2015-02-12 07:25Vol25No2015TotNo108
油气田环境保护 2015年5期

Vol.25 No.5 2015 Tot.No.108


Vol.25 No.5 2015 Tot.No.108

Situation and Countermeasures of Groundwater Environ mental Supervision in Oil and Gas Field Development(1)

A BST R A CT For the increased problems caused by Raoyang River tidal effects on oil production and the personal safety in Shuguang Oil Production Plant,in order to reduce the influence of tide on production,safety and other aspects,research of tidal variation and prevention measures have beencarriedon by Shuguang Oil Production Plant.Through scientific exploration on tidal patterns,dynamic adjustment of the regional oil well production,moisture proof and drainage,“time difference"organization operation,safety protection,manoeuvring flood control plan and other means,the oil well operation is effectively guided during tide,gaining good moisture-proof,antipollution,safety guarantee.T he production operation during future tide has been practically guided.

K E YW O R DS tide hit effect law;disaster warning;preventive measures;Liaohe Oilfield;Raoyang River

Xiong Yunshi1,2Tian Huiying1Wang Yanchang1Geng Bao1Li Changlin1
(1.CNPC Research Institute of Safety&Environ ment Techology;2.Beijing Zhongyou Construction Project's Forecast of Labour Safety&H ygiene Ltd.)

oil and gas field develop ment;ground water;environmental risk;environment supervision

Practice of Cleaner Production in Oilfield Enterprise(4)

Lü Mingjun
(Safety and Environ mental Protection Department of PetroChina Jilin Oilfield Com pany)

ABST R A CT Taking the cleaner production practice as the main research object,the paper analyzes the pro motion and present situation of the cleaner production technology in oilfield enterprises,expounds the framework of cleaner production management m ode,the operation m ode and the safeguard mechanism of oil field enterprise.So me suggestions are put forward for the pro motion and application of cleaner production.

K E Y W O R DS oilfield;cleaner production;practice;advanced technology;management m ode

Energy-saving Technology Research of Natural Gas Processing Plant in Sulige Gas Field(8)

Zhang Wenchao1Qiao Guanghui1Zhang Lei1Zhang Caixia2
(1.Xi'an Changqing Technology Engineering Co.,Ltd.;2.Lanzhou City University)

ABST R A CT Combined with natural gas processing plant in Sulige Gas Field construction characteristics,several measures are taken to reduce the discharge volu me such as constant pressure evacuation,using large diameter ball valve setting reasonable pressure of safety valve and leading flash gas into fuel gas system.Because of the large sunshine a mount,solar water heater and solar street la m p are used for energy saving.Through the non-alcohol wastewater treatment process“pressure inclined tube oil rem oval-coarse filter-fine filter"and the alcohol-containing wastewater treatment process“tank spoil disposal and thickening and dehydration"craft,the treated water is reinjected into the samelayer and the sludge after incineration is used to pad road or solidification.Micro-positive pressure nitrogen sealed technology can protect gas condensate tank to reduce the discharge of flash gas. K E YW O R DS natural gas processing plant;energy conservation and emission reduction;natural gas evacuation;solar;water treatment;nitrogen sealed

Compatibility Research of Stratum Water in Ordos Basin (11)

Xu Yong1Wang Weizhong1Gao Fengbo1Liu Siyu2Yang Penghui2Qu Chengtun2
(1.Shaanxi Yan'an Oil&Natural Gas Corp.Ltd.;2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xi'an Shiyou University)

ABST RATStim ulated reservoir volume fracturing is one of the most significant ways to enhance the recovery of tight reservoir.For safe disposal of Chang 7 stratum water,mixed water properties of Chang 7 and Yan 10 stratum water in shanbei oil field was studied in terms of ion content test,sulfate loss rate study,scale and scale type analysis respectively.T he bestmixed ratio for reinjection was achieved.It was show n that Chang 7 and Yan 10 stratum water belonged to highly miner alizedsodiu m bicarbonate type.W hen the mixed ratio of Chang 7 to Yan 10 stratum water is 8∶2,the highest sulfate loss rate and a mount of scale(56.76%and 376.6 m g/L,respectively)were achieved.W hen the mixed water was remixed with Yan 10 stratu m water at volume ratio of 9∶1,the lowest sulfate loss rate and amount of scale(1.19%and 0.33 mg/L,respectively)were obtained.The amount of suspension content and oil content of the processed mixed water were decreased from 2.00 mg/L and 6.67 mg/L to 1.00 mg/L and 2.50 mg/L,which met the standard of reinjection water.

