
2015-06-12 07:37裘贤玲��
中学教学参考·语英版 2015年2期


[摘要]在英语选修模块的教学中,“结合必修模块 整合单元话题 复习高考词汇”的单元词汇巩固教学模式可以提高学生词汇复习的有效性。以选修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life的词汇复习为例,其教学思路为:整合文本内容,再现单元词汇;利用图片描述,再现话题词汇;创设情景,结合必修模块,多样化拓展词汇。




为了提高学生词汇复习的有效性,笔者在学习、观摩和实践的基础上,以NSEFC选修6的教学为载体进行实践和探索,探究总结出了比较有效的“结合必修模块 整合单元话题 复习高考词汇”单元词汇巩固教学模式。





“体验性是新课程学习方式的突出特性,在实际的学习活动中,它表现为以下三个方面:强调身体性参与;重视直接经验;重视感性因素。”(余文森,2009)Williams and Burden认为, 学习不是被动地接受信息,而是主动建构,是学习者根据自己的经验背景对外来信息进行主动选择、加工和处理,从而获得自己的意义和理解。这种理念反映在教材使用上,意味着教师不仅要充分利用教材里提供的学习活动让学生积极参与,还要根据教材内容创设更多的自主学习活动,让学生更充分地去建构自己的知识并形成能力。


著名教育家陶行知先生曾提出“ 生活即教育”的思想,主张把教育同整个生活、整个社会联系起来,并通过各种社会实践,真正做到“教学合一”。教育只有向生活世界回归才能体现教育意义的真谛。(何宏玲,2006)要使学生真正掌握并能活用所学的词汇,教师必须设计大量的语言运用活动,使学生在亲身的参与和实践中反复地感悟和体会,发展语言技能。


本节课的教学内容是新课标人教版英语教材(NSEFC)选修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life的词汇复习。本节课的目标是结合必修模块,整合话题进行高考词汇复习。笔者首先对本单元相关的必修模块内容进行整理(由于笔者尝试在每个单元教学的末尾安排一节针对性的词汇复习课,学生基本能明白本节课的教学目标)。如表所示:

Unit 3 A Healthy Life课程标准要求掌握的项目


选修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Lifedue to/be addicted to/be accustomed to/feel like/decide on/in spite of/get into/take risks/at risk/adolescent/ban sb. from doing/yough/quit/effect/strengthen/desperate/disappointed/ashamed/embarrassed/awkward


必修1 Unit 1 Friendshipignore/upset/calm down/be concerned about/go through/set down/in order to/get along with/outdoors/suffer from/be crazy about/get close to nature/communicate with/entirely/habit

必修2 Unit 2The Olympic Gamesvolunteer/on a regular basis/be admitted into/take responsibility for/join in/physical/hopeless

必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eatinga balanced diet/lose weight/put on weight/cut down/be curious about/limit/benefit from/combine A and B

必修5 Unit 5 First Aidfall ill/get injured/get wounded/make a difference

结合必修模块, 整合话题后的本单元语言学习要求如表所示:

单元话题提炼How to lead a healthy life 话题讨论(运动、饮食、事故、人际关系等)

相关写作要求A letter for advice 词汇、句型积累


课堂名称:The Pursuit of a Healthy Life


学生在本单元学习了两篇有关健康生活的文章“Advice from Grandad” 和“HIV/AIDS: Are You At Risk?”之后,已经初步掌握了关于抽烟和戒烟的一些词汇,也掌握了一些关于疾病预防的词汇。笔者再次利用此话题,再现单元词汇,建构词汇学习语境。


Advice from My Grandad

James grandad is 82 years old and . It seems amazing that he is still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon. His long active life is the healthy life he lives.

However, during his , he smoked and became to cigarettes

its harmful effects. He didnt know much about the harmful of smoking. did he know his cigarette smoke could the health of nonsmokers. As a result, he found it to quit smoking and that he became addicted. Thus, his girlfriend complained him and left him alone.

Fortunately, James grandad didnt feel and was eventually aware that it was easy to begin smoking and it is tough to stop smoking. Besides, he didnt want to take of his life and a day to quit.

Now, he lives a healthy life and writes a letter to his grandson.

(Keys: fit/healthy/energetic; due to; adolescence; addicted ; in spite of; effects; Neither; affect; tough; mentally; desperate; the risk ; decided on)


活动二:运用词汇。 笔者以图片为载体,以问题(What contributes to a healthy life?)为引领,激活学生记忆中的词汇,再现词汇。学习不是被动地接受信息,而是主动建构,是学习者根据自己的经验背景对外来信息进行主动选择、加工和处理,从而获得自己的意义和理解。( Williams & Burden,2000)


What contributes to a healthy life?

