胡常巨,熊金波,陈和平,,王 凯,叶 然,崔永平,朱建林,张德民,*
1宁波大学海洋学院,宁波 315211 2宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,宁波 315211 3宁波海洋环境监测中心站,宁波 315012
胡常巨1,熊金波1,陈和平1,2,王 凯1,叶 然3,崔永平3,朱建林2,张德民1,*
1宁波大学海洋学院,宁波 315211 2宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,宁波 315211 3宁波海洋环境监测中心站,宁波 315012
近海集约化养殖是导致我国近海污染的主要来源之一。浮游细菌在近海生态系统的物质循环过程中发挥重要作用,研究海洋浮游细菌群落对养殖活动的响应,对于指示和评价海水养殖生态系统健康具有重要意义。采集了象山港网箱养殖区与非养殖区3个深度,包括表层(0.5m)、中层(2.5m)、底层(8.0m)的水样,利用焦磷酸测序技术测定16S rRNA 基因,研究浮游细菌的群落结构和多样性。结果表明:网箱养殖活动不仅使得附近区域水体理化性质发生改变,如化学需氧量浓度显著高于非养殖区域,而且显著地(P<0.05)改变了浮游细菌的群落结构,但不同深度间群落结构和多样性的差异不显著。网箱养殖区和非养殖区中主要浮游细菌类群为α-变形菌(Alphaproteobacteria)、γ-变形菌(Gammaproteobacteria)、拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌(Actinobacteria)、β-变形菌(Betaproteobacteria)、ε-变形菌(Epsilonproteobacteria)和其它变形菌(Unclassified Proteobacteria),占细菌总序列数的98.64%。有些细菌类群的平均相对丰度从网箱区到非养殖区差异显著,如拟杆菌(P<0.01)和放线菌(P<0.05)显著降低,而γ-变形菌(P<0.05)显著增加。相似度分析表明γ-变形菌、α-变形菌和拟杆菌是造成网箱区和非养殖区群落差异的主要类群,对群落差异总贡献率达到45.02%。偏冗余分析表明,影响细菌群落分布的主要环境因子有化学需氧量、磷酸盐、铵盐和总有机碳,共解释38.18%的群落变异,空间距离单独解释10.66%的群落变异。实验结果表明,养殖活动导致浮游细菌群落的改变, 其中拟杆菌、放线菌和γ-变形菌的丰度显著变化,可能用于评价养殖水体的水质状况。
象山港是浙江省重要的养殖基地[18]。然而,以往对象山港生态环境的报道多以潮间带生物、浮游动植物和底栖动物为主,对养殖环境中微生物的研究也主要集中在底泥细菌群落以及水体中浮游细菌的数量方面[3,18-21],有关浮游细菌群落结构方面的研究也较少。本研究通过16S rRNA基因焦磷酸测序技术研究象山港网箱养殖和非养殖区的浮游细菌群落,比较不同水深度下的细菌群落结构,获得驱动浮游细菌群落结构变异的环境因子,初步揭示了浮游细菌群落对养殖扰动的响应规律。结合不同细菌类群的功能,通过群落组成变化推测生态功能变化,可为网箱养殖生态健康提供评价和维护依据。
1.1 实验设计和水样采集
象山港位于浙江省宁波市的东部,为东北-西南向的狭长形半封闭海湾。为研究养殖活动对浮游细菌群落的影响,2012年4月10日,选取位于象山港中西沪港内网箱养殖区(121°45′9.935″ E,29°32′20.472″ N)和非养殖区(121°46′10.056″ E,29°36′4.356″ N)两个站位,其具体时间为15:40和16:10,潮位均为低平一落,两位点相距7km。养殖区面积约1.1km2,拥有海水网箱2000余只,网箱规格为3m × 3m × 6m,主要养殖种类为大黄鱼和鲈鱼,平均放养密度为3000尾/网箱,养殖周期为2—3a。每个区域分别采集表(水深0.5m)、中(水深2.5m)、底(水深8m)3个深度的水样3L。
1.2 DNA提取
分别取各样品1L水样,用经灭菌处理的100μm孔径的尼龙布预过滤,后用0.2μm孔径的聚碳酸酯膜(Millipore)过滤。滤膜在无菌剪刀剪碎后用Power Soil©DNA试剂盒(Mobio)提取收集物的总DNA。用NanoDrop ND-1000型分光光度计测定DNA浓度和纯度。抽提后的DNA于-80℃备用。
1.3 细菌16S rRNA基因扩增和454测序
PCR扩增16S rRNA基因的V1-V3可变区(27F:AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG和519R:GWATTACCGCGGCKGCTG),其中正向引物上带有10个碱基的barcode序列,用于区分不同样品,DNA模板用量为50ng,在50μL反应体系扩增。每个样品设置3个PCR重复,以降低扩增造成的偏差。PCR反应条件如下:94℃变性30s,55℃退火30s,72℃延伸30s,30个循环,72℃延伸10min。扩增产物用1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测。将每个样品的重复扩增产物混合后纯化(TaKaRa Biotech,Japan)。最后所有样品的PCR产物等摩尔量混合,在罗氏FLX 454仪器上测序(Roche Diagnostics,Branford,CT,USA)。
1.4 测序数据处理
利用Qiime(Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology,http://qiime.org)流程对下机测序数据进行样品分装、去嵌合体和质量筛选;利用Uclust将相似性大于97%的序列归为同一个分类操作单元(Operational Taxonomic Units,OTUs)[22]。选取每个OTU中丰度最高的序列作为代表序列[23],通过 Greengenes数据库中对比获得OTUs的分类地位信息[24]。为避免测序深度不同造成的偏差,每个样品随机选取5700条序列(样品中最低测度深度)进行后续分析。
1.5 数据分析
用R软件(v.2.11.0)中vegan软件包计算养殖水环境中浮游细菌群落的多样性,包括多样性指数(Shannon Wiener)和均匀度指数(Pilou′s Evenness)。应用冗余分析方法(Redundancy analysis,RDA)分析细菌群落与环境因子之间的关系[25],同时采用偏冗余分析(Partial redundancy analysis,pRDA),计算出水体理化因子和空间距离对群落变异的相对贡献。
用Past(v.2.03)软件中非参数多维度法(Non-metric multidimensional scaling,NMDS)分析浮游细菌的群落组成,将各样品浮游细菌群落组成在二维图上可视化。NMDS中,一般采用压力系数(Stress)评定所得到的多维构型与实际数据之间的适合度,压力系数越小,表示适合度越高[25]。根据Kruskal提出的判断标准,压力系数<0.2,适合度较好,聚类分析可靠[26]。应用群落相似性检验分析养殖和水深对浮游细菌群落分布的影响。利用SIMPER(Similarity percentage)分析找出对群落差异贡献度高的OTUs。
2.1 水体理化性质
表1 网箱养殖区和非养殖区各采样点水体主要理化参数Table 1 The main physical and chemical properties of the water samples in cage culture and non-cultured areas
COD:Chemical oxygen demand;TP:Total phosphorus;TN:Total nitrogen;TOC:Total organic carbon;Chl a:Chlorophyll a;Y:养殖区Cage culture area;N:非养殖区Non-cultured area;S:表层Surface;M:中层Middle;B:底层Bottom