K E Y W O R DS stimulated reservoir volume fracturing;tight oil reservoir;stratum water;compatibility;Ordos Basin

Brief Discussion on the Experiments of C O2Pipeline Leakage of Norway D N V(14)

Zhang Y uanyuan1Zhang Jian1Zhang Y u2Li Qingfang1Liu H aili1
(1.Sinopec Petroleum Engineering&Consulting Corporation;2.Sinopec Shengli Petroleu m A d ministration)

A BST R A CT C O2pipeline transportation as the link between C O2capture and storage plays an important role in CCS-EORprojects.Considering there is yet no C O2pipeline design standard in Chi-na,this paper is aimed at discussion the learnt from D N V C O2pipeline leakage experiment in 2006 and 2010,including the discharge of industrial scale test,the purpose of the study,experimental device,the operation process of release under constant and discharge pressure,the monitoring of temperature and pressure in the pipe,and the C O2concentration monitoring during the atmosphere,which would provide a reference for the experimental design and research methods of C O2pipeline leakage,and could help to accelerate the research on the safety of C O2pipeline transportation in China.

K E Y W O R DS D N V;C O2;pipeline transportation;leakage risk

Enlightenment to Xinjiang Oilfield from the Environ mental Protection Countermeasures on Canadian Oil Sands Exploitation(18)

H e Y uchun1ZhaMing1Liu Taixun1Ma Hailong2Huang Wenhua2
(1.School of Geoscience,China University of Petroleu m;2.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development of Petro China Xinjiang Oilfield Company)

A BST R A CT Three aspects of environ mental problems are involved during the mining operation,concretely including water resource usage,tailing treatment and greenhouse gas emission.Based on the analysis of oil sands mining operation and its technological process in Canada,this paper introduces the environ mental methods adopted in Canada,including water recycling technology to reduce the fresh water consumption and water pollution,C T method,T R O method,S A G D method,T H AI method and carbide capture technology to eliminate the environ mental issues during oil sands mining.Co m paring Canada oil sands with Fengcheng oil sands fro m the aspects of reservoir properties and heavy oil asphalt properties,because of the difficulty during processing,tailings water recycle,greenhouse gas emissions and tailings processing,combining the practical situation in Xinjiang area,the recycling water after steam injection mining should be used and the dispose tailings water should also be collected.Furtherm ore,it is necessary to bring in relevant technology processing immediately to tackle the environ mental problems fro m oil sands exploitation..

K E Y W O R D Soil sands;open-pit mining;environ mentalissues;water resource utilization;tailing treatment;greenhouse gas emission;Canada;Xinjiang Oilfield

Microbial Species Diversity Research on Petroleum Contaminated Soil in Changqing Oilfield(22)

Yang Qin1,2Zhang H ailing1,2Liu Rui1,2NieMaiqian3
(1.Oil&Gas Technology Research Institute of Petro China Changqing Oilfield Com pany;2.National Engineering Laboratory of Low-permeability Oil and Gas Exploration and Development;3.Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology)

A B S T R A CT Taking the petroleum contaminated soil in Jiyuan oil field as the research object,this article studies the types and structure of the bacterial co m m unity through high-throughput sequencing technology.The results showed that soil microbial species diversity was rich and there were 24 bacterial phyla detected in 3 soil samples including Proteobacteria,Actinobacteria,Firmicutes,Bacteroidetes,Acidobacteria and Verrucomirobia etc.It revealed the microbial co m m unity diversity of crude oil contaminated soil,which was important to research on the microbial technology of petroleum pollution.