It is no good/no use/a waste of time doing...

It is harmful to do...

It is important/of great importance/vital/essential for us to do sth.

It is said/believed/hoped/expected that...

Some people think it useful/important to do sth.

We all think it no use/no good doing...

... will have a ... effect/influence/impact on our health.

My healthy life is due to...

a good state of mind/a strong body/physical and mental health

a proper amount of exercise / a balanced diet/a set of good habits

3.创设情景, 结合必修模块,多样化拓展词汇。


活动三: 利用在必修单元中已学的相关话题词汇,讨论目前困扰青少年、影响青少年健康成长的主要问题,如缺少运动、饮食不合理、人际关系差、玩电脑上瘾、学习压力大等等。教师在PPT上提供相关的话题词汇。本练习是控制性练习,旨在联系单元话题词汇,结合生活实际,引导学生尤其是基础一般的学生掌握词汇。

学生表达之一:I feel ashamed of my laziness. I seldom go outdoors and take exercise on a regular basis due to too much homework. And I find I am not active in mind. But I think I should put stress on this problem since it is important for us to build up our body.

学生表达之二:I feel upset nowadays because I cant get along well with my classmates. I find they always ignore me and get away from me, which makes me puzzled.


Students description of problems:

● I have some difficulty/trouble getting along well with my classmates, which makes me puzzled and upset.

● I used to be completely addicted to playing computer games and found it tough to quit.

● Too much stress has a bad effect/impact/influence on my life. Every time I take an exam, I feel nervous and anxious.

● I find it tough for me to get rid of sleeping at class.

● There are a growing number of students addicted to having junk food.

● Too much junk food makes me put on weight easily.

● I cant live without a mobile phone. I spent too much time chatting and sending short messages.

●I get into the habit of/I get accustomed/be used to being absentminded at class and I feel confused what I shall do.


Students views:

● It is important/of great importance/vital/essential for us to take exercise on a regular basis/keep a good state of mind/form some good habits/get rid of some harmful habits.

● We should attach great importance to/lay stress on joining in as many outdoor activities as we can.

● In order to lose weight, we should try our best/make great efforts to keep a balanced diet/limit the variety of meats.

● It would be a good idea/helpful if we could get away from smoking cigarettes.


活动五:学以致用,成文成章。英语课程标准(教育部,2001) 指出,在不违背科学性原则的前提下,教材应该具有一定的弹性和伸缩性,允许使用者根据实际需要,对教材内容进行适当的取舍和补充。笔者模仿近几年高考英语作文的模式,结合本节课的话题,拟定写作要求:


最近,由于大量的工作压力, Mrs Qiu感到焦躁不安。但是她知道只有保持良好的心态才能做好工作。正如有人说的那样: A good state of mind is the basis of success.可是她不知道如何能让自己从压力中走出来。请你给 Mrs Qiu写一封信,以自己的一个事例来告诉她如何减轻压力和懂得良好心态的重要性。





Dear Mrs Qiu,

Im sorry to hear that


1.What always disturbed me was the endless exams and cruel scores last term. In spite of all my efforts, I failed. Therefore, I felt so disappointed and ashamed about myself that I felt like crying. Fortunately, it was the belief that I held that strengthened my resolve and gave me courage.

2.When I was preparing for the final exam last term, I felt so stressed that I found it hard to focus my attention on the study. Thus, I turned to my teacher for help and knew there was no point in worrying about it. He told me to make a schedule and do some sports to relax myself. Following his advice, I took a deep breath and made it when faced with the test.

3.As a student, I always felt nervous and frustrated when the exams were approaching. I used to turn to my friends for help. They advised me to do some relaxation exercises and work hard as usual. Gradually, I found that I wasnt worried about them. Personally I think it is vital for us to hold an optimistic attitude towards life. We should concentrate more on happiness when we feel upset.

4. I still remember it was one month ago that I took the exam. I felt extremely nervous and stressed so that I couldnt focus my mind on preparing for it, so I turned to my friends for help. In order to get rid of my stress, we were running around the playground after school every day. We always got breathless. Gradually I gained my confidence and became more determined. In my opinion, what you can do now is to keep an optimistic attitude.


本节课中,教师通过整合选修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life和必修1-5的相关单元话题,理清与话题相关的核心词汇,并结合各种词汇巩固的教学活动进行词汇复习,引领学生从易到难地完成词汇目标。学生亲身体验并积极参与,整节课趣味盎然。同时本节词汇复习课的尝试给笔者带来了几点启示:















Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year
Module 4 Music Born in America