
2015-05-30 10:48廖英
高中生学习·高三版 2015年9期





1. 诵读/背诵

学习语言,不可以“理”代悟。诵读、背诵看似简单、死板,没什么技术含量,却可以引导我们从感性上和整体上去认识、体验、消化、吸收佳作的精髓,为写作积累灵感和素材。在一轮复习中,高中三年的课本往往是主要复习材料,教材可作为语言积累的原材料、语篇分析好素材和语言运用的活载体,有许多我们可以借鉴学习之处。例如人教版必修1第四单元的文本A night the earth didnt sleep,从标题、衔接、表达方面都有很多值得我们学习的地方,大家就可以通过大量诵读和背诵来充分感悟和积累。

2. 缩写

缩写要求我们删繁就简地表达文本的主干信息。在这个过程中,我们不仅内化了文本信息,也进一步让自己的表达能力得到了锻练。例如,必修3第4单元的How life began on the earth是一篇说明文,通过缩写,我们一方面可以截取重要信息,从而更好地把握文章结构,也可以在这个过程中大量练习本单元的语法项目(名词性从句)。比如,我们可以这样缩写这篇文章:

How life came into being is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists find it hard to solve. As is explained in a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a big bang that threw matters in all directions and remained a cloud of dust for the following years. What the future may have in store for the earth was uncertain until it settled into a solid globe which exploded in time to produce atmosphere. What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on the surface. Water, which seems so simple, is what makes life possible. The continued presence of water makes it possible to dissolve harmful gases, thus producing a chain reaction and boosting life to develop.

3. 仿写






(5)好词佳句美。学会语言赏析,积累优质表达。例如,在必修1第三单元的阅读文本Journey down the Mekong中,我们可以发现其中的好词佳句,便可仿写相似的游记类作文,并练习替代词汇的使用。

My Journey to the West

Ever since childhood I have loved(have been fond of) the book Journey to the West. After leaving(graduating from) college, I determined to take my journey to the west with my good friends. My parents were concerned about(cared about)me. They thought that we couldnt forecast what would happen. They advised(tried to persuade)me to give up my plan (change my mind). But I was determined. I told them that I could make use of this chance to recognize my strengths and weaknesses(shortcomings). Besides, I have taken out insurance to cover any problems. At last(Finally) they had to change their attitude(give in). We have made our plan(schedule)carefully. We like cycling better than(prefer cycling to) driving. The problem(disadvantage) of traveling by bike is that we cant take a large parcel.

4. 拓写

2016年湖北高考将开始采用全国卷。全国卷与湖北卷差异较大的一个题型便是作文。全国卷考题作文多为应用文,如书信、广告、看图描述类,强调语言学习在日常生活中的工具性。所以,在一轮复习中,我们可以结合单元文本穿插进行一些应用文的写作训练。例如,必修6第五单元The Power of Nature的阅读文本是一位火山学家对其日常工作的介绍,我们可以结合职业这个话题来进行求职信的写作训练。



Dear Sir,

I would like to apply for the position of a part-time waiter, as was advertised in the newspaper. I am eighteen-year-old student studying at Senior High school.

As the summer vacation is approaching, I hope to get a job to help me to gain some social experience as well as enrich my life. Im available during the week so I have enough time for the work. I once worked as a waiter for three months in a fast-food restaurant in my spare time, and Im sure the working experience will qualify me for the position.

I am outgoing, friendly as well as helpful, which I think will help me a lot in dealing with different customers. Besides, I can play the piano and it can surely build up a warmer and more friendly atmosphere. I would be available for an interview at any time and I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

结合Grammar, 用中促写


Pandas are the mascot of WWF and are being protected (protect) both by WWF and the Chinese government. However, they are not the only animals in danger. Other endangered species are being discovered (discover) in China by WWF on a regular basis. One example is the porpoise (江豚) in the Yangtze River. They are now being studied (now study) as their numbers decrease. Another is the tiger in Northeast China, which is being observed (observe) because it is almost extinct.

Over the years WWF has won many prizes for its work, but now it will be given the task of presenting prizes of its own. Prizes will be given to the organizations that protect wildlife well. People in the world are being encouraged (encourage) to give more importance to wildlife.

被动语态复习(The Paasive Voice) 九年级 Unit5—7