K E Y W O R DS oil pollution;soil;microbial species;high-throughput sequencing technology

Breeding and Characteristics Research of the Microbial Strains for Oilfield Produced Water Treatment(26)

Du M aolin1Gu Yanan1Fu Ruimin2Chen W uling1
(1.The college of Life Sciences of North west University;2.Population and Life Department of Henan Institute of Education)

A BST R A CT In order to solve the pollution problem of oilfield produced water,five strains,which can grow rapidly and degrade main harmful substances efficiently,were selected by using H e-Ne laser and UV compound mutation.After the colony morphology and physiological and biochemical test,the five strains were identified as Bacillus subtilis,Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,Sphingobacterium multivorum,Pseudo monas fluorescens and Candida tropicalis.After testing,the strains,which were able to survive under high tem perature and alkali environment and degrade petroleu m hydrocarbons and polyacryla mide substance,can be applied directly to the treatment of oilfield produced water.

K E Y W O R D S oilfield produced water;strains breeding;degradation characteristics

Schematic Study on the Separated Transportation M ode for Light Hydrocarbon Pipeline Network at North Area of a Certain Oilfield(31)

Liang Yongtu1Wang Yue2Guo Qiang3Jiang Xiaxue4Zhang Ni5
(1.School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum(Beijing);2.C N P C South-East Asia Pipeline Com pany Limited;3.Sinopec Beijing Marketing Company;4.Technology Research and Develop ment Center of C N O O C Gas&Power Group;5.Pipeline Technology Center of Petro China Pipeline Company)

A B S T R A CT Mixed transportation m odeis used by a light hydrocarbon pipeline network system at the north area of an oilfield,which leads the decrease of the light hydrocarbons quality and economic benefit and increases the system operation pressure and energy consumption of pum ps.Taking the future plan of increasing the deep cooling hydrocarbon's production for this system,this paper provides a separate transportation m ode for deep cooling hydrocarbon,crude stabilization hydrocarbon,shallow freezing hydrocarbon and respective optimal plans for each hydrocarbon,and analyzes hydraulic validation and economic feasibility.The results indicate that separate transportation m ode for the system is economic and feasible and reduce the pollution.

K E Y W O R D S light hydrocarbon pipeline system;separate transportation m ode;hydraulic validation;economic analysis

The Physical-Chemical Synergistic Demulsification Treatment of Waste Oil-in-water Drilling Fluid(37)

H u Bin1Deng H ao2Liu Guangquan2Ren W en2Zhang Mingdong2Liu Xiaohui2Xie Shuixiang2
(1.Quanzhong Petroleum Gas Field of Petro China South west Oil and Gas Field;2.C N P C Research Institute of Safety&Environment Techology)

A B S T R A CT In this paper,a new technique,based on physical and chemical methods used cooperatively,is developed to deal with the waste oil-in-water drilling fluid collecting fro m a given oilfield.T he reclaimed diesel concentration meets the properties to prepare drillingfluid and the recovery rate reaches up to 90%.In addition,the technologies of harmless treatment and reuse are studied to dispose respectively the sludge and wastewater left after oil rem oving.For one thing,the treated wastewater is very clear and the p H,C O D,petroleu m content and SS meet the primary standard of“Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard"(G B 8978—1996).For another thing,the lixivium of solidified sludgeis colorless and transparent.T he p H,C O D,content of petroleum and heavy metals also meet the primary standard of“Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard"(G B 8978—1996). And the recycling of waste-water oil drilling fluids and safe disposal are achieved.

K E Y W O R D S waste oil-in-water drilling fluid;synergistic dem ulsification;oil removing;reuse;harmless treatment

Process Analysis of Oily Sludge Treatment in No.1 Cha Joint Station(41)

Li Chunxiao1Chen Shu meng2Tang Xiaonan3Zhao Li4W ang Yihan1
(1.C N P C Research Institute of Safety&Environment Techology;2.N o.2Oil Production Plant of Petro China Huabei Oilfield;3.Technical Supervision and Inspection Department of Petro China Huabei Oilfield;4.Quality Safety and Environ mental Protection Department of Petro China Huabei Oilfield)

A B S T R A CT No.1 Cha United Station of Huabei Oilfield em ploys a“pretreatment-chemical heating wash-centrifugal dewatering"process for the oily sludge and sludge fro m oil tank.T hrough the development and application of efficient cleaning chemicals and intensified chemical heating wash equipment with integrated air flotation,the oil content of residues fro m treated oily sludge is less than 2%,meeting the requirement of Technical Specifications for“Pollution Control of Used Mineral Oil Recovery,Recycle and Reuse"(H J 607—2011).With this oily sludge treatment process,the potential environ mental pollution risks have been reduced.

