王红莉 孔祥燕
王红莉 孔祥燕
目的 探讨创伤性肘关节僵硬患者围手术期护理及康复治疗要点。方法 2010年1月至2014年12月,北京大学人民医院创伤骨科采用开放式肘关节松解结合铰链式外固定架治疗创伤性肘关节僵硬患者8例。非常严重僵硬(活动范围≤30°)2例,严重僵硬(活动范围30°~60°)6例。Mayo肘关节功能评分45~75分,平均53.8分。其中3例患者术前合并尺神经卡压症状。术前开始给予心理护理;术后给予患肢伤口护理、疼痛护理、外固定架针道护理及针对性功能锻炼治疗。结果 8例患者均得到11~61个月随访,平均随访时间35.4个月。患者肘关节活动度平均105°。Mayo评分70~95分,平均85.0分。3例患者合并尺神经卡压中的2例尺神经损伤症状完全缓解,1例残留部分手内在肌萎缩。所有8例患者均无肘关节不稳定现象,术后未出现其他并发症。结论 采用开放式肘关节松解结合铰链式外固定架治疗创伤性肘关节僵硬,要严格辅助围手术期各项护理及康复治疗,可以有效改善肘关节活动范围,可促进肘关节功能恢复。
本组患者均采用全身麻醉。手术经内、外侧联合入路,松解关节囊,肌腱及切除异位骨化。常规松解前置尺神经。透视下定位肘关节的旋转中心,于旋转中心打入2 mm克氏针。使用Stryker DJD II(dynamic joint distractor)外固定架,肱骨和尺骨侧各打入2枚外固定架螺针,螺针需与定位旋转中心的克氏针在同一平面且相互平行。使用夹钳将螺针和外固定架连接固定后,旋转外固定架的牵开螺钉装置牵开肘关节间隙。
①术前心理护理:评估患者对疾病的认识,根据病情进行健康教育。告知患者手术的目的和效果,术后可能出现的不适及对策,讲解功能锻炼的重要性,制定康复计划。鼓励患者积极配合手术,术后护理及康复训练,以达到满意的治疗效果。②术后患肢护理:卧床期间,患者取平卧位,患肢用软枕抬高,辅以由远端向近端轻柔按摩患肢,以促进静脉回流,减轻肢体肿胀。下地活动时,给予患肢前臂吊带悬吊。评估患肢皮温、血运、感觉和运动状况,判断有无尺神经损伤症状。③术后疼痛护理:采取理疗与药物同时进行的长期镇痛措施。给予患肢手术部位冰袋冷敷,每日3次,每次20 min。同时本组患者术前无胃肠道溃疡病史,术后住院期间给予静脉输注氟比洛芬酯镇痛治疗,每日2次,每次50 mg。对于爆发痛,疼痛评分≥4分的患者,可肌注盐酸哌替啶50 mg。患者出院后口服赛来昔布,每日2次,每次200 mg。④术后针道护理:早期功能锻炼后会出现针道部位的渗出,应及时更换敷料。使用75%乙醇消毒针道周围皮肤,每日2次。告知患者要保持患肢及外固定架的清洁,不能随意触摸针道及外固定架,如果针道部位出现脓性渗出物或针道周围皮肤红肿,则可疑为针道感染,应及时向医生报告,以防外固定架松动。⑤术后功能锻炼:自术后第1天开始,每日移除外固定架的固定杆,帮助患者被动进行肘关节屈曲和伸直位的等长训练,每日3~5组,每组5~10次,鼓励患者进行主动的前臂旋转练习。锻炼前后配合使用止疼药和冷敷,以缓解疼痛。同时加强心理护理,给予患者充分的鼓励与肯定,有利于增强患者康复信心,提高康复效果。此外根据术前肘关节僵硬是屈曲型或伸直型,夜间可将肘关节固定于最大的伸直位或屈曲位[4]。还应重视肩关节、腕关节和手部各关节的主动活动,防止废用性肌萎缩和关节僵硬出现。术后4周,鼓励患者进行肘关节主动屈伸活动。术后6~8周,去除外固定架。
图1 术前屈曲 图2 术前伸直 图3 外架后屈曲 图4 外架后伸直 图5 术后2 d屈曲 图6 术后2 d伸直 图7 术后1年屈曲 图8 术后1年伸直
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Perioperative nursing care and rehabilitation for patients with traumatic elbow joint stiffness
Background The elbow joint is a composite joint consisted of the humeroulnar joint,humeroradial joint,and proximal radioulnar joint.The causes for elbow joint stiffness include joint capsule scar contracture,ectopic ossification around the joint and long-term immobilization.The conservative treatment can be applied to early elbow joint stiffness.The open elbow release surgery is applicable for patients who do not respond to conservative therapy.Although satisfactory range of motion is obtained after complete release,the loss of range of motion may occur again if the patients don′t exercise due to pain.The assistance of hinged external fixator helps to prevent joint capsule scar contracture,promote early function exercise,and effectively prevent relapse of elbow joint stiffness.In this study,we reported the perioperative nursing care and rehabilitation in 8 cases who presented good outcomes after open release surgery combined with hinged external fixator for traumatic elbow joint stiffness in the department of traumatic orthopedics in the Peking University-affiliated People′s Hospital from January 2010 to March 2014.Methods General data:8 cases including 3 males and 5 females with a mean age of 38.3 years ranged from 17-61 years were included in the group.4 cases had primary injury caused by dislocation of elbow joint.1 case had radial head fracture.1 had supracondylar fracture of humerus.2 had intercondylar fracture.The time from the initial injury to the surgery ranged from 10-36 months,with a mean of 18.2 months.According to Morrey classification of elbow joint stiffness,2 cases had very severe stiffness (range of motion ≤30°); 6 cases had severe stiffness (range of motion 30°-60°).According to Mayo scale for elbow function,the score ranged from 45-75,with a mean of 53.8.Three cases of them had complicated entrapment of the ulnar nerve.Surgery method:All patients of the group were subject to general anesthesia.The surgery with medial and lateral approaches were performed to release the capsular ligament and tendon,and remove the ectopic ossification.Normal release was performed for the prepositioned ulnar nerve.The center of rotation of the elbow joint was positioned under fluoroscopy.2-mm Kirschner wire was inserted in the center of rotation.Stryker Dynamic Joint Distractor (DJD II) was used for external fixation.2 screws for external fixation were inserted from the humerus and ulna,respectively.The screws should be in parallel with the Kirschner wire in the same plane.The screws were connected with the external fixator using clamp.The elbow joint gap was open by rotating the retractor.Key points for nursing:(1) Psychological nursing before surgery:The patients were subject to health education based on the assessment of patients′ understanding of the condition.Patients were informed of the surgery objective and outcome,possible discomforts after surgery and relative measures and the importance of function exercise.Rehabilitation plan was made for patients.They are also motivated to cooperate during surgery,postoperative nursing care and rehabilitation so that good results could be obtained.