移动的时尚潮流 —洛杉矶服装卡车

2015-06-01 12:23byJoanneGriffth
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年4期

by Joanne Griffth

乔皙 译

移动的时尚潮流 —洛杉矶服装卡车

LA Fashion Trucks: Style on the Move

by Joanne Griffth

乔皙 译


Mobile1)boutiques are all the rage in southern California—and they’re spreading across the U.S..

Take a2)clapped out, almost fit-for-scrap van. Scrub the insides well. Add some shelves, good lighting, hardwood foors and a brightly colored exterior. Now you have the makings of one of the hottest new trends in Los Angeles: the fashion truck.

移动时装店在南加州十分盛行, 而且正在全美流行起来。


1) boutique [bu:ˑti:k] n. 精品店,专卖流行衣服的小商店

2) clapped out 破旧的,残破的,破烂的

3) congregate [ˑkɒŋgrɪgeɪt] v. 使集合,聚集

4) sartorially [sɑ:ˑtɔ:rɪəlɪ] adv. 服饰上

5) Angeleno [ˌændʒɪˑli:nəʊ] n. 洛杉矶人, 洛杉矶居民

The concept is simple—a mobile boutique that delivers style to the masses wherever they3)congregate: on the roadside, at craft fairs, art walks and farmers’ markets. Their unofficial motto? Have truck, will travel. For the4)sartorially conscious5)Angeleno, anything that increases the opportunity to enjoy a spot of retail therapy without sitting in nose-to-bumper traffc ismost welcome.

Recycling old vehicles for mobile business use is nothing new in southern California. Food trucks have graced the streets of the City of Angels for over fve years, serving fusion dishes such as Korean BBQ tacos, Japanese fried chicken and bacon infused waffles served with ice cream.

Not surprisingly, food trucks have provided the inspiration for many store-on-wheels owners, including Stace Steffe, co-founder of LA’s first mobile boutique, Le Fashion Truck. For a number of years, Steffe sold vintage bags at crafts fairs and investigated the possibility of opening her own store when she spotted a food truck at an event. “It arrived and people just lined up, really excited about being part of this new movement. I was looking for an easier, fun, more creative way of doing business and could see how going mobile could work just as well for fashion.”

Steffe and her business partner, Jeanine Romo opened the door to their mobile business in January 2011. Now, almost thirty fashion trucks operate in Los Angeles. It is, says Steffe, a very female oriented affair. “Around 95% of mobile boutiques in southern California are run by women, selling women’s clothes.”

LA is not alone in the expansion of the fashion truck movement. There are now over 300 mobile stores across the United States. This led Steffe to create the American Mobile Retailers Association; a trade body that offers training and advice to would-be truck entrepreneurs.

6) mortar [ˑmɔ:tə(r)] n. 灰浆






This growth has also caught the attention of veterans in the style trade. “Fashion trucks are changing the way retailers think about their business,” says Ilse Metchek, president of the California Fashion Association. “Trucks won’t replace brick and6)mortar stores but they have a strong following in the fast fashion crowd. If you’re looking for high-end designers, youwon’t fnd them in trucks, but anything that encourages people to try new trends is a good thing.”

But getting into the fashion truck business isn’t cheap. Updating a commercial truck and launching a mobile venture can cost between $20,000 and $30,000. This includes the cost of inventory, truck and7)liability insurance,8)refurbishment and licensing. Even with an initial budget running into the thousands, opening a mobile store is still cheaper than renting space in a shopping mall, which could cost as much as $10,000 per month.

Some new truck owners have successfully cut costs, like Monique Cruz, owner of Selvedge Dry Goods, an eco-friendly fashion truck based in Los Angeles. “I bought my truck from a man in the desert, so it was full of oil and sand. Once it was clean, friends helped to install shelves, fooring, lights and a ftting area. The total start-up cost was $10,000. Little girls love it. They want to live in my truck!”

With a background in children’s clothing design and merchandising, Cruz has been able to tackle one of the biggest obstacles to running a successful truck retail business—marketing. With no fixed abode, mobile retailers rely on social media, blog posts and word of mouth to let customers know where they’ll be on a given day, a challenge in a city where fnding a parking spot is the equivalent of winning the lottery.