K E Y W O R D S oily sludge;chemical heating;centrifugal dewatering;Huabei Oilfield

Deep Profile Control and Weak Gel Displacement Technology of Fracture Flowback Fluids(44)

Y u Chuntao1Q u Zuoming2Liu Feng3Zhao Dew u4
(1.Oil and Gas Engineering Institute of Petro China Jilin Oilfield Company;2.Safety and Environ mental Protection Department of Petro China Jilin Oilfield Company;3.North China Geophysical Prospecting Department of C N P C B G P Inc.)

A BST R A CT According to the characteristics of the fracturing fluid,adding furfuralresin synthesized by cross-linking agent polyacrylamide as the main agent and furfural and with fungicides,weak gel system was formed to deep profile control of waterinjection well under certain conditions.T he performance of the weak gel system of the fracturing fluid was studied.The optimum form ulation of weak gel systemwas studied,and the thermal stability and salt resistance stability were evaluated.The evaluation of the sealing performance of the weak gel system of the fracturing fluid was carried out.T he gel system had good thermal stability at 30 to 80℃,and the core plugging rate was m ore than 80%.T he breakthrough pressure reached 2.7 M Pa,and the weak gel system of fracturing fluid had good sealing performance.The weak gel system was prepared as the a mount of 35 000 m3and applied in 10 wells T he ratio of output to input was 1∶1.25 and the fracturing fluid could be recycled,achieving good environ mental benefits and economic benefits.

K E Y W O R D S fracture flow back fluid;weak gel;deep profile control;environ mental benefit.

Study on Recycling Technology of Horizontal well Fracturing Fluid(46)

Zhou Pei Liu Ning Dong Jun Wang Xiaoyong He Zhiwu
(State Engineering Laboratory of Exploration and Develop ment in Low Permeability Oil&Gas Field,Research Institute of Oil&Gas Technology of Petro China Changqing Oilfield Com pany)

A BST R A CT In this paper,to improve the efficiency of fracturing fluid treatment and realize water reuse,according to the characteristics of the horizontal well fracturing fluid from Anping in Changqing oilfield,“coagulation-sedimentation-fine filtering"process was adopted processed in water with Ca2+and turbidity were dropped,total hardness control led at 300 mg/L.The treated water recycling configuration fracturing fluid,to achieve“zero emissions"goal.The preparation of the basic properties of the crossl inked gelfracturing wellin 70℃,170 s-1under the conditions of temperature,shear good performance to meet the construction requirements fracturing.Therefore,the technology not only to solve the intractable environ mental problems,but also achieved a recycling and“zero emissions"aim to protect the environment for the domestic processing of fracturing fluid explore a new path.

K E Y W O R D S horizontal well;fracturing fluid;zero emissions;recycling

Application of Waste Heat Utilization Technology in Luliang Oilfield(49)

Li Zewei Zhou Mingliang Yang Lei He Mingjie
(Luliang O peration Area of Petro China Xinjiang Oilfield Company)

A B S T R A CT For energy saving and emission reduction and the co mbination of the actual situation the operation area of Luliang Oilfield introduces the flue gas waste heat recovery device.T his paper summarizes and analyzes the application scheme of flue gas waste heat recovery device in the field.T he calculation shows that flue gas waste heat of generator and compressor in N o.9 Lu Power Station for crude oil mixing heat source can save fuel fee 590.8 million yuan per year.T he application of the technology realizes energy saving,potential digging and the purpose of cost decreasing and benefit increasing,can improve the utilization rate of energy.

