昝亚娟 河南省首批中小学正高级教师,河南师范大学教育硕士校外指导老师。郑州市首届十大杰出教师,郑州首批名师工作室主持人,河南省英语学科带头人,河南省中小学教师教育专家。主持过多项市级、省级和国家级科研课题,并荣获科研成果奖。在英语教辅刊物发表稿件1000多篇,主编和参编《高考满分作文》等英语教辅图书80多部,发表科研论文数十篇。自2009年以来,原创的英语书面表达试题多次命中高考题。现在与高考只有一步之遥的距离,考生肯定都在努力调整心态,应对即将到来的人生第一战。本期笔者对高考英语书面表达题的常考文体逐个击破,并进行押题演练,助力考生决胜高考。
One day, while I was walking in the street when I witnessed a traffic accident.
An old man fell down the ground suddenly while he was riding a bicycle.
We first went hiking and mountain climbing, then went swimming near the beach.
We held a campfire party with some villagers.
The scenery was so breathtaking that time passed quickly.
We had a great time while traveling around the island.
Though we were tired, we enjoyed the trip very much.
We were deeply impressed by the visit because we learn more about the history of China.
① Time is memorable because who had a meaningful experience on that day.②In the morning, we .③Upon arrival, we began to .④Some were .⑤Others were .⑥After getting the work done, we .⑦Before leaving, we .⑧Seeing , we .⑨We feel its our duty to .
①开篇点明时间、人物及事件; ②按时间顺序来展开故事的情节;③介词upon使用准确,表明到达后立即开始行动 ;④介绍部分人的活动 ⑤介绍其他人的活动;⑥完成活动一;⑦完成活动二;⑧说明看见自己所做的一切,内心的感受;⑨总结全文,谈论对事件的认识。
Yesterday morning my way to school, I witnessed some kind people who helped an old man falling on the ground. It was raining heavily when I headed for school. So I was carrying my umbrella and walk with great care. At the entrance to a park, an old man fell down on the ground suddenly because it was slippery. It seemed that he had difficulty standing up on his own. At this moment, several passers—by came up and held their umbrellas for the old man while a man in a yellow coat called for the ambulance. Five minutes later, the ambulance arrived and picked the old man up. The old man was grateful to the kind people who helped him.
格式:在左上角写日期,在右上角写当天的天气状况。例如:sunny, fine, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, foggy 等。可在下面一行写出日记的小标题,也可不写标题。
例3:取10.08 g纯净的Na2SO3·7H2O,加强热至恒重,冷却后称量得到5.04 g固体X。分析及计算表明,固体X中各元素的组成与无水Na2SO3相同;将X溶于水,测得溶液的碱性大大高于Na2SO3溶液。
(1) X溶液的碱性大大高于Na2SO3溶液原因是 。
(2)写出加热纯净的Na2SO3·7H2O生成X的有关化学方程式 、 。
(3)利用所给试剂设计实验,检测X中的阴离子,简要说明实验操作、现象和结论: 。
【解析】X溶液的碱性大大高于Na2SO3溶液表明X中含有水解程度比SO32-大的酸根离子——S2-,可推知Na2SO3在强热过程中发生了歧化反应:4Na2SO4Na2S+3Na2SO4。但题中并没有说明是否100%歧化为Na2S和Na2SO4,因此检验时要分两种情况讨论。如果是部分歧化,即固体成分为Na2SO3、Na2S、Na2SO4,加入稀盐酸酸化,发生归中反应有单质硫生成使溶液变浑浊:SO32-+2S2-+6H+=S ↓+3H2O。