“Facebook and Twitter are integral to our business, but we’ve also made it inviting for walk-in customers. I set out a “Welcome”sign, along with a few items to let passersby know it’s safe to come



一些新的卡车商铺店主成功地缩减了成本,比如莫尼克·克鲁兹,他是洛杉矶的一家环保型移动时装店“Selvedge Dry Goods”的老板。他说:“我在沙漠中买了这辆车,刚买来时到处都是沙子和油污。清洗干净后,我的朋友帮忙安装货架、铺地板、安装灯具、搭建试衣间。初始成本一共是一万美元。小女孩都很喜欢我的车,她们还想住在里面!”


7) liability insurance 责任保险

8) refurbishment [ri:ˑfз:bɪʃmənt] n. 刷新, 整修in, especially men with their wives or girlfriends. But our brightly colored exterior is one of the best marketing tools we have.” says Cruz.

Bright, over the top and so eye-catching, the truck designs are so distinctive you may fnd yourself admiring the outside of the vehicle rather than stepping inside to9)peruse the merchandise.

“Wherever you are, you have to be seen. Your truck is your brand, and you have to stand out from the crowd,” says Jordana Fortaleza, co-founder of JD Luxe. Created in 2011, the JD Luxe team started with a bright yellow 1976 electric truck, then upgraded to a tomato-red wrapper before settling on a crisp white design complete with a palm tree decal and neon pink writing. There’s no way you can miss the 20ft truck.

Like any new trend, the fashion truck has its downfalls. Older vehicles can be10)temperamental and often break down. “I worry every time we head to an event that’s a long way from home,” says Monique Cruz.“If you break down in an unknown area, it can be really hard to get out. And expensive.”

There’s also the issue of permits, parking and staying on the right side of the law. In some parts of southern California, there are no regulations in place for fashion trucks. “It’s all so new,” says Stace Steffe from Le Fashion Truck. “Offcials at City Hall in Los Angeles recently admitted they’d never heard of fashion trucks, nor did they know so many were on LA’s streets. So for now, in some parts of Los Angeles, trucks are restricted to private events and parking lots. This really changes how we do business.”

In other areas such as Santa Monica fashion truckers are welcome to trade from the street, but they have to abide by parking regulations, feed the11)voracious meter and make sure they get a peddler’s permit.

9) peruse [pəˑru:z] v. 研讨,仔细察看

10) temperamental [temprəˑment(ə)l] adj. 多变的,变幻无常的

11) voracious [vəˑreɪʃəs] adj. 贪心的,贪婪的

12) quirkiness [ˑkwз:kɪnɪs] n. 奇事,奇想



“不管在哪里,你都要让别人看到你。你的卡车就是你的品牌,你必须要鹤立鸡群,”乔丹娜·福塔雷萨说,她是JD Luxe的一位合伙人。JD Luxe团队在2011年组成,开始时是一辆涂了鲜黄色的1976年电动卡车,后来改良为西红柿般的红色,而现在车身底色是纯白色的,上面有棕榈树图案贴纸和粉色霓虹灯拼写的字。这辆20英尺长的车绝对吸引眼球。




“I love the12)quirkiness of the fashion trucks and it feels a lot more personal than going to a traditional store,” says shopper Pamela Dickson. “I thought the trucks would be cramped inside, but there were around four of us in there, and it was fne—even a space to try stuff on.”

So, fashion trucks are a hit. With customers, they provide fexibility for owners and even celebrities are intrigued by their existence. But is the fashion truck a movement? Or a moment?

“Fashion trucks are here to stay,” says Ilse Metchek from the California Fashion Association. “I see it more as a stepping stone to a brick and mortar store for many entrepreneurs, but there are some who are making a viable business out of being strictly mobile. It will be interesting to see how the movement evolves.”

The appeal of the fashion truck is evident among three groups of entrepreneurs: first-time business owners; traders who lost their stores due to the economic downturn and are now reinventing their brand; and traditional brick and mortar operations who now use fashion trucks for promotional purposes.

“Every day I get calls and emails from around the world asking, ‘How do I start a fashion truck business?’” says Stace Steffe. “If the number of enquiries we receive everyday is an indicator of interest in this form of running a business, then the fashion truck movement will only continue to grow.”

So, if you’re thinking of going mobile with your business, just remember it’s not for the faint of heart. “Do it!” says Monique Cruz. “Just fnd a good truck. And a great mechanic!”







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