图1 各样品的优势菌门(纲)平均相对丰度图 Fig.1 Relative abundances of the dominant phyla or classes in water samplesY:cage culture area,养殖区;N:non-cultured area,非养殖区;S:surface,表层;M:middle,中层;B:bottom,底层
2.2 浮游细菌群落组成和结构分析
象山港水体主要浮游细菌类群为γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)、α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、其它变形菌门(Unclassified Proteobacteria)、β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)和ε-变形菌纲(Epsilonproteobacteria),平均相对丰度分别为47.48%、39.45%、7.76%、1.32%、1.13%、0.87%和0.63%,占细菌总数的98.64%(图1)。在网箱养殖区,拟杆菌门(P=0.006)和放线菌门(P=0.015)显著高于非养殖区,而γ-变形菌纲(P=0.038)显著低于非养殖区。在网箱养殖区,α-变形菌平均相对丰度随水深逐渐降低,而γ-变形菌纲逐渐增加;在非养殖区,拟杆菌平均相对丰度随水深逐渐降低(图1)。总体而言,浮游细菌群落多样性指数(t检验,P=0.790)和均匀度指数(t检验,P=0.587)在网箱养殖区中的均值高于非养殖区,但无显著差异。网箱区中层水样浮游细菌的多样性指数最高,表层水最低,分别为4.808,4.104;均匀度指数也是中层水最高(0.735),表层水最低(0.652)(表2)。在非养殖区,则是表层水多样性最高,底层水多样性最低,但是这些差别均不显著(表2)。
表2 网箱养殖区和非养殖区群落多样性分析Table 2 Analysis of bacterial alpha diversity of water samples collected from cage culture and non-cultured areas
图2 浮游细菌群落组成的非度量尺度分析NMDS二维图(箭头表示从表层到底层的变化方向)Fig.2 Two-dimensional NMDS of bacteriolplankton community compositions (The arrows representing changes from surface to bottom)NMDS: 非参数多维度法Non-metric multidimensional scaling
2.3 浮游细菌群落组成空间分布分析
表3 网箱养殖区和非养殖区群落SIMPER分析Table 3 Taxonomic identities of the 11OTUs serving as indicator taxa between cage culture and non-cultured areas by SIMPER analysis
SIMPER: Similarity percentage;OTUs: Operational Taxonomic Units
2.4 浮游细菌群落与环境因子的关系
图3 网箱养殖区与非养殖区不同水深层次水样浮游细菌群落与其变异驱动的主要环境因子RDA双向排序图Fig.3 RDA ordination biplot showed factors that driving the variation of bacterial communities between cage culture area and non-cuntured areaCOD: Chemical oxygen demand;TOC: Total organic carbon;RDA: Redundancy analysis
关于养殖活动对水体浮游细菌的影响,在群落水平上的研究还较少[3],其研究手段主要是依赖培养技术和基于16S rRNA基因的DGGE等分子指纹技术和克隆文库测序方法[3,29]。这些方法费时费力,分析通量非常有限,而细菌多样性又异常丰富,因此揭示的信息非常有限,忽略了一些具有重大功能的低丰度物种的存在[30-31]。新近出现的焦磷酸测序技术则将细菌的鉴定分析通量提高百万倍,很好得解决了通量瓶颈,对细菌群落结构信息揭示的更加全面、详细[32-33]。本研究利用16S rRNA 基因焦磷酸测序技术分析了12个海水样品,产生了110950条序列,共检测出5752个OTUs(相当于种属水平),每个样品的序列数在5774—12877之间,涵盖的OTU数平均达680—1578,为深入探究浮游细菌群落结构与环境因子的关联性提供了数据基础。
3.1 浮游细菌多样性与群落组成
3.2 浮游细菌群落空间分布
3.3 影响浮游细菌群落的主要环境因子
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Distribution of bacterioplankton communities in cage culture and non-cultured areas of Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo, China
HU Changju1, XIONG Jinbo1, CHEN Heping1,2, WANG Kai1, YE Ran3, CUI Yongping3, ZHU Jianlin2, ZHANG Demin1,*
Intensive aquaculture has been a major source of coastal pollution.Microorganisms play a critical role in primary production and biogeochemical processes such as substance cycling and energy transformation in coastal ecosystems.Bacterioplankton are considered to be a dominant group because of their many contributions to ecosystem functional processes.Studying the influences of aquaculture activities on bacterial diversity in water is significant for assessing the structure and function of mariculture ecosystems.Xiangshan Bay, an important mariculture base located in Ningbo, China, is subject to a large influx of organic matter from the rapid development of aquaculture.Thus, understanding the responsive pattern of the bacterioplankton community to aquaculture sheds light on indicating and evaluating the health status of the mariculture ecosystem.In this study, water samples were collected separately