
2015-05-30 08:58ScottCacciola
扣篮 2015年5期

Scott Cacciola



About six hours after Thabo Sefolosha and Pero Antic helped the Atlanta Hawks to a 27-point victory over the Phoenix Suns in Atlanta, they were on a city sidewalk in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan at 4 a.m. Wednesday, detained by the police in the wake of an incident involving a third N.B.A. player outside 1Oak, a Manhattan nightclub favored by athletes and celebrities.


And lest anyone forget — and this might be the most surprising element of the ordeal — the Hawks had a game scheduled for Wednesday night.


Sefolosha, 30, and Antic, 32, were absent from the Hawks victory that night over the Nets, as they dealt with the fallout from their alleged actions outside 1Oak, an expansive, dimly lighted club on 17th Street that caters to the young, rich and beautiful.


Some of the details are well known. Minutes after Chris Copeland of the Indiana Pacers was stabbed in the abdomen during an argument with another individual, Sefolosha and Antic were arrested and charged with interfering in the investigation, the authorities said.


Sefolosha was told on Thursday that he had a broken ankle, a seasonending injury the team said he sustained during the incident. He also has ligament damage and will require surgery.


The incident shined a light on some athletes late-night appetites. Consider, for example, that Antic and Sefolosha happened to be at 1Oak at the same time as Copeland, said Lauren Menache, a senior account executive at Berk Communications, which counts 1Oak as one of its clients.

这一事件把一些运动员的夜生活暴露在公众面前。比如,据Berk Communications公关公司的高级客户经理劳伦·梅奈克表示,安蒂奇和塞弗罗萨只是碰巧和科普兰一起出现在了1Oak。1Oak是Berk Communications的客户之一。

But it was more than mere coincidence. The club is one of several in the city popular ,and players know — largely through word of mouth — that they will be taken care of by management.


“Theres a comfort level that their anonymity will hold up and theyll be treated nicely,” Menache said. “They know exactly who to ask for when they arrive.”


Back when he played for the Knicks, J.R.Smith was a regular at 1Oak. Last season, when he was in the midst of getting in trouble with the league for untying opponents shoelaces, Smith was photographed at 1Oak pretending to untie the shoelaces of another patron. The photograph made the rounds on social media.


Smith now plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and he recently told reporters that he owed his newfound success, at least in part, to the citys lack of night life. There are fewer distractions in Cleveland, he said, which has made it easier for him to focus on basketball.


Of course, professional athletes going out late at night, especially in New York, is a ritual as old as professional sports themselves. Wayne Embry, 78, who works as a special adviser for the Toronto Raptors, spent the bulk of his 11-year playing career with the Cincinnati Royals before he retired in 1969. Road trips to New York, he said, were always a treat, because he and his teammates often took advantage of opportunities to visit the citys great jazz clubs, like the Village Vanguard①.

当然,职业球员半夜逛夜店的历史,尤其在纽约城,是一个和职业体育本身同样古老的传统。78岁的韦恩·安布里目前担任多伦多猛龙的特别顾问,1969年退役前,他1 1年职业生涯的大部分时间都是在辛辛那提皇家队度过的。他说,去纽约打客场一向是乐事一桩,因为他和队友总是抓住机会,去纽约最好的爵士乐俱乐部,比如Village Vanguard。

Afterward, players would make their way to Big Wilts Smalls Paradise, a late-night lounge in Harlem that was co-owned at the time by Wilt Chamberlain.


“It was just a great place,” Embry said in a telephone interview. “What made it special was that all the entertainers would head there after their shows. Theyd come to Smalls and keep the jam going.”


Smalls, as it was known, typically stayed open until 4 or 5 a.m. Embry recalled seeing Otis Redding② at the club one night.


“It was unbelievable,” Embry said. “And I was out past curfew, but it was after a game against the Knicks. We definitely werent playing the next day.”


Jon Barry, an analyst for ABC and ESPN, cited New York, Los Angeles and Miami as cities that are particularly popular among players.


“People arent going to be going out in Milwaukee,” he said.


While Barry said his night-life days were “long past” — his playing career ended in 2006 — he recalled trips to the China Club, a staple of New Yorks club scene in the 1990s.


The China Club, whose original location was on 75th Street, on the Upper West Side, was the 1Oak of its day, a go-to spot for the elite. Members of the N.H.L.s Rangers were frequent guests. “The China Club was hot,” Barry said.“I remember seeing Mark Messier, after they won in 1994, with a tableful of 20 women.”


At the same time, Barry said, it was unusual for athletes to stay out past 4 a.m., especially when they have a game the next day. In light of this weeks events, Barry did note that Copeland had fallen out of the Pacers regular rotation. As for Antic and Sefolosha, they are valued contributors off the bench.


“Im sure that you might take a few more liberties if you know youre not playing,” Barry said. “But you shouldnt be anywhere at 4 a.m. Only bad things can happen at 4 a.m.”


Curfews are uncommon in the N.B.A. Neither the Hawks nor the Pacers impose them. Derek Fisher, the coach of the Knicks, said he expected his players to act responsibly.


“Were talking about adult men,” Fisher said. “I dont think you get into defining what time guys go to bed.”


Of the five teams that he played for during his career, only one, he said, imposed a curfew: the Utah Jazz.


“Every guy is different,” Fisher said. “I played with guys who couldnt sleep at night. They watched television. They watched film on their computers. They went to music studios. They did tons of stuff that allowed them to decompress or be away from the game, or whatever it was they like to do. Its about your performance in the games.”


Sefolosha was arraigned on charges of resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct. Antic was arraigned on charges of obstructing governmental administration, harassment and disorderly conduct. A lawyer for the two players said he expected the case to dismissed.


Copelands alleged assailant, Shevoy Bleary Murdock, 22, was arraigned Thursday on assault charges. According to the criminal complaint, Bleary Murdock got into an argument with Copeland and a female companion, and then stabbed Copeland in the diaphragm with a switchblade. A judge set bail at$20,000.


After graduating from high school, Bleary Murdock received an athletic scholarship for track and field to Coppin State University in Baltimore. But after he was injured and lost his scholarship, he joined the Army, his legal aide lawyer, Michael Perkins, said. Bleary Murdock was honorably discharged in 2014 and currently works at the James Hotel, Perkins said.


Copeland, 31, who remained hospitalized Thursday, issued a statement through the team in which he apologized for his “bad choice at being out at that time.”


①Village Vanguard位于纽约格林威治村的7街,1935年由麦克斯·戈登开办,1957年转为全爵士风后,成为全美最有名的爵士乐酒吧之一,很多爵士乐名人都是从这里走出去的。

②Otis Redding被认为是美国流行乐史上最伟大的歌手之一,也是灵魂乐和节奏蓝调具有极大影响力的艺术家。
