The Design and Implementation of Lesson Planning for Junior Task-based English Teaching

2015-07-16 09:29:56宁夏银川市兴庆区回民第三小学杨海玥
卫星电视与宽带多媒体 2015年10期

宁夏银川市兴庆区回民第三小学 杨海玥

Introduction: In line with the popularization and implementation of New Course Standards all over China, more and more English teachers feel that they meet big challenges in teacher-centered traditional English teaching, as it can not meet the requirement of the new situation. In 2001, English Course Standards puts forward the Task-based English Teaching with clear tasks and practicality. It means with teachers’ guidance,students are expected to be able to take part in many activities with their task goals through their feelings, practices and cooperation. It encourages students to work hard with a proactive and preventive approach.

T a s k-b a s e d L a n g u a g e Teaching(TBLT) is widely promoted in English language teaching nowadays. It is, in fact, a further development of Communicative Language Teaching.It shares the same beliefs as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life.

Methodology: This experiment has been implemented for 2 years and made some achievements in No.15 Middle School. Author practiced this experiment within her internship.

This study aims to design a proper teaching method by implementing TBLT into the lesson plan and experiment with the new method as to prove its effectivenes.

The subjects come from Class 5 and Class 6, Grade 2 in No.15 Middle School. Class 5 is the experimental group in which the teacher uses the new lesson plan of TBLT while Class 6 is the controlled group.

Practice of New Lesson Plan:

Step 1: “warming up”

New words and key sentences are set in the front of lesson plan so that students may have a preliminary understanding of this lesson and have a better understanding of the text in this lesson.

Step 2 :“study diagnosis”(7minutes)

Some questions for students.The purpose is to let the students review the previous knowledge they have learned. Many questions all involved some key and difficult grammar. The group division and students take an active part in the activities can stimulate and it can also develop their sense of competition.

Step 3: “study process”(15minutes)

Students should listen to the tapes and then read the text and fill in the blanks after reading.Students don’t have an English learning environment; sometimes they may make mistakes in their pronunciations or intonations.Listening and imitating are good ways to improve students’ oral English.

S t e p 4: “s t u d y acceleration”(10minutes)

During this part, fast reading comprehension was developed. Reading short and interesting stories is a very useful way to help them improve reading proficiency.

Data Analysis and Discussion:Data Analysis

Total: 120 before the implementation of lesson plan The band scores Class 5 Class 6 Over 100 7% 8%90——100 15% 13%80——90 20% 20%70——80 18% 20%60——70 22% 20%Under 60 18% 19%

Total score: 120 after the implementation of lesson plan The band scores Class 5 Class 6 Over 100 18% 8%90——100 20% 14%80——90 30% 20%70——80 12% 20%60——70 15% 18%Under 60 5% 20%

Comparing the forms, we can see the differences between the two final exam scores in Class 6. But in Class 5, most students improve their scores. There are only 42% students are over 80 before using lesson plan, but 68%students are over 80 after using lesson plan. It increased 26%.To conclude these two forms, the implementation of lesson plan for TBLT in class15 is effective.

Discussion: Although the Task-based English Teaching is effective from above data, some problems should be avoided.

first, we should pay more attention to the classroom control. second, the conversation training is not enough, it may influence students’ oral English.

S e c o n d, t o s o l v e t h e classroom control, when too many students want to come to the blackboard to answer the questions, Teachers can ask each group to supervise each other,if some groups’ students are too noisy, their group score should be taken off. Secondly, to practice students’ oral English,teachers can find some plays or interesting conversations to ask students practice. Some competition should be held after practicing.

Conclusion: TBLT is a very flexible form of teaching and learning. It has many advantages and many students accept this method. But we also have many problems to be developed. To conclude, this design is more suitable for students, although it has some flaws. It is important to remember that a method is effective only when it is appropriate to teaching context.Therefore, when a new method or approach emerges, it is unwise to simply cast away the traditional and follow the new trend. The best thing to do is to develop one’s own teaching methods based on the context where one teaches and integrates the merits of different methodologies to serve the purpose of one’s teaching objectives and needs of students.

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