
2015-05-07 13:11刘鹏
中学生英语·中考指导版 2014年8期


请先看以下三道考查 “建议”的表达法的中考题:

1. —How about going to the Disneyland together?

— (广州市)

A. Enjoy yourself!

B. Good luck!

C. Whats up?

D. Sounds like a good idea!

2. —What about a rest?

—OK, Lets go out and have a walk. (长沙市)

A. to take B. takes

C. taking

3. Since you are tired,youd better and have a good rest. (四川省广元市)

A. stop to study B. stop study

C. stop studying

分析:上面的三道中考题均是在考查同学们是否掌握了“建议”的表达法。正确答案分别为:1. D;2. C;3. C。



用来表达“建议”的情态动词有:should、ought to、had better、must、have (has) to等。

1. should表示责任、建议或劝告,意为“应该”,表明某事是必须做的,后接动词原形,否定形式是should not do sth.。


a. You should wash your hands before each meal. (饭前你应当洗手。)

b. We should not talk in class. (我们不应该在课堂上讲话。)

2. ought to后接动词原形,表示义务、劝告、建议或推测,意为“应当,应该”,用法同should,但语气比should强一些。其否定形式是ought not to do sth.,意为“不应该”。其疑问句将ought提前。


a. He ought to have a rest. (他应该休息一会儿。)

b. Ought he to have a rest? (他应该休息一会儿吗?)

c. You ought not / oughtnt to watch TV too much. (你不应该看太多电视。)

友情提示:should、ought to表示“应该”时,两者可互换使用。

3. had better表示“最好……”,后接动词原形,其中的had并非指过去,而是指现在或将来,通用于各种人称,在人称代词后常缩略为“... d”。had better的否定式是had better not,而不是hadnt better;疑问式是将had提前,而不用助动词did;had better的反意疑问句的反意部分用had,不用did或would。


a. Youd better leave here at once, or Ill ask for the police. (你最好立刻离开这儿,否则我要叫警察了。)

b. Its getting late. Wed better go home by bus. (很晚了,我们最好乘公交车回家。)

c. Youd better not watch TV every day. (你最好不要每天看电视。)

d. Had he better finish the work? (他最好完成这项工作吗?)

e. Youd better take a raincoat,hadnt you? (你最好带上雨衣,好不好?)

4. must和have (has) to都表示“必须”,通常可互换使用。但是must表示说话人的主观看法,认为有必要、有义务做某事。回答由must提问的一般疑问句,肯定回答仍用must,否定回答常用neednt或dont have to,表示较为委婉的语气,意为“不必、不需要”;have(has) to主要强调由于外界客观因素的影响需要那样做。另外,must表示推测意为“一定、必定”,其可能性很大,只用于肯定句中,否定句常用cant,表示“不可能”。


a. We must learn English well. (我们必须学好英语。)

b. He has to stop smoking. (他必须戒烟。)

c. —Must I finish my homework now? (我必须现在完成作业吗?)

—Yes, you must. / No, you neednt / dont have to. (是的,你必须。/ 不,你不必。)

d. This dictionary cant be Toms. It has Anns name on it. (这本词典不可能是汤姆的,它上面有安的名字。)

e. The boy under the big tree must be Jims brother. (大树下的那个男孩一定是吉姆的哥哥。)


用来表示“建议”的特定句型有:“Shall we ...?”、“Why dont you do ...?”、“Why not do ...?”、“What / How about ...?”、“Lets do ...”、“Would you like ...?”等。

1. “Shall I / we ...?”表示“我(们)要不要……?;我(们)……好吗?”。回答“Shall I / we ...?”句型时,若同意用“Good idea!”,“All right!”或“OK.”等;若不同意则说“No, lets ...”或“Sorry.”等。


a. Shall we go to the zoo to see the animals? (我们去动物园看动物好吗?)

b. Shall I cook English food for you? (我给你做英国饭菜如何?)

c. —Shall we climb that hill? (我们爬那座小山怎么样?)

—Good idea!(好主意。)

d. —Shall we fly kites now? (咱们现在放风筝怎么样?)

