目的:探讨脑钠肽(BNP)水平变化在肺源性心脏病病程中的临床意义。方法:选取本院收治的慢性肺心病患者67例,根据病程的进展分为发作期和缓解期。采用双抗夹心免疫酶法测定BNP水平,血气分析测定PaO2和PaCO2水平,比较患者不同时期的血浆BNP、PaCO2及PaO2水平。结果:患者发作期BNP及PaCO2水平分别为(215.83±83.17)ng/L和(52.13±5.38)mm Hg,明显高于缓解期,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);患者发作期PaO2水平为(51.29±4.70)mm Hg,明显低于缓解期,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在肺源性心脏病患者的病程进展中,血浆BNP参与肺心病的病理生理过程,可作为评估患者疗效和判定预后的参考指标。
肺源性心脏病(简称肺心病)是呼吸系统常见疾病之一,但常伴有众多循环系统症状。该疾病主要是肺组织、肺动脉血管或胸廓等慢性病变引起肺组织结构和功能的异常,使右心扩张、肥大,伴或不伴右心衰竭的心脏病[1]。脑钠素(Brain natriurefic peptide,BNP)主要由心室肌细胞分泌,是在血容量增加和压力超载刺激下产生,其在心血管疾病的发生发展中起重要作用,具有利尿、利钠、舒张血管和降低血压与抗利尿激素等多种作用[2]。本研究旨在讨论脑钠肽水平变化在肺源性心脏病病程中的临床意义,现报告如下。
1.1 一般资料 选取本院2013年4月-2015年4月收治的慢性肺心病急性发作患者67例,均根据临床表现及血气分析、肺功能、胸片、心电图、超声心动图等检查结果确诊,符合慢性肺源性心脏病诊断标准[3]。排除急性肺栓塞、高血压、冠心病、风湿性心脏病、糖尿病及严重肝、肾、脑等疾病患者。其中男46例,女21例,年龄62~88岁,平均(76.17±2.93)岁,平均病程(66.42±6.31)个月。
1.2 方法 所有患者经持续低流量吸氧、抗感染、平喘、祛痰以及强心、利尿等对症治疗改善心脏功能治疗后病情稳定,将患者病情好转稳定2周后定为缓解期。患者分别于急性发作入院次日及缓解期抽取清晨空腹肘静脉血3 mL,3000 r/min,离心10 min分离血浆。采用双抗夹心免疫酶法测定BNP水平,其中试剂盒由南京基蛋生物科技有限公司提供,操作步骤严格按照试剂盒说明进行。此外,患者在采静脉血的同时,自股动脉取常规抗凝血2 mL,血气分析测定血氧分压(Partial pressure of oxygen,PaO2)和动脉血二氧化碳分压(Partial pressure of CO2,PaCO2)。
1.3 统计学处理 使用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行分析数据,计量资料采用(±s)表示,比较采用t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
表1 不同时期的各项检测指标比较(±s)
表1 不同时期的各项检测指标比较(±s)
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Clinical Significance of Changes in the Level of Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Patients with Pulmonary Heart Disease
/WANG Da-jiang.//Medical Innovation of China,2015,12(33):021-022
Objective:To investigate the clinical significance of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels in the course of pulmonary heart disease.Method: 67 patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease in our hospital were selected, according to the progress of the disease course they were divided into episodes stage and remission stage.The BNP level was detected by double anti sandwich immunoassay, PaO2and PaCO2levels were determined by blood gas analysis. The different periods levels of BNP, PaCO2and PaO2were compared.Result:The episodes stage levels of BNP and PaCO2were respectively (215.83±83.17)ng/L and (52.13±5.38)mm Hg,they were significantly higher than the remission stage levels,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). The episodes stage levels of PaO2was (51.29±4.70)mm Hg,which was significantly lower than that in remission stage, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:In the course of pulmonary heart disease, BNP is involved in the pathophysiological process of pulmonary heart disease, which can be used as a reference index to evaluate the curative effect and prognosis.
Pulmonary heart disease;BNP;PaCO2;PaO2
2015-09-24) (本文编辑:周亚杰)
①江西省胸科医院 江西 南昌 330000
First-author’s address:Jiangxi Chest Hospital,Nanchang 330000,China