
2015-06-09 12:36王文明林清海曹丹京
地震工程学报 2015年2期

徐 震, 王文明, 林清海, 金 树, 曹丹京, 田 利

(1.山东电力工程咨询院有限公司,山东 济南 250013; 2.山东大学土建与水利学院,山东 济南 250061)


徐 震1, 王文明1, 林清海1, 金 树1, 曹丹京1, 田 利2

(1.山东电力工程咨询院有限公司,山东 济南 250013; 2.山东大学土建与水利学院,山东 济南 250061)


输电塔-线体系; 简化模型; 连续性倒塌分析; 地震作用

0 引言




1 连续性倒塌分析子程序简介



图1 钢材的应力-应变关系Fig.1 Stress-strain relationship of the steel







2 导(地)线简化方法







图2 塔-线体系简化模型Fig.2 Simplified model for tower-line system

3 分析模型

采用的输电塔模型如图3所示,塔体总高60.5 m,呼称高45 m,基础底宽为10.16 m,导线中点弧垂为10 m,塔-线体系的分析模型如图4所示。在ABAQUS软件中难以直接建立输电塔的模型,建模时首先在SAP2000中建立模型并找形,然后将未施加重力的模型导入ABAQUS软件中。


图3 输电塔立面图(单位:mm)Fig.3 Elevation of the transmission tower

图4 塔-线体系三维有限元模型Fig.4 Three-dimensional finite element model of the tower-line system

表1 Q345钢和Q235钢的力学参数

Table1 Mechanical parameters of steal Q345 and Q235


表2 导(地)线和绝缘子的力学参数

4 连续性倒塌分析

4.1 所采用的地震波

采用的地震波为Kobe波(1995)南北方向分量、Northridge波(1994)南北方向分量和El Centro波(1940)南北方向分量,峰值加速度分别调幅到20m/s2、40m/s2和25 m/s2,沿结构的横导线方向进行输入。

4.2 倒塌过程分析

采用简化模型对其进行地震作用下的连续性倒塌分析,在Kobe波作用下的连续性倒塌过程如图5所示(视图中不显示丧失承载能力的单元)。t=4.13 s时,Z=36.10 m和Z=47.97 m处的主材最先发生屈服;t=4.68 s时,Z=36.10 m和Z=34.90 m处的主材同时丧失承载能力;从t=6.00 s开始,输电塔大量的构件相继丧失承载能力;t=6.28 s时,输电塔丧失竖向传力路径。与文献[12]的分析结果进行对比,可以看出,采用简化模型时,构件发生屈服现象的时刻稍微提前,并位于相邻位置;出现构件丧失承载能力现象的时刻稍微提前,位置一致;输电塔发生连续性坍塌的范围较小;输电塔丧失竖向传力路径的时刻明显提前;Z=26.62 m处横隔的破坏较晚,与采用三塔四线模型分析结果明显不同。

简化模型在Northridge波作用下的连续性倒塌过程如图6所示。t=3.64 s时,Z=30.23 m处的主材最先屈服;t=3.65 s时,Z=36.10 m处的主材发生屈服;t=3.86 s时,Z=36.10 m和Z=34.90 m处的主材最先丧失承载能力;t=6.01 s时,输电塔丧失竖向传力路径。在整个倒塌过程中,Z=26.62 m处横隔及其以下部位的构件均未丧失承载能力。与文献[12]的分析结果进行对比,可以看出,采用简化模型时,构件发生屈服现象的时刻略微延后,处于相邻位置;构件出现丧失承载能力的时刻延后,但位置一致;输电塔丧失竖向传力路径的时刻明显提前;输电塔发生连续性坍塌的范围较小。

图5 简化模型在Kobe波作用下横导线方向的倒塌过程Fig.5 Collapse process of the simplified model alone the direction of transversal wire under Kobe wave

