望远隐形眼镜 —— 失明患者的福音

2015-03-31 07:21:58byMeeraSenthilingam德孟
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年10期

by Meera Senthilingam德孟 译

Techtalk 最新科技

望远隐形眼镜 —— 失明患者的福音

by Meera Senthilingam德孟 译


1) embed [em'bed] v. 嵌入,埋置

2) miniscule ['mɪnɪ,skjʊl] adj. 极小的,细微的

3) incorporate [ɪn'kɔːpəreɪt] v. 合并,并入

4) flter ['fɪltə(r)] n.滤光器,滤色镜

5) macular ['mækjʊlə] adj. 有斑点的,有污点的

6) degeneration [dɪdʒenə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 退化,恶化

7) retina ['retɪnə] n. 视网膜

8) magnifcation [mægnɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 扩大,放大

9) EPFL abbr. 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

10) optical ['ɒptɪk(ə)l] adj. 视力的,光学的11) invasive [ɪn'veɪsɪv] adj. 入侵的,扩散的12) polarization [,pəʊləraɪ'zeɪʃən] n.偏振(现象)

13) peripheral vision外围视野

14) zoom in (镜头)移近目标,放大

15) scleral ['sklɪərəl] n. 巩膜的

16) diameter [daɪ'æmɪtə(r)] n. 直径

Lights, mirrors, action! Scientists are developing smart contact lenses1)embedded with2)miniscule mirrors that can magnify your vision by almost three times.

The 1.55mm-thick lenses3)incorporate a thin reflective telescope made of mirrors and4)filters; when light enters the eye it bounces off the series of mirrors and increases the perceived view of an object or person. It is hoped that the lens will improve the sight of people with age-related5)macular6)degeneration (AMD)—the third leading cause of blindness globally.

AMD causes the loss of central vision due to gradual damage to the eye’s7)retina and there are few options for cure or treatment. “AMD is the biggest problem where8)magnifcation is a proven visual aid,” says Eric Tremblay, research scientist at9)EPFL in Switzerland.

Making the Switch

A key innovation with the lenses is the added ability to switch between magnified and regular vision through a complementary pair of glasses. The battery-powered glasses use LCD technology to watch the movement of the eye and a simple wink can alter their12)polarization and determine whether light entering is magnified or not.“Having the ability to switch on demand is attractive,” says Tremblay.

The ability to selectively magnify your vision makes the design of the glass-lens combination more suitable for daily life. “When magnifed you lose a lot of your feld of view, your13)peripheral vision,” says Tremblay. A strategic wink will enable users to keep an eye on their periphery, such as cars approaching them as they cross a street, whilst also being able to14)zoom in and recognize the faces of those around them.

The team developed their technology on15)scleral lenses, which have an increased thickness and16)diameter, making them commonly used for more special purpose eye care. “They provide a lot more area to work with,”says Tremblay. The challenge these lenses bring with them, however, is comfort, as they 17)impede the amount of oxygen reaching the eye.










The most recent18)prototype, unveiled by the team in February, overcame this challenge by introducing air channels to aid the fow of oxygen to the eye. But the team hopes to improve this further still by instead developing a contact lens solution19)saturated with oxygen, which can be stored and slowly released into the eye. “We will build20)reservoirs into the back of the lens,” says Tremblay.

The lenses have only been trialled on a handful of humans to test for comfort, with the majority of research to date performed in the lab using a model chemical eye. But more human trials are21)in the cards, with the eventual goal of daily wearable contacts to aid the visually impaired.

“We want it to move in the direction of a real world vision aid,” says Tremblay.

Getting Smarter

These are not the first smart contact lenses. Other prototypes have been developed to monitor, as well as improve, health in both the eye and across the body.

Alcon, the eye care division of22)Novartis, formed a partnership with23)Google X in 2014 to develop smart-lens technologies for a range of medical eye care applications. One of the first examples of using lenses in this form was24)Sensimed, a25)spin-off also emerging from EPFL. Sensimed’s Triggerfsh technology monitors the progression of26)glaucoma—the second leading cause of blindness, affecting more than 4.5 million people globally.

Glaucoma is a progressive cause of blindness caused by27)deterioration of the eye’s optic nerve. The traditional test used by28)optometrists to monitor patients uses29)puffs of air to measure pressure in the eye, but such measurements are not ideal.








17) impede [ɪm'piːd] v. 妨碍,阻止

18) prototype ['prəʊtəʊtaɪp] n. 原型,模型

19) saturate ['sætʃəreɪt] v. 使渗透,使充满

20) reservoir ['rezəvwɑː(r)] n. 蓄水库,储液器

21) in the cards 即将发生的,注定的

22) Novartis 瑞士诺华制药集团,于2008年收购了雀巢旗下的爱尔康(Alcon)眼科药品与医疗器械专业公司的股份,拓展眼部保健业务

23) Google X 谷歌公司的秘密科技实验室,位于美国旧金山,开展太空电梯、谷歌眼镜、无人驾驶汽车和物联网等研究项目

24) Sensimed 全称Sensimed AG,瑞士企业

25) spin-off 副产品,脱离母公司的公司

26) glaucoma [glɔː'kəʊmə] n. 青光眼,绿内障

27) deterioration [dɪ,tɪərɪə'reɪʃən] n. 退化,变坏,恶化

28) optometrist [ɒp'tɒmɪtrɪst] n. 验光配镜师

29) puff [pʌf] n. 一股(气),一阵(烟)

30) strain gauge 张力计,应变仪

31) sensor ['sensə(r)] n. 传感器,感测器

32) surrogate ['sʌrəgət] adj. 代理的,代用的

33) telescopic [telɪ'skɒpɪk] adj.变焦的

34) clinical practice 临床应用,临床实践

35) rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] adj. 坚硬的,不能弯曲的

36) corneal ['kɔːnɪəl] adj. 角膜的

37) physiology [fɪzɪ'ɒlədʒɪ] n. 生理系统,生理机能,生理学

38) insulin ['ɪnsjʊlɪn] n. 胰岛素

“The big need in glaucoma is for a 24-hour picture of what’s happening inside the eye,” says David Bailey, CEO of Sensimed. Its smart lens uses30)strain gauges and31)sensors embedded inside a chip located in the lens to measure changes in the volume of liquid in the eye as a32)surrogate measurement of pressure. It can be worn over a 24-hour period to monitor pressure patterns and communicate data wirelessly to a recording device worn around the user’s neck.

Optometrist James Wolffsohn, spokesperson for the British Contact Lens Association, looks forward to one day using technologies like the33)telescopic lens in34)clinical practice.“The lens seems an interesting concept to provide optical magnification to the retina when required,” he says. But he adds that there will be challenges in reaching that stage: “It is currently a scleral lens and thick, including35)rigid mirror elements which are likely to affect36)corneal37)physiology and comfort.” Wolffsohn has seen colleagues trial the more established Triggerfish technology to monitor glaucoma, and is optimistic about the future of the feld. “There are also many other exciting developments in innovative uses of contact lenses,” he says.

“The eye is the window to many disease states,” says Bailey, who believes contact lenses are the future for eye care, both in terms of clinical use and lifestyle management. More than 30 million people wear contact lenses in the United States alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control, which means they could be a non-invasive path to health management—be it blindness progression or even38)insulin or alcohol level monitoring.

“Eye-sensing on contact lenses is here to stay...in one form or another,” says Bailey.





Contact Lens Telescopes Could Help Cure Blindness

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