【答案】(1) S2-水解程度大于SO32-
例4:(1)从饱和小苏打溶液中提取的NH4Cl晶体含少量Fe2+、SO42-。将产品溶解,加入H2O2,加热至沸,再加入BaCl2溶液,过滤,蒸发结晶,得到工业氯化铵。加热至沸的目的是 。滤渣的主要成分是 、 。
(2)已知:苯乙酸的熔点为76.5 ℃,微溶于冷水。在烧瓶中发生如下反应制苯乙酸。
反应结束后加适量冷水,再分离出苯乙酸粗品。加入冷水的目的是 。下列仪器中可用于分离苯乙酸粗品的是 (填标号)。
A.分液漏斗 B.漏斗
C.烧杯 D.直形冷凝管 E.玻璃棒
(3)制备Na2S2O3·5H2O 反应原理:Na2SO3(aq)+S(s)Na2S2O3(aq)。实验步骤:①称取15 g Na2SO3加入圆底烧瓶中,再加入80 mL蒸馏水。另取5 g研细的硫粉,用3 mL乙醇润湿,加入上述溶液中。用小火加热至微沸,反应约1 h后过滤。硫粉在反应前用乙醇润湿的目的是 。反应1 h后过滤,其目的是 。
【答案】(1)使Fe3+完全水解为Fe(OH)3 Fe(OH)3 BaSO4
(2)便于苯乙酸析出 BCE
(3)使硫粉易于分散到溶液中 除去过量的硫粉
例5:H2O2是一种绿色氧化还原试剂,在化学研究中应用广泛。某小组拟在同浓度Fe3+的催化下,探究H2O2浓度对H2O2分解反应速率的影响。限选试剂与仪器:30% H2O2、0.1 mol·L-1 Fe2(SO4)3、蒸馏水、锥形瓶、双孔塞、水槽、胶管、玻璃导管、量筒、秒表、恒温水浴槽、注射器。
(1)设计实验方案:在不同H2O2浓度下,测定 (要求所测得的数据能直接体现反应速率大小)。
实验序号 V[0.1 mol·L-1 Fe2(SO4)3]/mL ……
1 a ……
2 a ……
H2O2的体积(mL) 0.1mol·L-1Fe2(SO4)3 溶液的体积 反应时间(min) 加入蒸馏水的体积(mL) 生成O2的体积(mL)
实验1 V m T1 0 a
实验2 V-b m T2 b a
例6:连二亚硫酸钠(Na2S2O4)是重要的工业漂白剂,某化学小组欲制备Na2S2O4 (如图)并探究其性质。现将1.5 mol/L的HCOONa溶液和0.5 mol/L NaOH溶液等体积注入三颈烧瓶,发生反应:HCOONa+2SO2+NaOH=Na2S2O4+CO2+H2O。
(1)控制b中反应速率的方法是 。
(2)当三颈烧瓶中溶液接近中性时停止通入气体,蒸发得到固体产品。取1.0 g固体产品于5 mL水中,加入1 mL银氨溶液,振荡,水浴10 s出现银镜。
甲同学得出结论:10 s时Na2S2O4与银氨溶液反应形成银镜。
乙同学认为上述实验不能说明甲的结论一定成立,其依据可能是 。
实验步骤 现象及结论
步骤Ⅰ: (仅需说明方法)
步骤Ⅱ:取0.1 g步骤Ⅰ的产品溶于 mL水中,加入1 mL银氨溶液,振荡,水溶加热10 s,观察现象 ——
【解析】(2)中1.0 g固体产品的成分是Na2S2O4和HCOONa。(3)中的实验就是根据控制变量的思想设计。经重结晶的产品成分只有Na2S2O4,若其他操作、现象都相同,则甲的结论正确。
(3)对三颈烧瓶分离出的产品进行重结晶得到纯净的Na2S2O4 5 若10 s出现银镜,则甲的结论正确;反之则乙正确
Learning from ... that you are looking for a(n) ..., I would like to apply for the post.
I learned from ... that your company wanted a(n) ...
I'm writing in response to your advertisement for a position as ...
I'm writing this letter to apply for ...
The kind of work particularly interests me.
I am majoring in ... /My major is ...
I have had four years' work experience in my present post as ...
I feel I am well qualified to ... for the following reasons.
I believe that both my education and experience are directly related to your requirements.
I have gained some practical experience in ... as a(n) ...
I would be grateful if you would consider my application.
I hope to have the opportunity of an interview.
Dear Sir/Madam,
①I am .②I am glad to learn that . ③Im quite interested in . ④I think Im fit for the job.⑤As , I . ⑥I and do well in .⑦Besides/Whats more, I .⑧Above all, I .⑨So Im sure I can do the job well if I get the position.⑩I am looking forward to .