K E Y W O R D S Luliang Oilfield;waste heat;natural gas compressor;heat exchange

Application of Dry Desulfuration Processin the Treatment of Oil Production W ater(52)

Liu Zhenguo Fang Jian
(C N O O C Energy Technology&Services Limited Human Resources Services Company Blue Sea Environ mental Service Company)

A B S T R A CT For the high hydrogen sulfide content in evacuation gas fro m sewage treatment system of Bohai S crude oil processing plant,after comparison and selection,the desulfurization method is determined by activated carbon desulfurization agent dry desulfurization process.This paper introduces the design and process of the desulfurization process,and states the basis of design by calculation.After the desulfurization technology is used,the desulfurization efficiency of the storage tank and the air flotation tower is 100%,and the content of hydrogen sulfide in the air around the factory is not detected,w hich is less than 0.01m g/m3,reaching the primary standard in“E missionstandards for odor pollutants"(G B 14554—93).

K E Y W O R D S drydesulfuration process;oil production wastewater;hydrogen sulfide content

Research and Application of a Hydrogen Sulfide Inhibitor(55)

Mao Feiyue Chen Yanyun Liu Man Liu Jiachen Deng Liangguang Zhang Yonghong Liu Yijun
(N o.11Oil Production Plant of Petro China Changqing Oilfield Company)

A B S T R A CT In view of the high concentration of H2S in Zhen X area in the development,a hydrogen sulfide inhibitor L Y-05 was developed through experiments.T he sterilization rate was 100%and the rem oval rate was m ore than 90%with the dosage over 800 m g/L.L Y-05 has good co mpatibility with other additives such as wax rem over,demulsifier,bactericide,scale inhibitor,corrosion inhibitor.Application showed that L Y-05 played a good effect in H2S treatment.H2S concentrations of all wells reached below 10m g/m3after adding L Y-05.T he rem oval rate could reach over 96.0%.

K E Y W O R D S hydrogen sulfide inhibitor;desulfurization rate;bactericidal performance;compatibility

Removal of Chloride Ionin Gasfield Wastewater by Precipitation Method(58)

Zhang Qiang1ZhangXuemei2SunYonghua1Huang Xuelian3Tong Peilun4
(1.College of Materials and Chemistry&Chemical Engineering of Chengdu University of Technology;2.Guangdong Brunp Recycling Technology Co.,Ltd.;3.Sichuan Test Research Institute of China Building Materials Industry Geological Prospecting Center;4.Sichuan Zhiyuan Engineering Detection Co.,Ltd.)

A BST R A CT In order to use precipitation method to remove chloride ions in gas field wastewater,CaO and NaAlO2were used as treatment agent for Chlorine ion treatment and the effects of process parameters were studied.Results showed the highest rem oval efficiency was received w hen molar ratio of CaO and NaAlO2was13∶4,tem perature was 40℃,initial p H was 10 and reaction time was 2 h.Under the condittion of the optimum process,the chloride ion concentration reduced fro m 2 338.14m g/L to 181.18m g/L,and the rem oval rate was 92.25%.

K E YW O R DS CaO;NaAlO2;chloride ion;precipitation method;gasfield wastewater

Study on Acoustic Environ mental Im pact of Petrochemical Project Based on Cadna/A(61)

Jin Yongqing1Zhang Yida1Tian Tingying2Zhang Rui1Yuan Guoqing1
(1.China Petroleum Engineering Co.,Ltd Beijing Company;2.Petro China North China Petrochemical Com pany)

A BST R A CT This project adopted Cadna/A for noise environ mentsimulation,to predict the value of noise both at boundary of the factory and inside the factory.According to the simulation results,the noise in the factory was over standard.By means of optimization design,noise reduction measures were put forward.In the case of no change of process design and equipment selection,based on the spectrum characteristics,noise in tensity and location of the noise source,measures such as insulation,elimination,absorption,vibration isolation,da m ping could be adopted.After noise reduction,,the results measured at the factory site met the requirements in“Environ mental quality standard for noise"(G B 3096—2008),“E mission standard for industrial enterprise noise at boundary"(G B 12348—2008),“Hygienic standards for the design of industrial enterprises"(G BZ1—2010),and“Occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in theworkplace Part2:Physical agents"(G BZ 2.2—2007).

