韩玉珠 吴春燕 邢真智 李爽 赵靖 宋述尧
摘 要:‘富农1号马铃薯是以费乌瑞它作母本,米拉作父本配制杂交组合,通过有性杂交,系统筛选培育而成的新品种。中熟品种,生育期96天左右。株高65.2cm左右,茎绿色,叶深绿色,花冠白色、少花,天然不结实。薯块椭圆形,黄皮黄肉,表皮光滑,芽眼浅。单株结薯10个左右,薯块整齐,商品率70.4%,比重1.0717,干物质含量19.44%。植株田间表现中抗马铃薯花叶病,中抗马铃薯卷叶病,抗晚疫病,抗早疫病。2012~2013年吉林省马铃薯区域试验中,块茎公顷产量分别为45133kg和38099kg,两年平均公顷产量41616kg。2013年生产试验,块茎公顷产量34771kg。
关键词:马铃薯 品种
A New Potato Cultivar‘Funong No.1
HAN Yu-zhu1,WU Chun-yan1,XING Zhen-zhi2,LI Shuan1g,ZHAO Jing3,and SONG Shu-yao1*
(1Department of Horticulture,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130118,China;2Ji'nan Fubang Agricultural Products limited company,Jinan 250100,China;3Changchun Science and Technology College,Shuangyang 130600,China)
Abstract:‘Funong No.1is a new potato cultivar which is derived from the cross between‘Favoritaas the female parent and‘Miraas the male parent.It is midseason variety.Total growth period is about 96 days.Plant height is 65.2cm.Stem is green.Leaf is dark green.It is white corolla.It is few flowers and seed setting in natural.Potato tuber is ellipse,yellow skin with yellow pulp,smooth skin and shallow eye.The number of tuber per plant is about 10.The rate of marketable tuber is over 70.4% with uniform size of tubers.The specific weight is 1.0717 and the dry matter percentage is 19.44%.It is moderate resistance to PMV,PLRV and resistance to late blight and early blight.The yield is 45133kg·hm-2 and 38099kg·hm-2 in Jilin regional test from 2012 to 2013.And the mean yield is 41616kg·hm-2 in Jilin regional test.The yield is 34771kg·hm-2 in Jilin production est.
Key words:potato cultivar
1 品种特征特性
中熟品种,生育期96天左右。株高65.2cm左右,茎绿色, 叶深绿色,花冠白色、少花,天然不结实。薯块椭圆形,黄皮黄肉,表皮光滑,芽眼浅。单株结薯10个左右,薯块整齐,商品率70.4%,比重1.0717,干物质含量19.44%。植株田间表现中抗马铃薯花叶病,中抗马铃薯卷叶病,抗晚疫病,抗早疫病。
2 栽培技术要点
适宜在吉林省各地区栽培。播种前15~20天种薯出窖,在室温下催芽,当芽长0.5~1.0cm呈绿色时可进行播种,播种前1天进行切块。切块时先剔除病薯、烂薯,每块种块要有2~3个芽眼。播种时,要求10cm土层,温度稳定在7~10℃,吉林省平原地区适宜播种期为4月上中旬,山区为4月下旬至5月上旬。一般每667m2种植3800~4000株左右。结合翻地每667m2施有机肥3000kg左右,播种时沟施基肥(尿素、磷酸二铵、硫酸钾等)40kg 左右。及时中耕锄草培土,现蕾前完成2~3次培土,适时追肥,及时防治病虫害。待植株50%以上茎叶变黄萎蔫时,可根据市场情况抢晴收获。