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
①自我介绍;②介绍职位信息;③表明对职位感兴趣;④过渡句引出胜任的理由;⑤表明能胜任的理由一;⑥表明能胜任的理由二;⑦表明能胜任的理由三;⑧表明能胜任的理由四;⑨再次表达可以胜任的信心; ⑩期盼对方早日回复。
本学期学校开设了一批校本课程,其中包括外教Mr. Johnson开设的三门课:英语口语、英语写作和英美文学。
假如你是李华,是一名高中生,打算报名选学其中的一门课程,请给Mr. Johnson写一封自荐信。内容包括:
1. 写信的目的;
2. 介绍你的兴趣和爱好;
3. 陈述你选报的课程;
4. 希望获准。
Dear Mr. Johnson,
I am Li Hua, a student from Class 6 Grade 1. I am glad to know some school—based courses will be provided. I am writing to sign up for English and American literature.
I have been interested in western literature since my childhood. My hobby is reading English novels and seeing English movies. Shakespeare and Mark Twin are my favorite writers so I have read some of their works. I hope to learn more about writing skills and know more about western culture through this course. I am good at English and have no difficulty understanding English novels. I believe I am qualified to attend your course.
I am looking forward to becoming one of your students.
Li Hua
Id like to offer you some advice on...
I would like to make some suggestions on ...
I am writing to express my views concerning ...
You have asked me for my advice on ... and I am writing to express my thoughts.
If I were you, I would ...
In my opinion, it would be wise to ...
I think it would be more beneficial if you ...
I wonder if you have considered the following facts.
I will be very glad if you find my suggestions useful.
I hope you will find these suggestions practical/useful/helpful.
Dear ,
①Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on ./Im glad to write the letter to you on .②Here are a few suggestions for your reference.③First, it is important to .④As youll .⑤Then, it also helps if you .⑥Besides, it should be a good idea to .⑦Because .⑧You can also .⑨Im sure that .⑩Please next time/in the future.
①提出写信的原因;②过渡句引出建议;③提出第一条建议;④第一条建议的理由;⑤提出第二条建议;⑥提出第三条建议; ⑦第三条建议的理由;⑧提出第四条建议;⑨第四条建议的理由;⑩表达本人的愿望。
1. 写信的目的;
2. 分析问题的原因;
3. 提出几点建议。
Dear Wang Lin,
Sorry to know youre having trouble fitting in the new class, so you are annoyed these days. Im writing to offer you some advice.
It is natural that you need some time to adapt to the new surroundings because you are new here. Actually our teachers and classmates are friendly. They would like to make friends with you if they know you better. Here are some tips that might help you:
First of all, it is a good idea to talk to our classmates, which helps others know you better. Second, why not play sports games with us? It is a good chance to show your talent. Besides, you should lend a helping hand if someone gets into trouble.
I hope you will find my advice useful.
Li Hua 、
A Christmas party will be held on...
Li Hua is going to have her birthday party on the coming Sunday.
Id like to invite you to join us.
It is an honour to have you here.
Will you do me the honour of...
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
We are longing to hear from you.
Be sure to come here on time.
Dear ,
①There will be a (内容)at/in (地点)on (时间).②We would be honored to have you there with us.③The occasion will start at (具体时间).④This will be followed by a (进一步的安排). ⑤At around (时间), (另一个安排). ⑥I really hope you can make it.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
假如你是校学生会主席李华,为了丰富同学们的校园生活,提升英语交际能力,你校将于近期成立英语学习俱乐部(English Club)。请写一封英语邀请信,邀请同学们积极报名参加。内容包括:
1. 俱乐部成立的目的;
2. 准备开展的一些活动;
3. 邀请大家积极参加。
Dear boys and girls,
I'm Li Hua, chairman of Students Union. It is good news that our English club will open soon in order to enrich our campus life and improve our speak skills.
The members are to meet once a week, watching movies, singing English songs, reading English poems and novels together. There will be an English Speech and Writing Contest once a month. There will be some lectures on western cultures too. So there will be a lot of chances for the members to communicate with each other and compare notes in English.
Everyone who is interested in English learning is welcome. Please join the club and enjoy the fun of learning English together. Whoever wants to participate sign up for it at the school Students Union.
We are looking forward to your participation.
Li Hua
格式: 开头简述写信的目的,即感谢对方的具体原因,如感谢对方赠送的礼物、对自己的热情招待、支持等;正文部分陈述由于对方的帮助,使自己如何受益,或表达对所赠礼物的喜爱之情等; 结尾表达希望继续合作、保持联络或有机会报答对方的愿望,并再次向对方表达诚挚的谢意。
Im very grateful for your...
Im writing to thank you for your....
Thank you so much for the gift you sent me.
Please accept my gratitude, now and always.
