements in smart grid into consideration.

smart grid;advanced metering infrastructure;network security;privacy

1 Introduction

I n smart grid,the communication networks have been updated to more complicated and bidirectional ones. Data transmitted more frequently over the networks in much larger quantity.Therefore,compared with the communication in traditional power grid,network security issues are more important[1]-[3].The advanced metering infrastructure(AMI)is a system that collects and analyzes data from smart meters,and giving intelligent management of various power-related applications and services based on that data. An AMI has a hierarchical network structure.It consists of home area networks(HANs),neighborhood area networks(NANs),and a wide area network(WAN).In each HAN,there is a smart meter which monitors the energy consumption of the appliances and other power line status in that household.Metering data(data that is generated by smart meters)is uploaded to the metering data management system(MDMS)at the service provider side.Based on the metering data and other monitoring data from sensors,the service provider is able to have precise real-time monitor over the power grid.Moreover,demand response[4]-[7]can be applied with timely informationexchange between the customers and the service provider.As a result of the modern control system,smart grid is more efficient and eco-friendly compared with the traditional power grid.However,in order to achieve optimal control and demand response through the AMI,the data in uplink transmissions from smart meters to the MDMS includes secret information. For example,power usage of a household is included in metering data.Those data will be collected by the MDMS and be further applied to determine the power generation and the usage of renewable energy.Nonetheless,power usage pattern may reveal lifestyle of the corresponding customers.The controlling data in downlink transmissions involve the price/tariff information.Forgery or manipulation of such information may let the demand response be astray from being efficient.

In this paper,we propose a network security protocol for the AMI.The WAN in AMI is a high speed backhaul network,which has robust security mechanisms from fiber optic networks or ethernet.Therefore,the security issues in AMI.Thus,our focus is on the wireless portion of the AMI,including smart meters from HANs and data aggregate points(DAPs)from NANs.Specifically,the proposed network security protocol includes four parts:initial authentication,secure uplink data aggregation,secure downlink data transmission,and domain secrets update.Initial authentication is for the nodes such as smart meters and DAPs to join the AMI.Security schemes foruplink and downlink transmissions are independently designed because of the asymmetric communications.Data in the uplink is more in quantity and higher in frequency.It features a many to-one communication.Moreover,aggregated data is enough,for instance,the aggregated power consumption for the service provider.Nonetheless,confidentiality of the controlling data in downlink may not be an issue.For instance,pricing/tariff is supposed to be public for the customers.Data integrity and sender authentication are more important for such controlling data.In addition,domain secrets such as session keys,public/private keys,and other secrets need to get refreshed once in a while.In the proposed domain secret update process,the communications remain uninterrupted.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In Section 2,related work is discussed.In Section 3,the studied AMI is illustrated.In Section 4,the security schemes for the AMI are proposed.In Section 5,the conclusion and the future work are given.

2 Related Work

Although HANs and NANs in the AMI have structures of wireless mesh networks(WMNs)[8],[9],difference can be addressed in three holds.First,each smart meter must be available and be treated equally in the network since fairness must be applied to each of the customers while traditional WMN does not emphasize availability for each wireless node let alone fairness.Second,the deployment of smart meters are fixed and in specific orders since they are deployed in each household and the houses are in fixed position in most cases,while the wireless nodes in traditional WMN are usually deployed randomly and redundantly.Third,the uplink transmission and downlink transmission in AMI are asymmetric where the uplink transmission consists of different data from each smart meter to the MDMS and the most of the downlink transmissions are in broadcast mode,while in traditional WMN,the uplink or downlink can even barely be distinguished.Our proposed network security protocol is designed to match the uniqueness of AMI.

