With Age Comes Knowledge Advice from Old People 金玉良言,智慧人生

2015-04-17 17:06fromNCA
疯狂英语·初中天地 2015年1期

from NCA

With Age Comes Knowledge Advice from Old People 金玉良言,智慧人生

from NCA

“People will always remember how you made them feel.”


“Remember that life is like a bank account[银行账户]: You don’t want to spend everything you have right away, but you don’t want to be a miser[守财奴]and save every penny. Yes, you’re only young once, but, with any luck, you’ll also be old at some point. Plan on a career[事业], but don’t let it overcome[压倒]the rest of your life. Take care of yourself, but don’t make it an obsession[迷恋,困扰]. Focus on your kids, but leave room in your life for yourself. Save enough money so that you’ll have enough for the future and for emergencies[紧急事件], but spend enough now to avoid[避免]looking back with regret.”

—author unknown

“When you meet someone for the frst time, realise that you know nothing about them. You see race, gender[性别], age, clothes. Forget it. You know nothing. Those biased[有偏见的]assumptions[假定]that pop into[急急走进]your head because of the way your brain likes categories[种类], are limiting your life, and others’ lives.”

—author unknown

“Friends are few and far in between. You will recognise them when you need them and they are there for you. Nurse[照料]those friendships, they are rare. Try to be a friend.”

—Rudolph Diesel

“Listen more than talk. And ‘listening’doesn’t mean waiting for the other person to shut up so you can start talking again.”


——基于CFPS 2016年数据的实证分析
The Miser and His Gold守财奴