
2015-03-02 10:36瑞士苏黎世19992003年
世界建筑导报 2015年5期


摄影:Walter Mair


Apartment Building on Forsterstrasse


摄影:Walter Mair


封闭的地下车库构成了楼板和墙块开放式可见结构的基础,体现了上层建筑特征。 隐藏在地下的地基构成了车库的框架,因此不需要承重柱。公寓采用墙体砌块结构,像一座桥梁一样横跨在车库之上。作为建筑的壳体,墙壁、地板和天花板共同组成一种在公寓内可见的抗弯结构,形成看起来完全无异的整体空间。公寓内围住内向型区域的墙块同样也构筑了外向型生活区,整个生活区装有玻璃墙面,且无其他可见支撑结构。因此,各种对立的特性——凹与凸、开放与封闭、轻与重——融为一个不可分割的整体。它们相互依赖,作为一个空间概念的不同表现形式。这座公寓楼的建筑设计旨在避免出现清晰鲜明的联想性解读,以及由此造成的昙花一现的结果。

The solid, loadbearing wall slices give shape and form to the open structure without subdividing it. The lighting and the views through the house keep changing thanks to the open floor plan. There is no hierarchy or distinction between the different uses of the flat. They are all the same in construction and material. The green of the trees and the daylight are reflected in the smooth formwork of the seamless concrete walls, reaching all the way into the most introverted areas of the flats. The austere wall slices fuse the varying impressions into a single architectural entity. The rigour and stringency of the architectural treatment of space is not the goal of the design but the means that lend cohesion to the many different spatial impressions. The concrete wall slices are placed one above the other, suspended under each other or cantilevered. They form the loadbearing structure. Shifting a wall on one floor would have repercussions on all the other floors. Their exact placement, their structurally essential organization remains hidden behind the appearance of a free, open-ended design.

The closed underground garage forms the base of the open and visible structure of floor slabs and wall slices, which characterizes the building above. Hidden in the earth, the foundation frames the garage, which therefore requires no loadbearing columns. The flats, with their structure of wall slices, span the garage like a bridge. The structurally bend-proof combination of wall, floor and ceiling remains visible in the flats as the building shell and gives the space a distinctly monolithic appearance. The same wall slices that enclose the introverted zones inside the flats also generate completely glazed, extroverted living areas with no other visible supports. Hence, contradictory properties – cave and pavilion, open and closed, heavy and light – blend into an inseparable whole. They are mutually dependent as different manifestations of a single spatial concept. The architecture of the building seeks to preclude a clear cut, associative reading and the short half-life to which that inevitably leads.



平面图的3-hued 染色