—Sorry!Im too busy. (对不起,现在我实在太忙了。)

2. “Why not do ...?”表示说话人的建议或劝告,意为“为什么不……?”,和“Why dont you do ...?”意思一样。“Why not do ...?”是“Why dont you do ...?”的省略形式。


a. Why dont we meet earlier?

= Why not meet earlier? (我们为什么不早点见面呢?)

b. Why dont you go to school?

= Why not go to school? (你为什么不去上学?)

3. “What / How about ...?”用来征求对方的意见,about后接名词、代词或v.-ing形式。


a. What / How about having an English evening? (举行一场英语晚会怎么样?)

b. How about a trip to the beach on Sunday? (星期日去海滨玩一次怎么样?)

4. “Lets do ...”表示建议时,意为“让我们做……吧”。


a. Lets look at that picture. (我们看看那幅画吧。)

b. Lets go out for a walk. (我们出去散步吧。)


① 这一句式的否定式可用“Lets not ...”或“Dont let us ...”。


a. Lets not get up too early tomorrow. (明天我们不要起得太早。)

b. Dont let us waste our time arguing!(咱们别浪费时间再争论下去了!)

② lets是let us的缩写形式,一般情况下两者可以互换,但略有区别:lets的“我们”包括说话人和听话人双方,而let us不包括听话人在内。


a. Lets play basketball, shall we? (咱们打篮球,好吗?)

b. Let us go with you, will you? (请让我们和你一起去,好吗?)

5. “Would you like ...?”表示“你想要……吗?”,like后接名词、代词或不定式。


a. Would you like a cup of coffee? (你想要杯咖啡吗?)

b. Would you like to go to the park with me? (你愿意和我一起去公园吗?)


① 这一句式的肯定答语有“Yes, please. / Yes, Id like(love) to. / All right. / OK.”;否定答语有“No, thanks, Id like ... / Im afraid not.”等。


a. —Would you like to have a bottle of milk? (你想喝杯牛奶吗?)

—No,thanks. Id like to have a cup of tea. (不,谢谢。我想喝杯茶。)

b. —Would you like an apple? (你想吃个苹果吗?)

—Yes,please. (好的,请给我拿一个。)

② “Would you like ...?”可用“Would you please + 动词原形 + ...?”代替,语气更委婉、礼貌。


Would you like to go out for a walk with me?

= Would you please go out for a walk with me? (你和我一起去散步好吗?)

③ 这一句式一般不接v.-ing形式。endprint



误: Would you like going fishing this Sunday?

正: Would you like to go fishing this Sunday?


I. 单项选择。

( )1. —Its a fine day. Shall we go out for a walk?

— .

A. Good luck

B. Thats all right.

C. Its very kind of you

D. Good idea

( )2. —The room is so dirty. we clean it?

—Of course.

A. Will B. Would

C. Do D. Shall

( )3. —Lets go out and play basketball for a while.

— .

A. Its very kind of you

B. It doesnt matter

C. Thats a good idea

D. Youre welcome

( )4. The suitcase looks too heavy for the lady to carry. Lets go to help her, ?

A. will you B. wont you

C. shall we D. do we

( )5. —How about some drinks?

— .

A. Yes, great B. No, I cant

C. Yes, youre welcome D. Yes, please

( )6. — something to drink?

—Good idea. Im thirsty.

A. What about B. Shall we

C. Would you D. Why not

( )7. —Would you like to come to our English party?

—Oh, great. .

A. Id love to B. Id like

C. Thats all right D. I want very much

( )8. Your teeth are very bad. You eat so much sweet food any more.

A. ought not to B. ought to not

C. ought not D. should not to

( )9. Your father is sleeping. Youd better .

A. not wake up him

B. not to wake up him.

C. not wake him up

D. not to wake him up

( )10. —This book is a bit difficult. read something easier?

—All right.

A. Why not to B. Why dont

C. Why not D. Why not you

II. 翻译下列句子,每空一词。

1. 今晚我们去散步好吗?

go out for a walk this evening?

2. 为啥不送一些花给你的女朋友呢?

you some flowers to your girl friend?

3. 我们在阅览室时,应该保持安静。

We when we are in the reading room.

4. 明天在学校门口见怎么样?

at the school gate tomorrow?

5. 我们太累了,休息一会吧。

We are too tired. have a rest.endprint

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