Part C Retelling(故事复述)三部曲

2015-04-27 05:13林天育
广东教育·综合 2015年4期


广东省普通高考英语科考试从2011年开始分别进行笔试与听力会话测试。其中,听说考试占英语科总分(满分150分)的10%。试题由三部分组成,即Part A - Reading Aloud(模仿朗读),Part B - Role Play(角色扮演)和Part C - Retelling(故事复述)。其中,Part C - Retelling(故事复述)所占的分值最大(24分)。它要求考生先听一段大约两分钟的独白,录音播放两遍。考生准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容。要求考生尽可能使用自己的语言复述,而且复述内容应涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。选取的独白体裁主要是记叙文。




二、Part C-Retelling策略和技巧

1. 策略:采用摘要复述


2. 技巧:“三部曲”




关键词:unconscious(昏迷)  brake(刹车) reaction(反应) hero(英雄) reward (报酬)







The bus driver was unconscious and fell down.

Tom made a quick reaction.

He stepped on the brake.

He saved all the people on the bus.



Tom liked cars and often helped his father repaired cars.

One morning, he was on the school bus with other children.

the driver was not feeling well

1. The bus driver was unconscious and fell down.

bus started running off the road/ out of control


2. Tom made a quick reaction.

Tried to move the driver aside

3. He stepped hard on the brake.

bus finally stopped


He saved all the people on the bus.

Save himself and other children

appeared on TV as a hero

his school hung a medal of honor

the bus company gave him a toy bus as a reward

father was proud of him

promise to teach him how to drive



Tom was interested in cars and often helped his father repaired cars. One morning, he was on the school bus with other children. It happened that the driver was not feeling well and suddenly became unconscious that day. The bus started running off the road and was out of control. Tom made a quick reaction. He moved the driver aside and stepped hard on the brake quickly, and the bus finally stopped. Thanks to his quick reaction, everyone on the bus was saved. He appeared on TV and as a hero and became famous. In return for his quick reaction, he got a medal of honor from his school and the bus company also gave him a toy bus as a reward. His father was proud of him and promised to teach him how to drive when he was older. (140 words)


Tom liked everything about cars and often helped his father repair his old car. One morning, Tom was on the school bus with other children, they were chatting and laughing loudly as usual, but the bus driver was not feeling very well that day. While he was trying to stop the bus by the roadside, the driver suddenly became unconscious, it all happened without any warning. The bus was out of control and started running off the road. The children on the bus were terrified and began screaming. Tom was sitting in the back of the bus but he rushed to the front within seconds. He tried his best to move the bus driver aside and stepped hard on the brakes. The bus finally stopped. Tom save himself and all the other children from the disaster. The quick reaction of Tom made the news all over the country. He appeared on TV as a hero. His school hung a medal of honor around his neck. The bus company gave him a toy bus as a reward. Toms father was very proud of his son. He promised to teach him how to drive when he was older. (196 words)


1. 多听录音,并跟着录音认真模仿朗读,提高语音、语调和节奏的质量。录音是很好的老师。反复听录音,刻苦操练,这是最简单并且有效的语言学习方法。《新概念英语》第二册就是最好的材料。

2. 多开口说,把握一切可以锻炼英语口语的机会,提高口头表达能力。在听完录音后,向同学或是对着镜子,大胆地说出所听到的内容,哪怕是故事的部分内容。循序渐进,增强自己说英语的胆量和自信心。

3. 多动笔,记录听到并能够写出来的内容,一遍不行,就两遍,循序渐进,提升记录能力和书写速度。有意识地培养速记的能力,积累一套属于自己的丰富有效的速记符号。

4. 多实战演练,在最后一个月里,每天都坚持花10分钟坐下来专门练一练历届高考题目,按照上面介绍的答题技巧和过程进行模拟训练。一边听一边记录故事的要点,听完故事后,快速串联要点,组织内容,并大声地说出整个故事的内容。逐步培养和强化自己故事复述能力,增强自己的实战能力。

责任编辑    魏文琦

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