
2015-03-24 03:10
汉语世界 2015年3期




A man surnamed Wu in Sichuan Province was understandably torn when he encountered a classic dilemma—having to choose between his ex or current girlfriend. Reportedly, Wu’s ex-girlfriend kept harassing him after their break up. Evidently, her entreaties failed, because he sought out a new girl. Tired of being nagged by the both sides, Wu chose a rather confrontational form of resolution and decided to meet both women by the side of a river to talk out their relationship issues. However, things took an ugly turn when the ex-girlfriend jumped into the river. Then, the current girlfriend, testing her lover’s mettle, jumped in as well, hoping to discern his true feelings. Having to decide between these two obvious drama queens, he quickly jumped into the water to save his current girlfriend, leaving his ex in the water. The ex-girlfriend was later saved from the river by fi re fi ghters. Unsurprisingly, the boyfriend is being both praised and condemned by the fi ckle voices of the internet. — SUN JIAHUI (孙佳慧)

一米130319:男人心够狠的,不再爱她了,即使是陌生人也不能见死不救啊!可以走的时候给她报个警吧! 这种男人要不得!现任女友如果成为下一个前任,他得是怎么个狠心法呀?

This man is so cruel! Even if you are not in love with her anymore, you can’t leave her to sink. You can’t do that even to a stranger. You could have at least called the police for her before you left! Girls should keep an eye on such guys! What will he do when the current girlfriend becomes an ex?


There must be some reason why the ex-girlfriend survived until help arrived. I still believe that the man didn’t just leave her. He might have been acting heartless just to wake her up…If he saved her at once, she would still be hung up on him.

邓语涵:去年一条新闻,开头一样。但是男生救了前女友,没来得及救现女友,导致现女友死了,结果被骂得狗血淋头。而这条新闻男生选择了现女友, 结果也被骂没人性。

There was a story last year with the same plot, but in the end the man in that case saved his ex-girlfriend and failed to save the current one. That girl died and people condemned him fiercely. In this case, the man chose the current girlfriend, and people still criticize him for being cold-blooded.


Following the one-child policy, the city of Zhuhai, Guangzhou Province announced a new one-dog policy for households, limiting homes to one canine each. According to the new law, which will come to effect in June, dog owners are allowed one dog per residence, meaning that tenants who share a house with their owners will still only be allowed one dog to be registered to that address. And, if you buy a second-hand home with a dog already registered to it, bad news, you can’t register your dog there. Some are saying this new rule could affect the housing market because both buyer and seller may have to make some very serious decisions. — S.J.


This will be a good and responsible choice for animals. In this way, unreasonable and irresponsible owners who raise pets on a whim will be restricted, and then the number of the homeless pets will decrease. This policy is more humane than just killing strays when their population booms and they begin to hurt people.


What if a female dog gets pregnant? Force it to have an abortion?


It is right to adopt some regulatory policies. But, please don’t use methods of “limitation” or “fines” every time. Courteous dog lovers won’t bother others no matter how many dogs are raised. But, irresponsible owners raising only one can still harm the dog, neighbors, and their surroundings.


Aside from their well publicized penchant for gold and square dancing, some Chinese dama (a colloquial term for middle-aged Chinese women) have found another way of killing time—taking horse tranquilizers. Sixteen women were caught using ketamine while enjoying the hapless noise of KTV in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, three of whom were later sentenced to jail terms. Most of these dama are full-time housewives, claiming they take drugs mainly to stave off the loneliness and to escape their mundane daily lives. It has been reported that they had a WeChat group called“awesome high” and used “hold a sports meeting”as a secret signal for their gatherings. — S.J.


If you had too much money, you could have transferred some to my Alipay account, then you wouldn’t have to go to jail! How silly you have been!


I understand why dama in their 50s are doing drugs; they are deprived of love and care; they have money, but are getting old and have no job to do; they are lonely, spiritually impoverished, and alienated. People cannot live without a spiritual attachment; a hollow heart is a dreadful thing.


It really is a cautionary tale. If the dama are that crazy, how spiritually empty is our society? Though our material wealth is continually accumulating, people’s spirit and morals slide downhill.

A Relic’s Return
abroad ambitions
Eating likeemperors