The Myth of the Well—rounded Girl“完美”女孩的烦恼

2015-05-30 10:48
新东方英语·中学版 2015年7期

Alicia, 15, is a straight-A student who is involved at school and in her community. She's a Girl Scout, plays field hockey and does extracurriculars like the jewelry club, student government and so on. But if you ask this overachiever about her talents, you'll get a blank2) stare.

"I don't even know anymore," she confesses. "People say I'm really good with little kids and at writing and I am really smart, but lately I don't know."

Like many girls, Alicia feels like she has to pull in amazing grades to get into a top college and have an incredible future. But her desire to succeed comes with a serious side of stress.

"All this pressure makes me feel like I can't have a life," she tells us. "Everything needs to be perfect."

The culture of perfectionism is a serious problem, especially among teen girls. It's not surprising, then, that this all-or-nothing3) attitude makes it hard for girls to cope when things get bumpy4) (as life inevitably does) and leads to issues such as depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts and self-harm.

"If perfection is the only thing that's good enough, you have no resources5) or resilience6) when you get results that are less than the best," says psychologist Dr. Lucie Hemmen, who works with teens. "If you want to be successful, you want to be real, not perfect."

Working hard in class and being active after school are key for developing a wide variety of skills. But buckling down7) every second of the day isn't always the route to happiness now, or to a shining career down the road.

15岁的艾丽西亚是一名全优生,在学校和社区都参与活动。她是女童子军的一员,打曲棍球,还参加很多课外活动,如珠宝俱乐部、学生自治会等。 但是,若你去问这位特优生她有何天赋,她只会茫然地看着你。





“如果只有完美才是足够好的,那么当你得到的结果并非最佳结果时,你既无法应对困难,也缺乏适应能力,” 从事青少年研究的心理学家露西·赫门博士说,“如果你想成功,就要变得真实,而不是追求完美。”


In a survey of hundreds of Girl's Life girls, more than half said they feel as though they have to succeed at everything, from school to sports to fitting in the right-size jeans to having a BF. But the desire to be well-rounded is trapping girls in a cycle in which they're frazzled8), feeling unsure of themselves and missing out on new opportunities.

While it's one thing to be successful and well-rounded now to prep yourself for life post-high school, becoming too focused on your future can lead you down a slippery slope9) to Stress Town. Yet many girls already have a specific college on the brain before they even begin freshman year.

Think about it: if you're pushing yourself over the edge10) in order to keep up with meetings and practices and being utterly flawless in every class, you may lose sight of why you're doing any of it at all. Not only that, the all-aces-or-bust mentality can actually keep you from going after your true passions.

Let's say your school is offering a new class this year in a subject you're interested in, like computer coding or graphic design. Do you sign up or go with what you know, the course where you're guaranteed to take home an A?

Girls who are obsessed with success tend to take the safer track, sticking with what they know in order to nab11) that tried 'n' true12) gold-star outcome. But studies show that kids who challenge themselves tend to be happier and feel more confident than kids who tackle a task they've already mastered. It's about feeling empowered to take the right risks and test yourself—even if it might lead to a belly-flop13).

Dr. Hemmen has seen this happen with her own daughter, who was once a volleyball all-star. But the sport wasn't her passion, so she quit, giving her more time for homework and relaxing. She soon picked up an after-school job, began cooking and doing art. She now even takes a nap every once in a while. The outcome? She's never been happier.

But in our 100-miles-per-hour lives, even slowing down can feel like a failure in and of itself14).

"If you're not busy, you're losing precious time to build up your college application and you're falling behind the ones who participate in more activities," says Isabelle, 16.

This fear of "falling behind" can lead girls to take drastic15) measures to keep up. Those we surveyed mentioned everything from skipping sleep to popping pills not prescribed to them, which is crazy dangerous.

7. buckle down: 开始认真做

8. frazzled [?fr?zld] adj. <口>精疲力竭的,疲惫不堪的

9. slippery slope: 导致最终失败的行为

10. push sb. over the edge: (不愉快的事情)使某人发狂

11. nab [n?b] vt. 抓住;逮捕

12. tried 'n' true: (= try and true)经试验证明是值得(或可靠)的

13. belly-flop: 胸腹先着水的笨拙跳水姿势。这里指“摔跤”。

14. in and of itself: 仅仅考虑其本身

15. drastic [?dr?st?k] adj. 极端的

16. stance [st?ns] n. (对某事的)态度;立场

17. at the end of the day: 最终;到头来

18. fabulous [?f?bj?l?s] adj. 极好的;绝妙的

19. fall off: 减少

20. laundry list: 列出的一长串项目的清单










Surprisingly, about a quarter of Girl Life readers surveyed said their friends were also a major source of pressure, which means teens are feeling frazzled to impress their BFFs or to keep up with the stressed-out masses in their classes. Our stance16)? Not worth it. Instead, find out what might make you happy and successful in the long run. At the end of the day17), it's not the opinion of your friends or pressure from your family that's going to make your future fabulous18). It's all about being your best self, in your own way.

The way we see it, there's nothing wrong with narrowing your focus to discover your interests and strengths. Yes, a couple of items may fall off19) the long college application laundry list20), but we bet you'll be happier—and shine like the star you truly are.


