
2015-04-23 02:04方春晓季颖群李智勇张中和
中华老年多器官疾病杂志 2015年12期

方春晓,安 俊,季颖群*,孙 博,李智勇,张中和


方春晓1,安 俊1,季颖群1*,孙 博2,李智勇2,张中和1

(大连医科大学附属第一医院:1呼吸科,2放射科,大连 116011)

分析血浆D−二聚体(DD)水平与肺动脉血栓负荷的相关性。顺次选取 2009年1月至2011年8月间大连医科大学附属第一医院采用CT肺动脉造影(CTPA)首次确诊急性肺血栓栓塞症(PTE)患者69例。采用Mastora评分系统获得肺动脉阻塞指数(PAOI;PAOI>21.3%提示预后不良风险增加);CT影像测得右(RV)及左(LV)心室短轴直径,计算两者比值(RV/LV>0.9提示右心功能不全)。采用免疫比浊法测定血浆DD。血浆DD浓度中位值为765µg/L(95%CI:750~1205µg/L),PAOI中位值为16.77%(95%CI:16.49%~23.26%)。血浆DD水平与整体肺动脉PAOI呈正相关(=0.417,=0.000)。PAOI>21.3%患者的血浆DD浓度(993μg/L)高于PAOI≤21.3%的患者(663μg/L),差异有统计学意义(=-2.991,=0.003)。血浆DD水平与RV/LV之间呈正相关性(=0.272,=0.024)。RV/LV>0.9患者的血浆DD浓度(880μg/L)高于RV/LV≤0.9的患者(634μg/L),两者之间差异有统计学意义(=-2.070,=0.038)。整体肺动脉PAOI与RV/LV之间呈正相关(=0.390,=0.001)。血浆DD水平与PTE发病时间呈负相关(=-0.407,=0.000);PAOI与发病时间无相关性(=-0.140,=0.245)。老年组(年龄>60岁)患者,其DD水平(727µg/L)和PAOI(14.84%)与非老年组(年龄≤60岁;792.5µg/L,20.97%)比较,差异均无统计学意义(=-0.180,=0.857;=-1.382,=0.167)。规范抗凝3个月后,DD和PAOI水平均显著下降(=-6.976,=0.000;=-7.009,=0.000),二者具有相关性(=0.609,=0.000)。(1)DD水平与CTPA肺动脉新鲜血栓负荷和RV/LV呈正相关,有助于急性PTE患者临床评估病情、指导治疗和判断预后。(2)老年组与非老年组急性PTE患者的DD和PAOI水平差异无统计学意义。


肺血栓栓塞症(pulmonary thromboembolism,PTE)是一种常见并具有潜在致死性的疾病,占心血管系统死亡原因第3位,仅次于心肌缺血及脑血管疾病[1]。由于血浆D−二聚体(D-dimer,DD)水平检测具有快速、定量、价格低、重复性好等优点,其对PTE的阴性预测价值现已得到公认。近年有研究表明血浆DD水平与PTE严重程度呈正相关,也可作为PTE短期及中期死亡率的预测指标[2,3]。另外,CT肺动脉造影(computed tomographic pulmonary angiography,CTPA)已成为确定PTE诊断的一线检查方法,不仅可直接观察是否存在血栓及血栓位置、形态,还可量化血栓负荷[肺动脉阻塞指数(pulmonary artery obstruction index,PAOI)],并测量心血管参数,从而评估PTE严重程度[4,5]。本文研究血浆DD水平与CTPA肺动脉血栓负荷相关性。

Galle等[6]首次提出急性PTE患者DD水平(Asserachrom D-dimer)与通气/灌注(V/Q)扫描的肺灌注缺损程度相关。随后,Kucher等[7]研究表明PTE患者采用校正的Mille指数方法,血栓负荷与DD水平(法国生物梅里埃公司全自动免疫分析系统测定)呈正比。另外,Ghanima等[8]报道了采用Qanadli评分法,DD水平与CTPA的血栓负荷相关。Jeebun等[9]也通过Qanadli评分法证实DD水平与CTPA的血栓负荷和右室功能不全相关。



1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 血浆DD检测


1.3 CTPA成像

所有患者行CT胸部平扫和肺动脉增强扫描,应用GE light-speed 16排螺旋CT。扫描参数:管电压120kV,管电流260mA,准直器宽度16×0.625mm,层厚1.25mm,螺距0.938∶1,扫描范围为肺部,转数:0.6s/r。增强扫描:肘静脉以4ml/s注入碘普罗胺(优维显,碘浓度为370g/L)进行增强扫描,注射造影剂与显像的延迟时间为14s。CTPA影像阅读由至少>2名肺血管专业影像学医师进行双盲阅片。

1.4 PAOI


1.5 右心室及左心室短轴直径比值

CTPA影像四腔心层面测定右心室(right ventricule,RV)及左心室(left ventricule,LV)短轴直径,计算两者比值(right/left ventricular short axis diameter ratio,RV/LV),RV/LV>0.9提示右心室功能不全(right ventricular dysfunction,RVD)[13,14]。

1.6 随访


1.7 统计学处理


2 结 果

2.1 两组患者临床资料比较


表1 两组患者临床资料比较

Precipitating factors include trauma, surgery, immobility, and oestrogen use. Underlying disesases include chronic heart disease, chronic lung disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disease, varicosity, diabetes mellitus, and connective tissue disease. The diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis is confirmed by computed tomographic venography or compression ultrasound

