Caja Granada Savings Bank Headquarters
业主:Caja General de Ahorros de Granada
Client: Caja General de Ahorros de Granada
Location: Carretera de Armilla S/n Granada, España
Competition: 1992
Design date: 1998
Construction period: 1999-2001
这座宏伟的半立方体建筑作为一种参照物,使这个城市新区变得更为紧凑。 为了解决场地坡度和底层标高问题,在立方体建筑所在场地周围的两条公路之间建立了一个大型基础。 这座裙楼有效解决了停车和未来扩建问题。 新建的立体切割立方体由3 x 3 x 3米钢筋混凝土格栅建造而成,可作为一种采光机制,而采光正是该建筑的核心主题。 两个南立面发挥“百叶窗”的作用,有效遮挡强光,同时为开放式办公区域提供光照。 两个北立面面向独立办公室,具备该方位的均匀而持续采光的特性,并且被石材和玻璃水平带围蔽。
室内中庭是一个真正的“聚光池 ”,能够收集来自天窗的南向强光,经过雪花石膏板的反射,增强开放式办公室的采光性。 从功能上说,该建筑不仅容量大、而且非常灵活和简约。
简单地说,这是一个立体切割、封闭式的石材混凝土箱体,能够在室内采光,形成一个筑造的封闭式高效“聚光池”, 一个被对角光线穿过的对角空间。
注:“聚光池”原文为“impluvium of light”,其中impluvium一词原指罗马住宅中庭中央的未覆盖部分,用于收集雨水。
In the undefined outskirts of Granada, the central offices of the Caja General, the most significant bank of the city, has been built.
A great semi-cubical volume serves as a reference to tense this new part of the city. In order to resolve the slope of the site and the ground floor level, a great base is created between the two highways that border the site upon which the cubic piece sits. In this podium, parking and future additions are resolved. The emerging, stereotomic, cubic box, is built of a reinforced concrete grid 3 x 3 x 3 meters, which serves as a mechanism to collect light, the central theme of this architecture. The two southern facades function as a "brise-soleil," finely shading the potent light, and providing illumination to the areas of open offices. The two northern facades, giving onto the individual offices, receive the homogeneous and continuous light characteristic of this orientation, and are enclosed by stone and glass in horizontal bands.
The central interior courtyard, a true "impluvium of light," gathers the solid southern light from the skylights and, reflected by the alabaster parameters, augments the illumination of the open offices. Functionally the building has a great capacity, flexibility, and simplicity.
Simply, it is a stereotomic, containing, stone and concrete box, that traps sunlight in its interior to serve a tectonic, contained, box enclosed in an efficient "impluvium of light." A diagonal space crossed by a diagonal light.
Felipe Samarán Saló, Ignacio Aguirre López, Gonzalo Torcal Fernández-Corugedo, Emilio Delgado Martos, Raúl del Valle, María Concepción Pérez Gutiérrez
Tomás García Píriz, Andrés Rubio Morán (structure architect), Víctor Martínez Segovia (structure engineer), Rafael Úrculo (engineer)
总平面 site plan
剖面图 section
首层平面 ground floor plan
标准层平面 typical floor plan
六层平面 6th floor plan