简化模型在El Centro波作用下的连续性倒塌过程如图7所示。t=2.31 s时,Z=41.97 m的主材发生屈服;t=2.35 s时,Z=36.10 m处的主材发生屈服;t=2.84 s时,Z=36.10 m处的主材丧失承载能力;t=5.10 s时,输电塔丧失竖向传力路径。与文献[12]的分析结果进行对比,采用简化模型时,构件发生屈服现象的时刻很接近,位置相邻;发生丧失承载能力现象的时刻明显提前,且不在同一位置;输电塔丧失竖向传力路径的时刻明显提前;输电塔发生连续性坍塌的范围较小。

图6 简化模型在Northridge波作用下顺导线方向的倒塌过程Fig.6 Collapse process of the simplified model along the direction of longitudinal wire under Northridge wave

图7 简化模型在El Centro波作用下横导线方向的倒塌过程Fig.7 Collapse process of the simplified model along the direction of transversal wire under El Centro wave

由以上分析结果可以看出,采用导(地)线简化为节点质量的简化模型时,输电塔的薄弱部位位于Z=34.90 m附近,与采用塔-线体系模型的分析结果一致。采用两种分析模型得到的输电塔连续性倒塌过程也基本一致,不同之处在于横隔的破坏过程不同。采用三塔四线模型时,输电塔丧失竖向传力路径的时刻延后,发生连续性倒塌的范围较大。

5 结论



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Progressive Collapse Analysis of a Simplified Model for Transmission Tower-line Coupled System under Seismic Action

XU Zhen1, WANG Wen-ming1, LIN Qing-hai1, JIN Shu1, CAO Dan-jing1, TIAN Li2


Overhead high-voltage electric-transmission lines play an important role in the operation of a reliable electrical power system.Damage to these lines can cause great economic loss and bring inconvenience to human life.A substantial number of transmission lines have been damaged by catastrophic earthquakes around the world.The transmission tower tilt or collapse,conductor breakage,foundation subsidence,and insulator destruction were the major types of failure.It is necessary to study not only the seismic response of transmission lines in the elastic and plastic phases but also their collapse process.Progressive collapse analysis is a well-understood physical occurrence in which the loss of local load-bearing capacity propagates through a system,precipitating complete collapse or a major portion of it.The vulnerable points,collapse mode,and capacity of the structure can be evaluated by it,and these data can be used for the design of new towers or for evaluating existing towers.Many scholars have studied the nonlinear responses of single transmission towers or tower-line coupled systems.Numerical simulation of progressive collapse is a challenging task,which includes material and geometric nonlinearity,contact and collision between elements,and losing the load-bearing capacity of elements.Nowadays,there are mainly four numerical analytical methods used for the collapse analysis:the discrete-element method (DEM),combined finite-discrete element method,applied-element method (AEM),and finite-element method (FEM).The FEM,based on continuum mechanics,is the most widely used method in structural engineering.For linear elastic problems,the method has proved to be advantageous.Furthermore,the method is very effective for solving nonlinear problems by using reasonable constitutive relationships.The method can be used in the solution of large-scale and complex industrial problems,while other methods are extremely difficult to use.During the collapse process under an earthquake,some elements lose load-bearing capacity,which is a problem for the FEM.Commonly,the method of removing these elements is used,which is called the birth-death element method.The conductors and ground wires can be simplified as concentrated masses for the seismic analysis of transmission tower-line coupled systems.In this paper,this method is used.With the simplified model,by using the finite-element program ABAQUS,the progressive collapse analysis of a transmission tower under an earthquake is conducted.The results show that the vulnerable points and progressive collapse process obtained are in good accord with the results obtained by using the tower-line coupled system with three towers and four span lines.Therefore,the simplified model can be used in the seismic analysis of transmission tower-line coupled systems.

transmission tower-line coupled system; simplified model; progressive collapse analysis; earthquake action



徐 震(1981-),男,工程师,主要从事输电线路设计与研究工作.

田 利(1982-),男,博士(后),副教授,主要从事结构抗震研究.E-mail:tianli@sdu.edu.cn





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