2.2 血浆DD水平与PAOI、RV/LV的相关性


图1 D−二聚体与肺动脉阻塞指数的关系

Figure 1 Correlation between D-dimer and pulmonary artery obstruction index

图2 右心室与左心室短轴直径比值与D−二聚体、肺动脉阻塞指数的关系

Figure 2 Correlations among RV/LV, D-dimer and PAOI RV/LV: right/left ventricular short axis diameter ratio; PAOI: pulmonary artery obstruction index. A: correlation between RV/LV and D-dimer; B: correlation between RV/LV and PAOI

PAOI>21.3%的患者29例(42.03%),其血浆DD中位值为993μg/L(95%CI:856~1841μg/L),PAOI≤21.3%患者40例(57.97%),其血浆DD中位值663μg/L(95%CI:572~846μg/L),两者差异有统计学意义(=−2.991,=0.003;图3A)。根据受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线可得血浆DD浓度为746μg/L时,预测PAOI>21.3%的敏感度为36.6%,特异度为28.6%(曲线下面积为0.287;图4);其中血浆DD>746μg/L的患者35例,PAOI均值为24.99%±15.65%;而DD≤746μg/L的患者34例,PAOI均值为14.29%±9.49%,两者差异有统计学意义(=3.447,=0.031)。

图3 不同组别患者D−二聚体浓度比较

Figure 3 Comparison of D-dimer level in different groups RV/LV: the ratio of end-diastolic right ventricular diameter to leftventricular diameter; PAOI: pulmonary artery obstruction index. A: comparison of D-dimer level between the groups with PAOI>21.3% and PAOI≤21.3%; compared with PAOI≤21.3%,*=0.003. B: comparison of D-dimer level between the groups with RV/LV>0.9 and RV/LV≤0.9; compared with RV/LV≤0.9,#=0.038


图4 D−二聚体用于预测PAOI>21.3%的ROC曲线

Figure 4 ROC curve for prediction of PAOI>21.3% by D-dimer PAOI: pulmonary artery obstruction index

图5 D−二聚体用于预测RVD的ROC曲线

Figure 5 ROC curve for prediction of RVD by D-dimer RVD: right ventricular dysfunction

2.3 血浆DD水平、PAOI与发病时间的相关性


2.4 血浆DD水平与PTE和(或)深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)的关系


2.5 年龄与血浆DD水平、PAOI的关系


图6 D−二聚体水平与发病时间的关系

Figure 6 Correlations between D-dimer level and pulmonary thromboembolism onset time

图7 PAOI与发病时间的关系

Figure 7 Correlations between PAOI and PTE onset time PAOI: pulmonary artery obstruction index; PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism

2.6 治疗和随访


3 讨 论


图8 治疗前后D−二聚体浓度和PAOI变化

Figure 8 Comparison of D-dimer level and PAOI before and after treatment PAOI: pulmonary artery obstruction index. A: comparison of D-dimer level before and after treatment; compared with before treatment,*=0.000. B: comparison of PAOI before and after treatment; compared with before treatment,#=0.000




4 结 论


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(编辑: 周宇红)

Correlation of D-dimer level with clot burden of pulmonary embolism: report of 69 cases

FANG Chun-Xiao1, AN Jun1, JI Ying-Qun1*, SUN Bo2, LI Zhi-Yong2, ZHANG Zhong-He1

(1Department of Respiratory Diseases,2Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116011, China)

To determine the correlation of plasma level of D-dimer (DD) with clot burden of pulmonary embolism.A prospective study was performed on 69 consecutive patients with acute pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) confirmed by computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) in our hospital from January 2009 to August 2011. A pulmonary artery obstruction index (PAOI, Mastora score) >21.3% indicated severe obstruction of PTE. A right ventricle/left ventricle (RV/LV) >0.9 indicated RV dysfunction. The plasma level of DD was determined by immunoturbidimetric assay.The median DD level was 765µg/L (95%CI: 750−1 205µg/L) and that of PAOI was 16.77% (95%CI: 16.32%−23.06%). Plasma DD level was positively correlated with PAOI (=0.417,=0.000). The patients with PAOI >21.3% had significantly higher DD levels than those with PAOI ≤21.3% (993663µg/L,=-2.991,=0.003). DD level was positively correlated with RV/LV (=0.272,=0.024). The patients with RV/LV >0.9 had obviously higher DD levels than those with RV/LV ≤0.9 (880634µg/L,=-2.070,=0.038). There was a positive correlation between PAOI and RV/LV (=0.390,=0.001). Negative correlation was found in the PTE onset time with DD level (=-0.407,=0.000), but not with PAOI (=-0.140,=0.245). There was no significant difference in the DD level and PAOI between the elderly patients (>60 years old) and those younger (≤60 years old) (727.0792.5µg/L,=-0.180,=0.857; 14.84%20.97%,=-1.382,=0.167). After 3 months’ standard anticoagulant therapy, both DD level and PAOI were decreased in the cohort (=-6.976,=0.000;=-7.009,=0.000), and their decreases were correlated (=0.609,=0.000).DD level is positively correlated with CTPA clot burden and RV/LV respectively, and is helpful in illness assessment, management guidance and prognostic evaluation for the acute PTE patients. There is no significant difference in DD level and PAOI between the patients older and less than 60 years.

D-dimer; pulmonary embolism; pulmonary artery obstruction index; computed tomographic pulmonary angiography








季颖群, E-mail: jiyingqun@163.com

VIDAS 30荧光分析仪检测血浆D-二聚体的性能验证