林坚贞, 白学礼, 张艳璇, 陈 霞, 孙 莉, 斎藤裕, 马立名
(1.福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 福建 福州 350013;
2.宁夏回族自治区疾病预防控制中心, 宁夏 银川 750004;
3.中国鼠疫布氏菌病预防控制基地, 吉林 白城 137000)
林坚贞1, 白学礼2, 张艳璇1, 陈霞1, 孙莉1, 斎藤裕1, 马立名3
(1.福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 福建 福州 350013;
2.宁夏回族自治区疾病预防控制中心, 宁夏 银川 750004;
3.中国鼠疫布氏菌病预防控制基地, 吉林 白城 137000)
摘要:根据中国标本对美洲寄螨Parasitus americanus Berlese,1888进行再描述,并报道其在中国的分布。
关键词:蜱螨亚纲; 中气门目; 寄螨科; 寄螨属; 分布
Redescription and distribution ofParasitusamericanusBerlese,1888 in China
本文根据中国标本对美洲寄螨ParasitusamericanusBerlese, 1888作了再描述,并报道其在中国的分布。文中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值。研究标本分别保存于福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所,和宁夏回族自治区疾病预防控制中心。
美洲寄螨ParasitusamericanusBerlese, 1888(图1-3)
雌螨(图1)。体黄色,骨化弱,体型大,长1 075,宽753。背板2块。前背板F1粗长,末端尖,有少数小刺;D1,D3,M2和后背板后部1对毛粗长,末端钝,有极细短小刺;其余背毛针状。胸板具3对毛和2对隙孔。胸后毛和第3对隙孔在胸后板上。生殖板具1对毛,内殖器有1对很大的暗色突起。生殖板与腹板融合,二板无界线,生殖毛有的标本靠近内殖器,有的标本远离内殖器,似无生殖毛。腹毛光滑。Ad位于肛孔后缘稍前水平,Ad与PA约等于肛孔长。气门沟前端达到基节I中部。头盖具3细突,中突顶端分叉或不分叉。螯钳动趾3齿,位于近末端。须股节al毛2分叉,须膝节al1及al2棒状,无分枝。颚角短小。颚毛均细长光滑。叉毛3叉。足毛细长光滑,各跗节末端有4刺。
研究标本:1 ♀,1后若螨,采自禾本科落叶,云南省昆明市石林,2007-07-18,林坚贞采。2 ♀♀,4 ♂♂,采自韭菜烂叶层,宁夏回族自治区银川市郊,2014-05-01,白学礼采。标本分别保存于福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所和宁夏回族自治区疾病预防控制中心。
图1 美洲寄螨Parasitus americanus Berlese, 1888 ♀
图2 美洲寄螨Parasitus americanus Berlese, 1888 ♂
图3 美洲寄螨Parasitus americanus Berlese, 1888 后若螨
Karg W.1993.Acari (Acarina),Milben Parasitiformes (Anactinochaeta),Cohors Gamasina Leach,Raubmilben.Tier.Deut.59.Teil.378-494.
Womersley H.1942.Additions to the Acarina-Parasitoidea of Australia.Part I.Trans.Roy.Soc.S.A.,66(2):142-171.
Тихомиров СИ.1977.Сем.Parasitidae Oudemans,1901.В:Определительобитающих в почвеклещей,Mesostigmata.Изд.Hаука,Ленинград.55-107.
(Acari: Mesostigmata: Parasitidae)
Jian-Zhen LIN1, Xue-Li BAI2, Yan-Xuan ZHANG1, Xia CHEN1, Li SUN1,
Yutaka SAITO1, Li-Ming MA3
Abstract:Based on the specimens collected from China, Parasitus americanus Berlese, 1888 was redescribed in the present paper, and reported for the distribution in China.
ParasitusamericanusBerlese, 1888 (Figs.1-3)
Female. Length of idiosoma 1 075 μm, width 753 μm. Setae F1long and stout, sharp and pilose distally; D1, D3, M2on anterior dorsal shield and a pair of setae on posterior dorsal shield long and stout, blunt and pilose distally; remains setae needle shaped. Sternal shield with 3 pairs of setae and 2 pairs of pores. Metasternal setae and the 3rdpair of pores situated on metasternal shields. Genital shield with 1 pair of setae, endogynium with 1 pair of large projections.Ventral setae simple. Ad situated before level of posterior margin of anus, both Ad and PA subequal to anus in length. Peritreme reaching to middle of coxaI anteriorly. Tectum with 3 slender projections. Movable digit of chela tridentate. Seta al on palpfemur bifurcate, al1and al2on palpgenu club-shaped. Corniculi short. Legs setae long, smooth.
Male. Length of idiosoma 677-968 (av.769) μm, width 355-559 (av.430) μm. Dorsum as in the female. Holoventral shield with 3 pairs of sternal setae, 1 pair of metasternal setae, 1 pair of genital setae, about 10 pairs of ventral setae, 3 perianal setae and 3 pairs of pores. Leg II with 2 spurs on femur, 1 short spur on genu and 1 finger-like spur on tibia. Perianal setae, peritreme, tectum, palpal setae and legs setae as in female.
Material examined. China 1 ♀and 1 deutonymph,ex. leaf litter of grass, Yunnan, Kunming Shilin (25°07' N, 102°38' E), 18 July 2007, Jian-Zhen Lin; 2 ♀♀ and 4 ♂♂,ex. vegetable litter, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Yinchuan City (38°30' N, 106°16' E), 1 May 2014, Xue-Li Bai.
Distribution: China (Yunnan, Guizhou, Shanxi, Ningxia, Xinjiang); Russia, Europe, America, Africa, Australia.
Key words:Acari; Mesostigmata; Parasitidae; Parasitus; distribution
收稿日期:2015-07-12; 发表日期:2015-10-31