There are several researches for the security issues in AMI[10]-[13],however,there are very few comprehensive security protocols for AMI.In[12],the authors proposed a protocol called integrated authentication and confidentiality(IAC)which involves the initial authentication of a smart meter,and the security in both uplink and downlink transmissions.However,IAC has several problems to be addressed.1)The smart meters are not treated equally where some of them are chosen to be the backbone nodes and proceed with security protocol,while the others must go through the backbone nodes,however the backbone nodes selection does not have any security concern.2)The initial authentication process cannot prevent replay attack or even forgery if the initial request is overheard by the attacker.3)The security protocol in uplink transmission cannot handle multiple incoming data at an intermediate node. 4)Compromise of a node will at least endangers another node since they share the same secret key for message encryption. 5)The security protocol for downlink transmission is too complicated since IAC did not consider broadcast scenario as the main transmission mode for downlink.6)Once a node malfunctions in the network,IAC cannot function any longer.An improved security protocol for the AMI was proposed in[13]. However,it applied many digital signatures for uplink transmissions which may not be practical.As a preliminary work,the protocol was not comprehensive enough.For instance,some of the messages may suffer from replay attack,and domain secret update mechanism was not mentioned.In this paper,an enhanced security protocol which addresses those shortages is proposed.

3 Advanced Metering Infrastructure

The communication networks of the AMI have a hierarchical structure,including HANs,NANs,and WAN.This structure is shown in Fig.1.A HAN consists of several smart appliances and a smart meter(Some may suggest that a gas meter is also involved.However,for simplicity,we restrict the discussion to electricity power grid and rule out gas meters.).The sensing/ measuring of the power grid status inside households and apartments(e.g.,energy-consumption,damage to power equipment,voltage-fluctuation,etc.)is gathered by smart meters.A NAN consists of many DAPs.Each DAP covers a few smart meters. The gathered data from smart meters is uploaded to the MDMS through DAPs.The gateway of a NAN is the data concentrator,which has fast and reliable network connection to the MDMS. Such fast and reliable network is the WAN.It covers a much larger area compared with a NAN.

Because the AMI has a complicated structure,there is no single communication technology that can perfectly fulfill all the needs in the AMI.For example,the optical fiber used in backhaul networks is reliable(0:99999 reliability)and fast(in the order of Gbps).However,it will be too expensive to use it in HAN where data is usually in the order of KB.Therefore,researchers have proposed to use different types of technologies so that communication requirements can be met while the deployment cost and the maintenance cost can be reasonably low.

In the studied AMI as shown in Fig.2,various communication technologies are applied.A HAN is connected by local area networks,e.g.,IEEE 802.11(Wi-Fi)and/or IEEE 802.15.4(Zigbee).In a NAN,the DAPs form a wireless mesh network based on IEEE 802.11s(Wi-Fi based).Compared with Zigbee applied in HANs,Wi-Fi can achieve much higher transmission data rate.It is necessary because local NAN transmissions among DAPs introduce multi-hop wireless mesh networking and it requires higher data rate for the transmissions.Some of the DAPs are chosen as gateway DAPs which have direct communication with the concentrator.It is not necessary for the gateway DAPs to be close to the concentrator.In fact,multiple gateways need to be deployed sparsely in a NAN for its wide ranged latency requirement(3 ms to 5 min)[14],[15].If a customer has too many hops to reach a gateway,it may not be able to successfully deliver the data with most critical latency requirements.Therefore,gateway DAPs are equipped with IEEE 802.16(WiMAX)interface for longer distance transmission. Adopting WiMAX has a bonus compared with similar technology(e.g.,LTE)that it can be deployed using unlicensed band(e. g.,5:8 GHz)in order to lower the service cost by not paying license band accessing fee.However,using unlicensed bandwidth must follow certain restrictions by the FCC[16].Without loss of generality,the concentrator can be deployed in the center of the neighborhood.It is the gateway of the NAN to the wired backhaul network which connects to the MDMS(or the service provider)in a fast and reliable way.

In the uplink of AMI,information such as energy consumption and monitoring data is transmitted from the customer side to the service provider.In the downlink of AMI,information such as control message and pricing/tariff is transmitted from the service provider to the customer.

