Breaking Baymax: How Disney Found the Story of Big Hero 6《超能陆战队》是怎样炼成的

2015-05-30 10:48赵青奇
新东方英语·中学版 2015年6期



"The first screening is always a disaster. Every time." Robert Baird, co-writer of Disney Animation's superhero cartoon Big Hero 6, has worked at Disney and Pixar long enough to have attended his share of disastrous first screenings of animated movies. "I've never worked on a movie where it was right the first time."

Every Disney Animation film goes through a process that everyone involved calls "iterative1)", a multi-year effort that's filled with false starts and bad choices. But they all begin with one core idea, and in the case of Big Hero 6 that core idea was a boy and his robot.



Start from a Core Idea 从一个核心构思着手

Technically Big Hero 6 adapts a little-known Marvel comic, but the truth is that director Don Hall took only the title and character names from the book, leaving almost everything else behind. It was that boy, Hiro, and his robot, Baymax, that seemed to be the starting place for a movie.

"When Don first pitched2) this idea there was something at its core, this story of a boy who experiences a loss and gets through it with the help of his robot," says Chris Williams, co-director of Big Hero 6. "That's where you start, and then you get this group of people and embark3) on a journey of years to develop the story."

The standard version of Hollywood screenwriting is a tortured guy typing away on his own (or in a Starbucks), but the animated process is very different. "It's more like writing a TV show. People sitting in a room talking for months and months," says Baird. Those people are the story team—the studio's stable of directors and writers and, every now and again, John Lasseter—the Chief Creative Officer of Pixar and Disney Animation—himself.

That group sits in a room and begins hashing the movie out4), using the core concept as a starting point. The first problem they have to solve, according to Baird, is answering one question: "What is this movie about? Not plot-wise, but what are we trying to say?"

Those initial meetings go on for a long time. Ideas are put on a white board and everybody sits around the table and argues. And fights. Fists get pounded on tables. Voices get raised. The story team will break for lunch and dinner at the studio commissary5) and be friendly and then return to the conference room and start yelling at each other again. Eventually those ideas on the whiteboard become story beats6). Those beats become a 30 page treatment7). And all along the way the team has to meet with John Lasseter. "At regular intervals you have to pitch to John," says Baird. "Nothing motivates like that fear."

With Lasseter's guidance ("Story is king" is the Lassterism most quoted in the halls of Disney Animation) that treatment becomes a script. At this point it isn't just writers toiling away on an early, doomed version of the movie; down the hall storyboard artists8) are churning out9) heroic amounts of work while the art department is looking at the basic story beats and trying to design characters and the world. The writers will break the film down into 30 sequences and give them to the storyboard artists, who will create thousands of images for each sequence. "It's crazy to see all the work," says Baird. "And they do it so FAST."







From a Script to the First Version 从剧本到初剪版




After about a year there's a script. In the case of Big Hero 6 that first script came in around 135 pages; with an industry standard of one script page equaling one minute of screentime that would have been a two hour long cartoon—way too long. That script was culled10) down to about 85 pages, losing tons of characters, details and small moments.

The storyboards for that script—tens of thousands of them—are assembled into a rough approximation of the movie, and the story team gets to work recording a temporary vocal track. The writers and artists themselves will play the parts for this first version of the movie—and sometimes they'll find themselves sticking in the roles all the way through the end of the process. Co-director Chris Williams ended up playing the role of Oaken in the final version of Frozen, for example.

That's what is shown to an audience of about a hundred co-workers and trusted friends. Everybody ends up hating it. "You come out of those screenings and maybe 1 or 2 things will survive," says Baird. "Thousands of drawings in the garbage. Hundred pages of script in the garbage."

More and More Iterations 不断的迭代寻优

"We work in an environment where we can screen to John Lasseter, to the other directors, to the Story Trust11), and get feedback," says Chris Williams. "We have to be very good about knowing what our movie is, what it's going to be, what the strengths and weaknesses are—but at the same time you have to be able to listen to other points of view, people who are challenging your assumptions. It's coming with respect and support and from a place of love, but they will challenge everything about the movie. Through that, through iteration after iteration after iteration, the movie finds itself. You find the tone and the personality. That's our process. You're forgiven when it's not great at first."

Armed with feedback the story team immediately evacuates12) the Disney lot13). The next meeting after the first screening happens at an off-site retreat14), so that everybody can yell at each other in a fresh new environment. Then it's back to the whiteboard, this time with the knowledge of what didn't work.

That first screening happens about one year into the development process. There are seven or eight more screenings over the next two or three years, each a new version of the movie launching from the basic core concept. Each version brings them closer and closer to the final product.




Changes Are Severe 改头换面的变化

The changes over the course of the iterations can be severe. The movie being released in theaters is quite different from that first screening. Some things stay the same, though. "The plot is different, but the idea of San Fransokyo and a boy and his robot, and the transformation of Baymax from a caring, compassionate nurse robot to this badass, meched-out15) warrior are all elements that were in that first screening," says Don Hall.

Some of the things that are lost find their way back in during the process. In the first version of the film the protagonist, a young robotics genius named Hiro, spends his time in illegal back-alley16) bot fighting. "That went away for a while, the idea of him wasting his talent with bot fighting," says Hall. "That was in the first screening, and then ideas changed and things came and went, but then it made its way back in—it ended up being a strong core idea. It just didn't work in the context of that first screening."

Live action movies usually begin with a singular vision that is slowly picked apart during the process, but animation comes at story from a totally different angle. It's wholly collaborative, and it involves lots of talented people spending thousands of hours doing work that will never go anywhere, that will never be seen by anyone, that will end up tossed away forever. A live action movie might be in development for a year and shoot for a few months—you could probably make three live action films in the time it took to take Big Hero 6 from an idea to a released film. And every step of that process looks like another failure—screenings of Frozen just a few months before release were reportedly abysmal17).

"You know that screening after screening you're not making an actual movie—you're making a platform to see what the movie's going to be," says Williams. "You build a higher and higher platform, but the nice thing is that everyone knows these are the tools to find the movie."

"It's hard," Briggs18) says. "But I love it. I'm passionate about it."






11. Story Trust: “创意委员会”,迪士尼动画工作室为确保所有制片人之间是合作而非竞争的关系而设立的创意团队,由10~20名动画导演、编剧和故事版画师组成。

12. evacuate [??v?kjue?t] vt. 疏散;使撤离;转移

13. lot [l?t] n. 电影摄影场

14. retreat [r??tri?t] n. 静居处;静养所

15. meched-out: (mechanized-out的缩写)被机械化的

16. back-alley: 秘密的,地下的

17. abysmal [??b?zm?l] adj. 极坏的;糟透的

18. Briggs: 指Paul Briggs (保罗·布里格斯,1975~),《超能陆战队》的编剧,也是片中Yama一角的配音。


大白“两点一线”的脸部设计让它看起来呆萌无比。导演唐·霍尔表示,这种简单到极致的设计灵感来源于他拜访日本寺庙时看到的一种风铃,他说:“I was looking at this temple (in Japan) and I kind of looked up at these bells that were staring down at me and they had that kind of simple two circles with a line. And I was like 'That could be Baymax's face.'”而迪士尼动画首席创意官约翰·拉塞特也十分欣赏这种“少即是多”的设计理念。


大白如此受人喜爱,一个重要原因就是它给予了小宏无私的帮助和关怀。对此,大白的配音斯科特·埃德希特说:“I think it's because he's without ego. He's there to essentially love you, without expecting anything for himself. I think we all love him because we have our own flaws and he is fairly flawless.”
