The Applicationof Communicative Approachin Spoken English Teachingin High School

2015-07-04 16:25蔡媚
校园英语·下旬 2015年5期


【Abstract】This paper first discusses main problems in spoken English teaching in Chinese high school.Then,it explores communicative approach as a possible solution to those problems by elaborating its definition,characteristics,principles.Finally,the paper suggests some possible corresponding solutions to overcome the defects of communicative approach in spoken English teaching.

【Key words】communicative approach; spoken English teaching; high school


Traditionally,the high school English teachers prefer to grammar teaching while they overlook the functions of language,interaction and communication.They also neglect to train students listening skill and speaking skill,so silent English is prevailing now.But since China entered WTO,English Talents with excellent spoken English have played an important part in international communication.Therefore,we should try to find another effective teaching method to improve the spoken English teaching.

Fortunately,the application of communicative approach in spoken English teaching in high school works effectively.For one thing,communicative approach applied in spoken English classes ensures that the students play central roles while teachers act as organizers and participants.For another,this type of class offers students the situation real life to practice oral English.Both of them motivate students to acquire spoken English skill more positively.So these advantages of communicative approach can compensate for the defects of traditional teaching method.

2.Main problems in spoken English teaching in Chinese high school

The high school English teachers are always dominating in spoken English teaching,but in fact it is students who should have played a more important role.Students are just crammed with language points passively instead of being led to learn how to exert the function of language,interaction and communication.Students,therefore,have few chances to practice their oral English.Furthermore,Teachers put too much emphasis on the accuracy in spoken English teaching,and they are too much particular over students mistakes,which causes the students seriousness.

3.The application of communicative approach in spoken English teaching in high school

A solution to the main problems may be the application of communicative approach.Deriving from the theories of Britain Applied linguists Hymes and Halliday,communicative approach comes into being in the early 1970.And it is now a world influential theory of foreign language teaching.

3.1 The characteristics of communicative approach

Currently,no universally accepted authoritative definition of communicative approach is put forward,but one definition of it is selected to make it understood better.The following definition of communicative approach is extracted from Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics..

“Communicative approach is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence and which seeks to make meaningful communication and language use a focus of all classroom.”

3.2 The principles of communicative approach

Now,the following principles of application of communicative approach are listed in order to exert the advantages of communicative approach better.

3.2.1 The classroom should be students stage.Students are protagonists,while teachers are directors.Students should be guided to be more active than teachers,while teachers naturally should not steal the scene.

3.2.2 Teachers should ensure that every student has nearly fair opportunity to give a performance in a class.However,shy students are too inhibited to give a performance before the whole class,so teachers should offer them chances and praise them sincerely once they perform well in order to summon up their confidence and courage to speak before a class.

3.2.3 Teachers must appropriately deal with students mistakes.On the one hand,when students do the mechanical practice or half-mechanical practice,their mistakes of basic structure should get attention.But when students express their idea freely,wed better not be too particular over their mistakes,because if teacher blocks their speaking frequently,students will be more and more serious and lacking of confidence.On the other hand,the commonplace mistakes can be pointed out and analyzed in the front of class in a friendly attitude.

3.2.4 Teachers should try their best to create a relaxing learning atmosphere when teaching.The relaxing atmosphere is a must that can render the students open their mouths,and then express their own opinions at ease.If teachers are over-strict with their students,the class will be permeated with tense atmosphere,as Arnold have ever proved that when learners are in negative emotional conditions,their cognitive activities will stop automatically.

3.2.5 The materials of language teaching must be appropriate to the students real competence,which means not too much difficult to stop students practicing as well as not over easy to make it insignificant to do the practicing.Further,the activities should be get related to the real life of students,which has a certain actual meaning,because students must learn to speak in “authentic” situations and real life.

3.2.6 Group work,pair work,and role play are communicative activities which are promoted to be used as ways in which students can gain more chances for language using.In such kinds of activities,teachers must listen to students speaking carefully,appropriately correct their mistakes,provide them with necessary words,inspire their discussion,and encourage students to speak positively in the class.


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