The data from customers(metering data)contains much privacy.For example,from the pattern of the energy consumption,it is possible to have a sketch of the lifestyle of that customer. Therefore,it is a must to provide confidentiality to metering data.In addition,integrity is also important to metering data.Manipulation of energy consumption(e.g.,energy theft)may cause loss to the service provider.More importantly,manipulated energy consumption will deviate the service provider from optimal control of the power grid,in turn will lead to unnecessary fuel waste and pollution.However,non-repudiation may not be as critical as the other two security requirements for two reasons.1)Providing non-repudiation which usually is achieved by digital signature may compromise the identity of the customer,and thus jeopardize the privacy.2)Data in the uplink is frequently transmitted by simple devices such as smart meters,DAPs,sensor nodes.They are equipped with limited computational capability.Therefore,applying public key cryptograph frequently is not practical.The monitoring data of power grid status is gathered by low profile sensors(e.g.,phasor measurement unit).Obviously,data integrity needs to be provided so that the service provider can monitor the grid correctly.However,with limited computational power and real-time transmission requirement,it is not necessary to provide confidentiality and non-repudiation to monitoring data.

In the downlink transmission of the AMI,the service provider sends control messages to customers or some components in the power grid.Since control messages usually have real-time transmission requirement and the privacy of control message may not be very important,confidentiality is not required for control messages.Nonetheless,data integrity is critical.Nonrepudiation is supposed to be important since the control messages need to be verified from a legitimate sender(i.e.,the service provider).However,due to the low-latency requirement and limited computational power at the receiver side,it varies from case to case.Pricing/tariff is also sent from the service provider to customers in downlink transmissions.Confidentiality of such information is not needed because it is for the public.Data integrity and non-repudiation is nonetheless critical.

4 Proposed Security Protocol for AMI

The proposed security protocol consists of four schemes,initial authentication scheme,secure uplink transmission scheme,secure downlink transmission scheme,and domain secret update scheme.

For simplicity,the notations of the keys used in the proposed security protocol are listed in Table 1.

4.1 Initial Authentication

An uninitialized node that does not function in the AMIproperly must be authenticated through the initialization process.Generally speaking,if a node is closer to the AS,it will be authenticated before the others that are further away.Therefore,before smart meters join the AMI,gateway DAPs and normal DAPs are initialized.Note that gateway DAPs are initialized before normal DAPs since they have direct communication to the concentrator.For simplicity,gateway DAPs are not specified in the rest of the discussion.

▼Table 1.Notations of the keys

Let the DAPs be divided into two groups,one is active and the other is uninitialized.An active node has been authenticated by the AS to join the AMI communication and is functioning in a healthy status.An uninitialized node can be one of the four types shown in the following:

1)A newly installed node

2)A node which is recovered from malfunctioning status

3)A node which is updated with new pre-shared keys

4)A node which is reinstalled to another location.

For example,if DAP n1wants to join the AMI,the initialization process goes through all of its active neighbors(e.g.,n2,n3and n4).As illustrated in Fig.3,n1sends requests to all of its active neighbors,which will relay the request to the AS through established secure links.After being authenticated by the AS,n1will receive different reply messages from the AS through its active neighbors.Through this initial authentication process,there are mainly three tasks accomplished,

·n1is authenticated to be an active node and join the AMI

·n2establishes secure connection to the AS through one of its active neighbors which has the shortest distance to the AS

·n1establishes backup secure connections to the AS through the rest of its active neighbors.

