Natural Air Cleaners 净化空气,我最给力

2015-05-30 06:56张晓敏
新东方英语·中学版 2015年6期


Following is a list of the top formaldehyde1) removers, as well as a few other plants that clean the air and may bring a little sunshine into your room.


Boston Fern 波士顿蕨

Boston ferns remove more formaldehyde than any other plant. They're also highly efficient at removing other indoor air pollutants, such as benzene2) and xylene3) (these are components of gasoline exhaust that can migrate indoors if you have an attached garage). The downside is that they can be finicky4). You need to feed5) them weekly in seasons when they're growing, monthly during the winter, and they like to be watered regularly. Depending on the humidity and moisture levels in your home, you may need to water them or mist their leaves daily.


Palm Trees 棕榈树

Palm trees seem particularly good at removing indoor air pollutants, particularly formaldehyde, and they're all relatively easy to care for. The best at formaldehyde removal is the Dwarf date palm, which is closest in appearance to the palm trees that remind you of warmer climates. But you'll also get clean air with a bamboo palm, areca palm, lady palm or parlor palm. Another plus: palms like cooler temperatures, in the 15.6~23.9℃range, so they force you to be energy efficient and lower your thermostat7).


Rubber Plants and Janet Craigs 橡胶类植物和巴西木

Got a dim room that's just screaming out for cleaner air and a little touch of nature? Try a rubber plant or the Janet Craig. Both will tolerate very little sun (though they may grow a little more slowly) and top the list for formaldehyde removers, which is particularly important in rooms where most furniture is made from particleboard8) held together by formaldehyde-based glues. Janet Craigs will tolerate more abuse and neglect than rubber trees, but rubber trees are a little more aesthetically9) pleasing.


English Ivy 常春藤

Grown outdoors, English ivy is an invasive species that can damage your home's exterior and tear off your gutters10). But bring it inside, and it's an effective formaldehyde remover. Thanks to its ability to climb structures, it's easy to grow as topiary11) and use as a decorative element in your living spaces. English ivy likes part sun and part shade, so it's a good plant to try indoors, and it's not as temperamental as Boston ferns are. Occasional waterings and mistings will keep it healthy.


Peace Lily 和平莲

One of few houseplants that will bloom indoors, the peace lily with its seashell-shaped spathes12) really will bring a touch of summer into a dreary winter. One of the best plants for removing formaldehyde, it also removes benzene and certain VOCs that are emitted by harsh cleaning products (making it a good office plant, particularly if your maintenance staff doesn't use green cleaners). It also prefers low-light conditions and has a high transpiration rate that will humidify your air. Just be aware that the leaves can be poisonous to pets and children, so peace lily may not be a great choice for new parents or pet owners.


Golden Pothos 黄金葛

Though not high on the list of formaldehyde removers, we've included this plant because you can practically hit it with a hammer and not kill it. It tolerates a lot of neglect and is forgiving when over-watered. And it's still relatively effective at removing air pollutants. For those reasons, it's a great "starter houseplant" for people without much indoor-gardening experience. Golden pothos are often mistakenly sold as philodendrons13), which are related plants that are equally good at removing formaldehyde, and almost as forgiving to newbie14) houseplant tenders.