K E YW O R DS Cadna/A;petrochemical industry;acoustic environment sim ulation;noise control

Application of Numerical S simulation in Environ mental Impact Assessment For Long Distance Oil and Gas Pipeline Project(65)

Zhao Qinglei1Shen Maoding1Xu Lifeng2Ji Hong3Liu Haichao1
(1.China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation;2.Hebei Geological Engineering Investigation Institute,Baoding;3.Quality Safety and Environmental Protection Department of Petro China Jildong Oilfield Company)

A B S T R A CT In order to better grasp the migration law of pollutants in the water source area,the wetland protection area,the reservoir and other environ mental sensitive targets,the numerical simulation method was used to simulate the influence range of oil leakage.The model of underground water flow was established based on model conceptualization,para meter selection,model checking,verification and underground water simulation.According to the characteristics of linear pipeline engineering,combined with specific sensitive site,hypothesis of two largest risk leak points(the nearest point fro m the protected areas and one point w here water reaches reserve boundary fastest),oil as the sim ulation factor,and the initial conditions were selected.Convection dispersion control equation was used for the prediction of contaminant migration,obtaining the pollutants im pact range for a period of time based on the two risk leak points.T he results could provide a reasonable theoretical basis for the environ mentalim pact assessment.

K E Y W O R D S environ mental impact assessment;long-distance oil and gas pipeline;leakage;numerical simulation;petroleumoil;influence range

Measures of Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Water Pollution Sources on-line M onitoring System(68)

Luan Hui1Zou Chengcheng1M a Lin1Wang Ruoyao1Dong Zhihe1Zhang Gang2
(1.C N P C Research Institute of Safety&Environment Technology;2.C N P C Engineering&Construction Company Limited Turkmenistan Branch Com pany)

A BST R A CT Form aspects of quality of per sonnelrequirements,monitoring station construction,equip mentmaintenance and maintenance,data transmission system maintenance,construction of rules and regulations,the quality assurance measures for water pollution sources on-line monitoring system were put forward.from sampling process control,analysis method selection,process control,the analysis of the quality control measures for water pollution sources on-line monitoring system was given.These measures can effectively ensure the integrity and effectiveness of online monitoring data of pollution sources,reduce the error of on-line monitoring data,and truly reflect the actual emissions of pollutants,and provide reliable data for the total pollutant control and specific pollutant control.

K E Y W O R D S pollution sources on-line m onitoring;quality assurance;quality control

The Study ofthe On-line Monitoring System for W ater Pollution(71)

He Wei Luan Hui MaLin
(C N P C Research Institute of Safety&Environment Technology)

A B S T R A CT In view of the wide distribution of oil system environment m onitoring points and on the field,the application of data acquisition system based on the traditional wired network was limited.The wireless data acquisition system was designed based on the theory of 3 G network and data acquisition system.Pollution source real-time on line monitoring system can be in the“unattended"state,so that the enterprise environ mental workers m ore detailed understand the pollution of wastewater discharge.

K E Y W O R D S environ mental monitoring;data acquisition;3 G network

Progress in Application of Technologies for Saline Wastewater Treatment in Petrochemical Enterprises(74)

Lu Xin1Li Xingchun1Bai Yao2Yan Ping3Zhang Xiaofei1Feng Chengliang4Lin Pengfei5
(1.C N P CR esearch Institute of Safety&Environ mental Technology;2.Beijing Enterprises W ater Group Limited Technology Center;3.Petro China D alian Petrochemical Company Wastew ater Treatment Workshop;4.Petro China Dalian Petrochemical Company the Second Joint W orkshop;5.College of Chemical Engineering of China University of Petroleum)

A B S T R A CT Based on characteristics of saline wastewater fro m different sources,separated industrial treatment technologies of spent caustic and circulating cooling sewage were described.By W A O,Q B R and other pretreatment technology,the treated spent caustic could meet the requirements for sewage treatment plant.Effluent of circulating cooling water treated by electrodialysis,reverse osm osis technology could directly send back for the makeup water of circulating cooling water and boiler water.Treatment processes for saline wastewater in sewage treatment plants were summarized.T he existing problems in operation of biochemical unit were analyzed,and so me suggestions were proposed.