I must thank you again for your generous help.
My true gratitude is beyond the words' description.
I'd like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for ...
Im writing to express my sincere appreciation for your timely help.
Dear ,
①I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for (感谢的原因). ②If it had not been for your assistance in (对方给予的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been (没有对方帮助时的后果).③Every one agrees that it was you who (给出细节).④Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
假如你是高一年级学生李华,上周五,学校举办了一场英语演讲比赛,你荣获一等奖。请根据下面的写作提纲,给外教Susan Hill写一封感谢信。内容包括:
1. 写信的目的;
2. 苏珊对你的帮助;
3. 表示谢意。
Dear Susan Hill,
I am Li hua, a student from Class 6 Grade 1. I am writing to express my gratitude for your kind help.
You dont know how excited I was to get the first prize in the English Speech Contest last week. I owe it to your kind help. I am interested in spoken English and hope to be an announcer in the future. But I used to be too shy to speak aloud in public. You asked me to practice several times in your office and corrected my pronunciation and intonation. You also encouraged me to be confident and brave if I wanted to show my talent on the stage. I followed your advice. That was why I won the award. I am deeply moved by your patience and wisdom.
Thank you again for your kind help.
Li Hua
1. 写信的目的;
2. 投诉的原因(具体讲述不满意的地方);
3. 希望得到的结果(提出相应的解决方案或建设性的意见)。
Im feeling upset/annoyed/unhappy these days.
Last month I purchased a....from your store, but...
I am writing to complain about....
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction/disappointment about ...
Please arrange for the MP4 player to be fixed or replace it with a new one as soon as possible.
I hope the problem will be solved as soon as possible.
Id appreciate it if someone could come and get the problem settled.
If I could come in to exchange for a new one.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Dear ,
①I am (自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about.③The reason for my dissatisfaction is (总体介绍). ④In the first place, (抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, (抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it (感觉)to (抱怨事件给你带来的后果).⑦I appreciate it very much if you could (提出建议和请求), preferably (进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by (设定解决事情的最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.
外教Miss Anderson 的业余爱好是缝纫。上个月她在网上购买了一台名牌缝纫机,但是这台缝纫机总是出故障。请根据下面的提示为外教写一封投诉信。
生词提示:售后服务after-sale service
Dear Sir/Madame,
My name is Mary Anderson. I am writing to complain about the sewing machine I ordered in your online store on April 16, 2015.
I know your sewing machines sell well because they are of good quality. But when I opened the package, I found the model was not the one I had ordered. I tried to use the machine several times, but it didnt work normally. So I couldnt sew two pieces of cloth together. Later I called the after-sale service in my city, but they said they could do nothing with it and the only way to solve the problem was to contact you. I request you deliver the sewing machine I ordered, or give my money back as soon as possible.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Miss Anderson
An English Speech Contest is to be held in order to ...
The School Students Union is going to hold a Poem Recitation Contest...
A lecture on western culture will be given by...
Our school has decided to hold the sports meeting on....
All the students and teachers are required to attend it.
Those who are interested are welcome to join the activity.
Please sign up for it before...
①主办单位will organize .② . ③This activity aims to .④This activity is arr anged to last or so.⑤It is planned to begin on .⑥The team members will be arranged to .⑦Your main task is to . ⑧Anyone who is welcomed warmly.⑨Those who are interested can contact for further information.⑩Looking forward to your active participation.
①交代活动的主办单位和时间;②概括活动内容;③交代活动的主要目的;④交代活动持续的时间;⑤活动的具体时间;⑥描述活动的地点;⑦参加人员的主要任务;⑧说明参加活动的条件;⑨交代活动负责人的联系方式;⑩发出呼吁,诚邀参加 。
内容:1. 确立远大理想的重要性;
3. 我们该如何追求梦想。
3.结束后,写一篇英语日记, 谈谈参加这项活动的感受。
Dear students,
An English Speech Contest will be held in the school hall at 2:30 on the afternoon of May 4, whose theme is “Our Dream and Action.”
The speaker is supposed to make a speech on the importance of having a great dream, then share some inspirational stories. Besides, they are to make some suggestions on how we should pursue our dreams and make them come true.
Each class is going to choose one competitor to take part in this contest. All the teachers and students are required to be present and write a diary about the speech contest. I am sure you will benefit from this fascinating event. Please be on time. Thank you.
Students Union