裴广廷,马红亮,*,林 伟,高 人,尹云锋,杨柳明
1 湿润亚热带山地生态国家重点实验室培育基地,福州 350007 2 福建师范大学地理科学学院,福州 350007
裴广廷1,2,马红亮1,2,*,林 伟1,2,高 人1,2,尹云锋1,2,杨柳明1,2
1 湿润亚热带山地生态国家重点实验室培育基地,福州 350007 2 福建师范大学地理科学学院,福州 350007
1.1 供试土壤
土壤采自福建省建瓯万木林自然保护区(118°02′—118°09′E,27°02′—27°03′N),土壤为山地红壤。研究区属中亚热带季风气候,样地海拔390m,坡向330°,坡度20°,郁闭度为0.8,年平均降水量为731.4 mm,年平均气温19.4 ℃,相对湿度81%,全年无霜期达227 d,植物群落众多,植被以常绿阔叶林为主。乔木层中主要的树种有浙江桂(Cinnamomumchekiangense)、假蚊母树(Distyliopsisdunnii)、少叶黄杞(Engelhardtiafenzelii)、桂北木姜子(Litseasubcoriace)等,优势树种为浙江桂(Cinnamomumchekiangense)。灌木层比较稀疏,主要有杜茎山(Maesajaponica)、薄叶山矾(Symplocosanomala)、沿海紫金牛(Ardisiapunctata)等。而草本层主要有草珊瑚(Sarcandraglabra)、飞扬草(Euporbiahirta)和狗脊蕨(Woodwardiajaponica)类等。样地附近1 km内没有农业活动,无人为的氮输入[16]。在样地的上、中、下坡随机选取10个采样点,采集样地表层(0—15cm)土壤,挑除石块和凋落物,充分混匀土壤带回实验室,过2 mm筛,装自封袋保存于4 ℃冰箱中待用。土壤基本理化性质为:pH值(4.15±0.01),土壤饱和持水量(673.59±12.43)g/kg,全碳(39.56±0.49)g/kg,全氮(2.80±0.04)g/kg,C/N比值(14.13±0.27),铵态氮(32.73±1.08)mg/kg,硝态氮(16.06±0.14)mg/kg,亚硝态氮(0.11±0.01)mg/kg,可溶性有机氮(40.76±5.41)mg/kg,速效钾(72.15±4.32)mg/kg,速效磷(2.01±0.06)mg/kg。
1.2 实验处理
表1 氨基酸基本理化性质Table 1 The physicochemical characteristics of amino acids
1.3 测定方法
1.4 计算方法和数据处理
F=k·v/m·c· 273/(273+T)
采用 Excel 2003和origin 7.5对数据进行处理和作图,测定结果均以土壤干重计算。运用SPSS 18.0中单因素方差分析(One way ANOVA)中的最小显著差异法(LSD)分析不同处理之间的差异显著性,用曲线估计选择最优拟合方法分析土壤pH值和可溶性有机碳与氮素之间的相关性,并采用三因素重复测量方差(氨基酸、含水量与时间为主因素)进行影响因素分析。
图1 两种含水量条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤铵态氮的变化Fig.1 Dynamics of incubated with amino acids under two soil moisture conditionsCK:对照;Glu:添加谷氨酸处理;Lys:添加赖氨酸处理;Ala:添加丙氨酸处理;Met:添加甲硫氨酸处理;均值:36d培养时间段内的平均值(n=6);折线图中所有数值均是平均值±标准偏差(n=3)
图2 两种含水量条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤硝态氮的变化
2.3 不同氨基酸处理土壤可溶性有机氮(SON)特征
图3 两种含水量条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤可溶性有机氮的变化Fig.3 Dynamics of SON incubated with amino acids under two soil moisture conditions
2.4 不同氨基酸处理土壤氧化亚氮(N2O)排放特征
从图4可看出,60%WHC条件下,土壤N2O-N释放量在第8天最大,随后迅速降低,CK、Glu、Lys、Ala、Met最大值依次为22.03、22.99、23.46、22.08、16.00μg/kg。Glu、Lys、Ala 三者与CK差异不显著,且三者之间无显著差异。Met在第8天显著低于CK(P<0.05),随后又显著高于CK(P<0.05),然而从0至36d平均值看,Met(10.65 μg/kg)大于CK(8.46 μg/kg),总体上增加了N2O排放的可能性。
当土壤含水量增至90%WHC,N2O-N释放量在第2天迅速增至最大值,CK、Glu、Lys、Ala、Met最大值依次为273.43、312.99、308.97、399.50、193.12 μg/kg,是60%WHC最大值的100多倍。Glu、Lys、Ala 三者与CK差异不显著,且三者之间无显著性差异。与CK相比,Met表现与60%WHC时相似,并在第36天降低至与CK无显著差异,Met的36d平均值(87.95 μg/kg)仍大于CK(68.10μg/kg)。
图4 两种含水量条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤氧化亚氮的变化Fig.4 Dynamics of N2O-N incubated with amino acids under two soil moisture conditions
2.5 土壤pH值的变化及其与土壤氮素相关关系
如图5结果所示,60%WHC条件下,从0至12d土壤pH值迅速增大,随后变化平缓。氨基酸添加处理的土壤pH值均高于CK处理,在第2天、12天、36天Glu、Lys、Ala、Met均与CK达到显著差异(P<0.05),在各氨基酸处理中Met处理的土壤pH值较高。90%WHC条件下,土壤pH值在短暂(2d)的降低后又升高,与60%WHC相比变化幅度更大。除第2天的Ala和第12天的Lys略低于CK外,氨基酸处理的土壤pH值均大于CK处理,第8天后Met均显著高于CK(P<0.05),Glu、Lys、Ala处理之间差异不显著(P> 0.05)。
图5 两种含水量条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤pH值的变化Fig.5 Dynamics of soil pH incubated with amino acids under two soil moisture conditions