Without loss of generality,n2is chosen to illustrate the detailed initialization process.The processes through n3and n4are similar.n1,a secure link betweenn2and the AS,and the AS are involved.Note that the nodes in the secure link do not get useful information from the process.Therefore,we focus on n1,n2,and the AS.The initialization process has three mutual authentications.One is between n1and the AS,one is between n2and the AS,and the other one is between n1and n2.The mutual authentication between n1and the AS is obvious since the legitimate nodes are allowed to join the AMI by AS and the nodes also only trust the AS.The mutual authentication between n2and the AS is to ensure n2is active and is trusted to relay the request from n1.The mutual authentication between n1and n2is to help further establish secure communications from n1to n2.Assuming that each node has a pre-shared secret key(i.e.,Kifor node ni)with the AS before initialization.Each active node has been assigned with an active secret key(i.e.,Kifor ni)mainly for uplink data encryption.This active secret key is also used to verify if this node is active or not.Similar to K2,k2is only known to n2and the AS.In order to establish a secure connection from n1to the AS,an active secret key k1must be generated by the AS and assigned to n1during the initialization process.Note that n1does not bare k1before initialization process,only K1is known to n1.

As shown in Fig.4,the whole initialization process involves 6 messages.

6)M6=k1,2:After exchange public keys,n1andn2can work out a way to generate a session keyk1,2for communication. Session keyk1,2is only shared betweenn1andn2.It is subject to get refreshed frequently.

After exchanging these 6 messages,n1is fully initialized and it is able to join uplink communications throughn2.The initial authentication processes through other active neighbors are similar.The AS sends back the sameIV1,k1,PuAS,andg. In the final hand-shake,n1will send the samePu1to its active neighboring nodenxencrypted withPux.By doing so,n1shares the same public key to all of its active neighbors. Therefore,n1is able to join the uplink transmission through any of the active neighbors,in other words,both operating and backup secure communication channels are established through the initial authentication process.

When the DAPs are initialized by the AS,the NAN is formed.Smart meters will then be initialized through active DAPs.Unlike DAPs,smart meters do not have many neighbor nodes because of two reasons.First,smart meters have limited transmission range.They are unlikely to have direct connection with more than one DAPs.Second,it is not a good idea to let smart meters communicate with each other since the data contains much privacy and smart meters are easier to get access to than DAPs.A smart meter sends an initialization request to an active DAP,and the DAP will relay the request to the AS through a secure communication link.The detailed process is similar to that shown in Fig.4 and thus is not repeated. Security Analysis:

·Confidentiality:Confidentiality of the authentication request is unnecessary,therefore it is not provided.Much information is transmitted in plain text.

·Data integrity:All the messages(except forM6)are provided a hash value for integrity check.Moreover,the input is not the original message which can be captured easily by an eavesdropper.The input is the XORed messages of the useful information,which cannot be captured or forged.Therefore,the messages in this protocol is unforgettable.Moreover,with time stamps being applied in each message,replay attack is unlikely to succeed in the process.The detailed process ofM6is not given in this protocol,because the real application may vary based on different public key schemes.With a given public key scheme,data integrity can be provided in a similar way for session keyki,j.

·Non-repudiation:The idolization process does not use a digital signature for sender authentication except forM5.However,secret pre-shared keys are applied for message encryption.With the sender and the receiver being the only ones that can encrypt and decrypt the message,nonrepudiation is achieved for all messages(except forM5).Non-repudiation ofM5is indeed provided by a digital signature.

4.2 Security Protocol in Uplink Transmission

In the uplink transmission,data from each node is aggregated in a chain topology and is finally delivered to the service provider(assuming that the AS and the service provider share the same entity).As discussed before,data confidentiality and data integrity are important security requirements for metering data since the wrong data may cause unnecessary loss of the power generation.Sender authentication or non-repudiation may be considered in certain situation if there is enough computational resources.To achieve all those requirements mentioned above,we propose the security protocol for data aggregation in uplink transmission as shown in Fig.5.Suppose in one path there are N nodes with an order of(n1,n2,…,nN).As thefirst one of the aggregation,n1mixes its raw dataD1withIV1and encrypts it withk1so that confidentiality can be achieved. H*()· is a hashed message authentication code function which provides data integrity.Different hash functions can be used for initialization process and uplink transmission,therefore wefor clearer illustration.Finally,n1encrypts the entire message with k1,2so that n2can verify that the data is from n1which is an active node.The intermediate nodes first decrypt the incoming data with the session key of the previous node.Then,they mix their raw data with the previous data.After that,they follow the same steps as the first node.