from three depths: the surface, middle, and bottom levels of the water column (corresponding to 0.5, 2.5, and 8.0m below the water surface, respectively), from a cage culture area and a non-cultured area in Xiangshan Bay, on April 10, 2012.Using the 16S rRNA gene amplicon pyrosequencing technique, we evaluated the effects of aquaculture activities on variations within bacterioplankton communities.The results showed that cage aquaculture dramatically changed the geochemical variables of water.For example, there was a substantial increase of chemical oxygen demand in the culture area.In addition, cage aquaculture significantly (P<0.05) altered the bacterioplankton community structure, although the alpha diversity was not affected.The bacterioplankton communities were very similar across the three water depths, dominated by Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Epsilonproteobacteria, and Unclassified Proteobacteria, accounting for 98.64% of the total bacteria.The relative abundances of some dominant phyla were considerably different between the two investigated areas.For example, the relative abundances of Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria were significantly lower in the non-cultured area than in the cage culture area, while that of Gammaproteobacteria was significantly higher in the non-cultured area.Similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis further indicated that the presence of Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes taxa controlled the differences in bacterial communities between the two areas, which contributed to 45.02% of the overall dissimilarity.Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that the bacterioplankton community variation significantly correlated with chemical oxygen demand, phosphate, ammonium, and total organic carbon.Partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) was conducted in order to quantify the effect of the geographic distance between the two investigated areas on the differences between the bacteria communities.The results showed that the above-mentioned environmental factors in total contributed 38.18% of the bacteria community variation, while the geographic distance contributed only 10.66%, indicating that the influence of environmental factors on bacterial communities was much greater than that of the geographic distance.Overall, this study demonstrated that coastal aquaculture could cause eutrophication of rearing water, which, in turn, drove the variation of the bacterioplankton community, and remarkably altered the relative abundances of Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria.The sensitivity of these bacteria to the concentration changes of pollutants, represented by nitrogen and phosphorus, indicates their potential usage in assessing the quality of aquaculture water and the health and stability of an aquaculture ecosystem.
bacterioplankton;community composition;cage culture;environmental factors
2014-06-17; < class="emphasis_bold">网络出版日期:
*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail: zhangdemin@nbu.edu.cn
Hu C J, Xiong J B, Chen H P, Wang K, Ye R, Cui Y P, Zhu J L, Zhang D M.Distribution of bacterioplankton communities in cage culture and non-cultured areas of Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo, China.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2015,35(24):8053-8061.