
2015-03-23 03:52byMaanviSingh
疯狂英语·初中天地 2015年1期

by Maanvi Singh


Discovery Zone/探索区


Eating Comfort Foods May Not Be So Comforting After All

by Maanvi Singh


考试考砸了,又或是被老师批评了一顿……当心情跌至谷底的时候,很多人都会化悲愤为食欲,吃个冰激凌或蛋糕,感觉似乎就好起来了,因为我们相信食物是解决情绪的灵丹妙药。但科学家们又出来多管闲事了。一项研究显示,那些被人们称为安慰食物(comfort food)的高卡路里食品,对抚慰我们的心灵其实没什么作用……





1) soothe [suːð] v. 抚慰,安慰

2) mac and cheese 奶酪通心粉

3) erase [I′reIz] v. 擦掉,抹掉

4) gloomy [′ɡluːmI] a. 沮丧的,忧伤的

5) artery [′ɑːterI] n. 动脉

6) effect [I′fekt] n. 影响,效果

7) cure [kjʊə] n. 药方

8) psychology [saI′kɒlədʒI] n. 心理学

9) colleague [′kɒliːɡ] n. 同事,同僚

For many of us, chicken soup can1)soothe the soul and2)mac and cheese can3)erase a bad day. We eat chocolate when we feel4)gloomy. And we eat chocolate ice cream to help us get over a bad breakup.

These comfort foods usually aren’t so good for our5)arteries, but we tend to think they have healing6)effects—that they’re the7)cure for all our emotional problems.

But maybe they’re not, says Traci Mann, a professor of8)psychology at the University of Minnesota. In a recent study, Mann and some9)colleagues put 100 college students in a bad mood by making them watch clips from sad movies. They then fed half the students their favorite comfort food, while the other students ate food they enjoyed, but wouldn’t consider comfort food.

Once the students had finished eating, the researchers asked the students how they felt. It turns out that all the students felt better, regardless of what they had eaten.





“That is not what we expected,” Mann says. “We keptrepeating the study, because we didn’t believe it.”

In another experiment, Mann had half the kids eat comfort food, and the other half eat nothing. After a few minutes, both groups felt equally better. The comfort food had no effect on their mood.

The results of these experiments appeared in Health Psychology. “People are taking this very hard,” Mann says. “I guess it removes a very10)handy11)justifcation people have for eating comfort food.”

Of course, the study has a few12)signifcant13)limitations. For one, it only looked at a particular kind of14)negative mood— caused by watching sad films. Other studies have come to different15)conclusions. For example, one in 2011, published in the journal Psychological Science, suggested that eating chicken soup may help some people feel less lonely.






And the researchers didn’t look at the reallife situations in which people eat comfort foods. “Maybe the comfort from comfort food comes from going to a cafe16)acquiring it,” Mann says. The research on the psychological effects of comfort food is not very17)thorough, she notes, so we don’t have any definite answers yet.

David Levitsky, a professor of18)nutrition at Cornell University, says Mann’s research is19)in line with what he would have expected. “We tend to look for a magic solution to our problems,” Levitsky says.

The idea that we can feel better by simply eating certain foods is very20)appealing, he says, “but in21)actuality, feeling better has nothing to do with the food itself, and it’s a very weak psychological effect.”




The comfort foods we turn to the most are the ones we ate while growing up, or the ones that remind us of22)celebrations, Levitsky says. We may23)associate chicken soup with all those times Mom took care of us when we were little, and maybe mashed potatoes remind us of joyful Thanksgivings.Remember that scene from the movie Ratatouille, when an angry food24)critic tastes a meal that makes him feel like a kid again?



10) handy [′hændI] a. 方便的

11) justifcation [dʒʌstIfI′keI∫ən] n. 理由12) signifcant [sIɡ′nIfəkənt] n. 大的,重要的

13) limitation [lImI′teI∫ən] n. 限制

14) negative [′neɡətIv] a. 消极的,负面的15) conclusion [kən′kluːʒən] n. 结论

16) acquire [ə′kwaIə] v. 获得

17) thorough [′θʌrə] a. 彻底的,完全的

18) nutrition [njuː′trI∫ən] n. 营养学

19) in line with 符合

20) appealing [ə′piːlIŋ] a. 吸引人的

21) actuality [æktjʊ′ælItI] n. 事实,现状22) celebration [selI′breI∫ən] n. 庆祝

23) associate [ə′səʊ∫IeIt] v. 联想

24) critic [′krItIk] n. 评论家

25) necessarily [′nesəsərIlI] ad. 必要地26) cope with 应付

27) opposed [ə′pəuzd] a. 反对的

28) glum [ɡlʌm] a. 闷闷不乐的



We think that eating foods that remind us of home, or of good times, will make us feel better when we’re down, Levitsky says. “But we don’t know if it’s performing the function that people want it to.”

So does this mean we should step away from the Ben & Jerry’s注when we’re feeling sad? Not25)necessarily, Levitsky says. “There’s no harm to it,” he says, unless you’re overeating, or always eating food to avoid26)coping with big problems.

Mann agrees. “I am not27)opposed to comfort foodeating during your occasional28)glum moment,” she says.

Maybe the food doesn’t help anything, she says, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious. “So you lose one justifcation for eating a cookie. Come up with another one.”


那么,这是否意味着在伤心的时候,我们应该远离Ben and Jerry’s冰激凌呢?倒不一定,李维斯基说。“吃了也没有害处,”他说——除非你吃太多,或者在处理重要的时候总是用吃来逃避。