If an intermediate node has multiple incoming nodes,it treats each of them as a separate chain and aggregates its own data to one of the incoming data while simply padding the data from the other incoming nodes to it with flags.The details are shown in Fig.6.Assumenphas two incoming nodesniand nj,andnpchooses to aggregate incoming data fromni.Then npfollows the usual steps dealing with DpandMi,p.For Mj,p,npauthenticates the sender by gettingMj,and simply flags Mjsuch that f0||||Mjf1to the originalMp,thus

Once the AS receives the aggregated data,it starts the recovery process of the data.The AS first authenticates the incoming node by decrypting the receiving data with the pre-shared public keyPuN,AS.Before recovering the raw data,the AS needs to verify the data integrity by checking the hashed value. Since the data of each node are not further processed by nodes after it,if some of the data corrupt,the AS will simply discard them instead of wasting the whole message from that transmission path.The detailed raw data recovery process(without integrity check)is shown in Fig.7.Message,after verifying the data integrity,the AS decryptsCiand XOR the result withMi-1to recoverDN. Note thatD1is recovered by XORingIV1.If the message includes data from multiple chains,the AS extracts the message between f0and f1first and recovers the data following the same process as shown in Fig.7 without verifying the sender authentication(the decryption process withPuN,AS).

Security Analysis:

·Confidentiality:The confidentiality is achieved by two steps in this protocol.For each nodeni,its raw data is mixed with the incoming data from the previous node.

·The first node achieves this step by mixing its data with the initial vector given by the AS.Moreover,mixed data is encrypted with the active keyki.

·Data integrity:The message cannot be manipulated since message integrity is verified using a hash value.The message ofniis unforgeable unless an active keykiis compromised.

·Non-repudiation:On one hand,since each message is en

crypted by an active key from the corresponding node,sender authentication is provided.On the other hand,no digital signature is used in the proposed protocol for non-repudia-tion.In fact,if a message is susceptible or invalid,the service provider will simply discard it without wasting resources on it.

4.3 Security Protocol in Downlink Transmission

The downlink transmission involves control messages from the service provider to the nodes.Most of the control messages(e.g.,price and tariff information)are for all the smart meters in the neighborhood,where the confidentiality is not as important as that of the uplink data.Nonetheless,as discussed before,data integrity is important.Message manipulation will cause further responding in power usage and will finally result in unnecessary fuel waste due to excess power generation. Moreover,non-repudiation is critical for such control messages so that the customers can trust the sender.

LetCBbe the control message to be broadcast.To provide message integrity,a hash value(achieved by hash function H*(·))is appended to the original message,the entire message is then signed withPuASas a digital signature to provide nonrepudiation and sender an encryption function using public key cryptography,the encryption key isPrAS.In all,wheretis a time stamp for data freshness.At the receiver side,the original information(i.e.,CBand t)is revealed by performingis a decryption function using public key cryptography with decryption key PuAS.An integrity check will be performed to verify both the hash value and the time stamp.If the integrity check is not passed,the receiver will request a retransmission from the AS through its secure uplink transmission tunnel.This rarely happens unless the message is not legitimate.Because each node will receive multiple copies of the control message from all of its active neighbors.If one of the message is valid,then a retransmission will not be necessary. Some of the control messages(e.g.,request for update)are for a specific node(e.g.,ni).Let such control message beCi. Apparently,message integrity,nonrepudiation and sender authentication shall still be provided,moreover,confidentiality of the message is also important,therefore the message is encrypted withkisuch that.Unlike MB,broadcastingMiis a waste of resource and is unnecessary. However,sendingMithrough the corresponding uplink path may reduce the availability of the message.Therefore,we propose to send such specific control message tonithrough all of its active neighbors,as illustrated in Fig.8.