(2) Postoperative nursing for affected extremity:During stay in bed,the patients were on the horizontal position with soft pillow elevating the affected extremity.The affected extremity was gently massaged from the distal to the proximal end to promote vein reflux.When the patients are able to get out of the bed,the forearm was supported by strap.The temperature,blood supply,feelings and mobility were assessed to determine whether symptoms of nerve injury developed.(3) Pain management after surgery:Long-term physical therapy and drugs were used to relieve pain.The cold pack was applied to the affected extremity three times per day,20 min once.The patients in the group had no history of gastrointestinal ulcer before surgery.The patients were intravenously administered with flurbiprofen axetil twice at a dose of 50 mg during stay after surgery.In case of flare of pain,people with pain score ≥4 were intramuscularly administered with 50 mg pethidine hydrochloride.After discharge,the patients were orally administered with celecoxib,200 mg once,twice per day.(4) Nursing of approaches after surgery:The dressings were immediately changed if exudate was observed after function exercise at early period.75% alcohol was used to sterilize skin around the approaches,twice per day.The patients were told to keep the affected extremity and external fixator clean.The approaches and external fixator should not be touched at will.If purulent exudate on the approach or red swelling around the approach skin was observed,it was suspected as approach infection.This should be immediately reported to the physician to avoid loosening of external fixator.(5) Function exercise after surgery:1 day after surgery,the fixing pole was removed from the external fixator to help patients to do passive isometric exercise at elbow joint flexion and extension,3 to 5 sets a day,5-10 repeats per set.The patients were motivated to do active forearm rotation exercise.The pain killers and cold packs were combined to ease pain before and after exercise.The psychological nursing was strengthened for patients.Adequate encouragement and positive assessment were provided to patients to increase their confidence in rehabilitation,thereby increasing rehabilitation benefits.Furthermore,based on the types of elbow joint stiffness such as flexion stiffness and extension stiffness,the elbow jont was immobilized at maximum extension or flexion position at night.Adequate attention should be attached to the active motion of the shoulder joint,wrist joint and other joints of the hand.4 weeks after the surgery,patients were motivated to do active elbow joint flexion activities.6-8 weeks after surgery,the external fixator was removed.Results 8 cases were followed up for 11-61 months (with a mean of 35.4 months).The mean range of joint was 105°.The score for Mayo was 70-95,with a mean of 85.0.Two of 3 cases with complicated ulnar neuritis had complete response,and the other one had contraction in the residual intrinsic muscle of hand.Instable characteristics were not observed in all 8 cases.There were no other complications after surgery.Conclusion The elbow joint is one of the joints that are most likely to develop post-traumatic stiffness.10%-15% patients develop joint stiffness after trauma.The aim of treatment for elbow joint stiffness is to recover the function of elbow joint and relive mobility-induced pain.The open release surgery is a common option for elbow joint stiffness.It can obviously imporve the range of motion of the elbow joint.The key for nursing is associated with psychological nursing and nursing of the affected extremity.Another important thing is pain management and nursing for approaches for the external fixator.Also,the patients should have exercise,regular follow-up during stay in the hospital or after discharge,thereby improving the outcome of surgery.
100044北京大学人民医院创伤骨科 北京大学交通医学中心