K E Y W O R D S petrochemical enterprise;saline wastewater;separated treatment,biological treatment

Progress of Membrane Separation Technique for Oil-bearing Water Treatment in Petroleum Industry(77)

Jiang Xuebin
(Safety Environ ment Protection Quality Surveillance&Inspection Research Institute of C N P C Chuangqing Drillng Engineering Co.Ltd)

A B S T R A CT The membrane separation technique and its virtues and the progress of microfiltration,ultrafiltration,nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes used in oil-bearing water treat mentin petroleu m industry are briefly described.T he influential factors in the process of oil-bearing water treatment,the reasons causing membrane fouling and the measures used to control fouling are summarized.The direction and prospect of membrane separation technique in the future are discussed.

K E Y W O R D S membrane separation technique;oil-bearing water;petroleum industry;water treatment

Analysis and Countermeasures of Oily Sludge Treatment Compliance for Petroleum Enterprises(81)

Huo Guodong1Fan Xinbin2Ding H ailing3Li Mingqing1Feng Guoxi1H uang H ao1Shi Lei1
(1.N o.3Oil Production Plant of Petro China Changqing Oilfield;2.N o.8Oil Production Plant of Petro China Changqing Oilfield;3.C N P C Research Institute of Safety&Environ ment Techology)

A BST R A CT Basing on the treatment of oily sludge at the production site in an oil production plant,this paper analyzes the pro minent problems in treating oily sludge.In co mparison to the international and do mestic oil sludge disposal methods,the heat phase separation technology was selected for the treatment of oily sludge.T he oil sludge collection,storage,transportation and disposal procedures were normalized and the processing technology was improved,in order to meet the environ mental protection requirements of national and local government so as to achieve the purpose of“reduction and recycling"disposal of oily sludge.

K E Y W O R D S petroleum enterprises;oil sludge;compliance management

Detection and Evaluation Quality Control of Occupational Disease Hazard Factors(85)

M eng Qingbo1W ang Chengliang1H u Lei2Xi Xiaojing1
(1.C N P CResearch Institute of Safety&Environment Techology;2.Petro China Pipeline Construction Project Management Tea m)

A B S T R A CT T his paper discusses the necessity of quality control work in the occupational health technology service process of construction project,and discusses the evaluation scheme,sampling and testing process,quality control of report and the establishment of occupational disease factor test management file,etc.,to ensure that the data and conclusions are scientific,accurate,credible and fair.It will normalize and scientize the occupational health technology service,and provides reliable reference for supervision and law enforcement.

K E Y W O R D S occupational disease hazard factors;testing;evaluation;quality control

Early Warning and Preventive Measures of Tidal Disasters around Raoyang River(87)

Fang Bing1Luan Haibo2Xu Jianli2
(1.Gaosheng Oil Production Plant of Petro China Liaohe Oilfield Com pany;2.Safety and Environ mental Protection Department of PetroChina Liaohe Oilfield Com pany)

A BST R A CT According to the laws and standards for ground water environment supervision such as“Plan of national ground w ater pollution prevention and control2011to2020”,“Water pollution prevention action plan",the groundwater environment risk,produced water reinjection and back filling risks,water and soil pollution caused by oil well cementing damage,pipelineleakage risk,solid waste disposal facilities leakage risk were analyzed.U nder the new situation of groundwater supervision,countermeasures and suggestions for the develop ment of oil and gas fields were proposed.Ground water environ ment quality investigation should be added in H SE information system management and the supervision control system should be established and improved.Oil and gas field development should be normalized and the management for groundwater environ ment protection shouldbe strengthened in the first period of project.Pilot work of ground water pollutionre mediation and prevention and control should be carried out.