张 旭,张 雄
(云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院,云南 昆明 650500)
张 旭,张 雄
(云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院,云南 昆明 650500)
众所周知黑洞质量及寄主星系光度能反映射电类星体的射电噪度信息。近来Alexander*http://arxiv.org/abs/ 0810.1055对黑洞自旋进行了关于类星体射电噪与射电宁静的特征分歧是否由于其中心黑洞自旋的差异而产生的研究。要证明此理论需要讨论黑洞自旋与射电噪度是否存在必然的联系。
黑洞自旋和质量是类星体的两个基本物理量。黑洞自旋与射电类星体黑洞合并和吸积有着明显的关系,如文[1-6]均得出相同的结论。文[2]认为黑洞自旋和质量的变化在二元合并时是同时发生的。在合并的过程中黑洞的自旋速率会慢慢降低。文[4]认为大质量黑洞的吸积可能是由一系列连续随机的吸积事件组成,正是由于这些吸积事件使大质量黑洞具有中等的自旋。文[7]认为自旋及其参量与红移一样的功能,能对活动星系核(Active Galactic Nuclei, AGN)黑洞的合并与吸积特征进行精确的描绘。
1.1 黑洞自旋
由于本文的计算方法与文[12]相同,为了保证分析结果的准确性,故采用与文[12]相同的流量样本采集方案。从文献中采集了69个具有准确喷流能量数据的射电类星体源,样本计算黑洞自旋所需要的178 MHz流量密度L44(以央斯基为单位)均来源于NASA/IPAC河外星系数据库。
采集的射电类星体样本数据包括红移、黑洞质量、178 MHz流量密度、射电噪度R、消除相对论聚束效应影响的射电噪R*。射电类星体的射电噪测定很大程度上受无线电及光学波段的相对论聚束效应的影响,这对于平谱射电类星体尤其明显。为了消除这种影响,引用核心射电光度替代热光度测定射电类星体射电噪。运用这种方法所得的射电噪数据,将其定义为消除相对论聚束效应影响的射电噪R*。
表1 黑洞红移质量自旋及射电噪度
续 表
注1:表中(1)源; (2)类型; (3)红移; (4)151 MHz下的流量密度来源于河外星系网络数据库; (5)黑洞质量; (6)爱丁顿磁场条件下的自旋; (7)静磁场条件下的自旋; (8)B∝j条件下的自旋Refs文献: B94b[31]: Brotherton et al. (1994). B96[32]: Brotherton (1996). C91[33]: Corbin (1991). C97[34]: Corbin (1997). CJ01[35]: Gu & Jiang et al. (2001). G01[36]: Gu et al. (2001). H02[37]: Garrington et al. (1991). L96[38]: Lawrence et al. (1996). M96[39]: Marziani et al. (1996). M99[40]: McIntosh et al. WB86[41]: Wills & Browne (1986)
图1 陡谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR的相关性(B=BEDD)Fig.1 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR of SSRQs (under the assumption B=BEDD)
图2 陡谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR的相关性(B=104G)Fig.2 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR of SSRQs (under the assumption B=104G)
图3 陡谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR的相关性(B∝j)Fig.3 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR of SSRQs (under the assumption B∝j)
图4 陡谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR*的相关性(B=BEDD)Fig.4 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR* of SSRQs (under the assumption B=BEDD)
图5 陡谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR*的相关性(B=104G)Fig.5 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR* of SSRQs (under the assumption B=104G)
图6 陡谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR*的相关性(B∝j)Fig.6 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR* of SSRQs (under the assumption B∝j)
图7 平谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR的相关性(B=BEDD)Fig.7 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR of FSRQs (under the assumption B=BEDD)
图8 平谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR的相关性(B=104G)Fig.8 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR of FSRQs (under the assumption B=104G)
图9 平谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR的相关性(B∝j)Fig.9 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR of FSRQs (under the assumption B∝j)
图10 平谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR*的相关性(B=BEDD)Fig.10 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR* of FSRQs (under the assumption B=BEDD)
图11 平谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR*的相关性(B=104G)Fig.11 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR* of FSRQs (under the assumption B=104G)
图12 平谱射电类星体黑洞自旋j与logR*的相关性(B∝j)Fig.12 The statistical correlation between black hole spin values and logR* of FSRQs (under the assumption B∝j)
表2 不同条件下黑洞自旋与射电噪度的相关性数据
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An Analysis of Statistical Correlations between Black Hole Spin Values and Radio-Loudness Indices in Radio Loud AGN
Zhang Xu, Zhang Xiong
(School of Physics and Electronic Information Technology, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China, Email: ynzx@yeah.net)
We have collected a sample of 69 radio-loud quasars from various
. The sample includes 37 SSRQs (withα>0.5) and 32 FSRQs (withα<0.5) with redshifts ranging from about zero to about two. We have carried out an analysis of statistical correlations between black hole spin values and radio-loudness indices for the sample. In the analysis we consider three cases of the spin values. The three cases correspond to three different assumptions about the magnetic field strengths around the black holes. Our conclusions are as follows. (1) In SSRQs their black hole spin values are strongly correlated with their radio-loudness indices; (2) The correlation in SSRQs is not caused by relativistic beaming; (3) There is no indication of a strong correlation between supermassive black hole mass values and spin values for FSRQs; (4) The correlations between black hole spin values and radio-loudness indices may be different for different types of radio-loud quasars. Our results are consistent with models of radio-loud quasars of other authors.
Radio-loud quasars; Black-hole spin; Radio loudness; Correlation
国家自然科学基金 (U1231203, 11063004);云南省自然科学基金 (2010CD046) 资助.
张 旭,男,硕士. 研究方向:黑洞,活动星系核. Email: 2226997466@qq com
张 雄,男,教授. 研究方向:黑洞,活动星系核. Email: ynzx@yeah net
CN 53-1189/P ISSN 1672-7673