See You Again

2015-05-30 10:48
新东方英语·中学版 2015年7期

2015年4月12日,《速度与激情7》(Furious 7,以下简称《速7》)在国内上映,这一系列电影都由Paul Walker主演,但他在拍摄《速7》期间休假时不幸因车祸离世,《速7》由此成为其银幕绝唱,影片上映也因此有了特殊的意义。正如影片中那句 “I don't have friends. I got family. (我没有朋友,我拥有的是家人。)”所表达的那样,这首由Wiz Khalifa和Charlie Puth携手演绎的片尾曲“See You Again”将兄弟之间的情谊和对家人的不舍与思念唱得深情、温暖而又不失力量,细腻地表达着对Paul Walker的敬意,打动了每一位听者的心。相信不管再过多少年,喜欢Paul Walker的人只要一听到这首歌,就会想起影片中摄人心魄的竞速场面,更会想起Paul Walker留给大家的那些美好回忆。

人生也一样,有悲伤喜悦,也有相聚分离。我们会在人生的旅途中遇见生命里最重要的人,相互扶持,彼此温暖。但世间从来就没有永恒的旋律,也没有不散的筵席,再美好的相遇相知也逃不过时间与生死。然而那留存在彼此心中的情谊却并不会随着别离而消散,反倒会如歌中反复唱到的那样,“... turned into a bond. And that bond will never be broken. And the love will never get lost.”是的,再伤痛的离别也不可能抹去生命长河里所有的痕迹,凝聚于心的真挚感情也永远不会因生死的界限和现实的距离而消散,无数的回忆会编织成美丽的思念,永存心间。


* It's been a long day without you my friend.

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.

We've come a long way from where we began.

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again,

When I see you again. *

Damn who knew all the planes we flew,

Good things we've been through.

That I'll be standing right here,

Talking to you about another path.

I know we loved to hit the road and laugh.

But something told me that it wouldn't last.

Had to switch up.

Look at things different see the bigger picture.

Those were the days hard work forever pays.

Now I see you in a better place.

★ How could we not talk about family

When family's all that we got?

Everything I went through,

You were standing there by my side.

And now you gon'be with me for the last ride. ★

Refrain *

First you both go out your way.

And the vibe is feeling strong.

And what's small turned to a friendship.

A friendship turned to a bond.

And that bond will never be broken.

And the love will never get lost.

And when brotherhood come first

Then the line will never be crossed.

Established it on our own when that line had to be drawn.

And that line is what we reach so remember me when I'm gone.

Refrain ★

Let the light guide your way.

Hold every memory as you go.

And every road you take will always lead you home.


Refrain *

When I see you again.

See you again.

See you again.

When I see you again.