Security Analysis:

·Confidentiality:For downlink broadcasting messages,confidentiality is not provided.For downlink messages to a specific node(e.g.,ni),confidentiality is provided by encrypting the message with the active key ki.

▲Figure 8.Example of Control messageM1ton1.

·Integrity:First of all,both the broadcasting and unicasting control messages are unforgeable since they signed by the AS using its private key.Secondly,any manipulated control messages will be recovered since their hash values cannot pass the data integrity check.

·Non-repudiation:Since each control message is signed by the AS,the control message is non-repudiable.

4.4 Domain Secrets Update

In order to keep the AMI secure in the long run,domain secrets need to be refreshed once in a while(e.g.,daily or even hourly).For the AS,its public and private key needs to be refreshed.After the AS generates a new pair of public/private keysit transmits the public key to all the active nodes in a broadcasting way(signed by current private key of the AS),s.t.,where t is a time stamp which keeps the freshness of the message.The update ofis for all the active nodes in the same time slot.In the meantime,separate control messages signed byPrASandwill be sent so that the downlink transmission is not interrupted.

For an active node(e.g.,ni),its active secret keykineeds to be refreshed.To do so,the AS picks a new active secret keyforni,and sendstoni, where t is a time stamp which keeps the freshness of the message.However,it is not necessary to refresh the active secret keys for all the nodes at the same time.The AS can do a batch at a time when the network is not heavily loaded,for example,after mid night.Moreover,as mentioned before,the session key(e.g.,ki,j)between two active nodes(i.e.,niand nj)needs to be refreshed more frequently.To do so,niandnjsimply run the 6-th step from the initialization process again.

The pre-shared key of a node is not refreshed as frequently as the other keys since it is used much less frequently.Therefore,the pre-shared key can last longer before it wears out. However,it is reasonable to refresh the pre-shared key in somecases.For example,if a DAP is compromised and recovered,or if a DAP is redeployed to another NAN,or if a house has been sold and thus its smart meter has a new owner.An on-site firmware update will be recommended in this case.A customer can also request a firmware update and then load it to his/her smart meter.Automatic update can also be achieved.For example,if DAPnineeds a pre-shared key update,the AS picks a new,and sends.It is also reasonable to encrypt this message withKiifkihas been compromised.However,if bothKiandkiare compromised,then a physical update will be inevitable.

5 Conclusions

In this paper,we propose a security protocol for the AMI in smart grid.In order to meet various security requirements for the asymmetric communication of the AMI,the proposed security protocol consists of initial authentication scheme,independent security schemes for uplink and downlink transmissions,and a domain secrete update scheme.The security scheme in uplink scheme provides confidentiality,data integrity to metering data and other monitoring data.The security scheme in downlink provides data integrity and non-repudiation to controlling data and pricing/tariff information.In the future work,we will extend the network security protocol so that cloud computing and various external information sources can be involved in the modern control of smart grid.

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Manuscript received:2015-04-21


Feng Yereceived his BS degree from the Department of Electronics Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai,China,in 2011.Currently he is pursuing his PhD degree at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in University of Nebraska-Lincoln,NE,USA.His current research interests include smart grid communications and energy optimization,big data analytics and applications,cyber security and communication network security,wireless communications and networks.

Yi Qian( his PhD degree in electrical engineering from Clemson University.He is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Nebraska-Lincoln(UNL).Before joining UNL,he worked in the telecommunications industry,academia,and the government.His research interests include information assurance and network security,computer networks,mobile wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks,wireless and multimedia communications and networks,and smart grid communications.Several of his recent journal articles on wireless network design and wireless network security are among the most accessed papers in the IEEE Digital Library.

The work was supported by the National Science Fourdation under Grant No.CNS-1423408.