张超权 刘晓辉
中图分类号0211.9 文献标识码A
AbstractAs a special enterprise allow deficit, an insurance company's solvency is constrained by the supervision department. In this paper, we studied the various First Passage Times (FPTs) of the insurance company allow deficit. We described a MAP risk model in stochastic environment, in which, the claims arrive according to a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP), and the distributions of the claim sizes are modulated by the background Markov process. A system of integro-differential equations with boundary conditions was derived and solved. We obtained the matrix expressions for the Laplace transforms of some first times that the surplus process reaches a given threshold from the initial level, and the expressions of the probabilities that the surplus process reaches a given threshold from the initial level were also derived.
Key wordsrisk process; first passage times; Laplace transform; integrodifferential equation
在风险理论研究中,学者多致力对各种风险过程的破产概率的研究1-4. 在实务中,即使有足够资金实力的保险公司对于偶尔大额索赔也会造成赤字.同时,对于保险公司的一些分公司,总公司从市场占有角度及发展规模前景而言,是允许公司在某一赤字底线上负债经营的.因此,在这种情况下,对于保险公司的最大赤字,赤字的恢复,公司的最大负债及最大盈余等的研究显得尤为重要.
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