A gap year is a constructive timeout. It can be anywhere, anytime, doing anything. You could be building a school in Chile, doing some work experience, basking on a beach in Fiji or simply working for a year to save enough money for university or a new house, or even taking time-out to change your career. It is about living life to the full and realising that there is a world of opportunity out there just waiting to be explored...
In the UK a gap year was traditionally viewed as the activity of taking timeout before university. The word on the street was that it involved travel for the wealthy few and pretty much nothing for the rest of us. Nowadays, however, all sorts of people are taking “gaps”, doing a thousand different things.
Life is a series of “gaps”
Pre-university gaps, during and post-university gaps, careergaps, pre and post-baby gaps, post-wedding gaps, pre-retirement gaps—the list goes on. From the age of 18, people will now become “serial gappers” as they head through each life stage, taking a “gap” to prepare themselves for the transition ahead. The result will be a change in the mentality of society, away from the “live to work, work to live” routine of a slow climb up a career ladder to a more exciting life path which simply involves doing what they enjoy in life and achieving that dream.
Gap years and working holidays are still relatively new concepts in China, so a lot of people tend to romanticize them before setting out.
A gap year need not necessarily be a whole year; it could be just a few months or a few years. Its not a luxury trip or an escape from the real world. Its more like an expedition in which you learn about yourself.
You shouldnt expect a different world when you come back. Instead, you should be the change.