图6 两种含水量条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤pH值与土壤氮素的相关关系Fig.6 Relationship between soil pH and soil nitrogen in different soil moisture conditions
2.6 土壤可溶性有机碳(SOC)的变化
图7 两种含水量条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤可溶性有机碳的变化Fig.7 Dynamics of SOC incubated with amino acids under two soil moisture conditions
2.7 多因素统计分析
表2 氨基酸、培养时间、土壤含水量对土壤氮素含量和pH值以及可溶性有机碳含量影响的重复测量方差分析(P)
Table 2 Results of repeated measures ANOVA on the effects of amino acid N addition, incubation time, soil moisture content and their interactions on soils nitrogen, soil pH and soluble organic carbon
3.1 氨基酸添加对土壤氮素含量及转化的影响
3.2 氨基酸理化性质与土壤氮素转化的关系
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Effects of amino acid additions on nitrogen transformation in subtropical forest soil
PEI Guangting1,2, MA Hongliang1,2,*, LIN Wei1,2, GAO Ren1,2, YIN Yunfeng1,2, YANG Liuming1,2
Research on the nitrogen cycle of forest soils has traditionally focused on the mechanisms regulating the turnover of inorganic N. However, the key role of organic N in soil nitrogen transformation tends to be overlooked. Over recent decades, researchers have assessed the relative importance of organic N on the nutritional requirements of plants in forest ecosystems. Most studies have revealed that soil amino acids are important sources of organic N in forest ecosystems. Although the fluxes of organic N in forest ecosystems have been studied in detail, we have a poor understanding about the role of amino acids in soil nitrogen transformation in the subtropical region of China. In this study, subtropical broad-leaved forest soil was collected from Wan Mulin Natural Reserve located at Fujian Province, southeast China. We selected four types of amino acids, including L-Glutamic acid, L-Lysine, L-Alanine, and L-Methionine as the study materials, which represented acidic, basic, neutral, and sulfur amino acids, respectively. Soils were incubated for 0, 2, 8, 12, 16, and 36 days in the laboratory after adding 0and 40mg N /kg amino acid. Soil moisture was maintained at 60%WHC (water-holding capacity) or 90%WHC. Ammonium N, nitrate N, soluble organic N, nitrous oxide, soil pH, and soluble organic C content were determined. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the SPSS version 18.0, and significant differences between treatments were compared by the LSD test atP<0.05.The results showed that soil NH+4-N content significantly increased with the addition of amino acids, with the repression of NH+4-N production under high soil moisture content conditions (90%WHC) being relieved to some extent. Soil pH was increased by the addition of amino acids, and was closely correlated with soil NH+4-N and NO-3-N. These results support the finding that an increase in soil pH may promote N mineralization in acidic forest soils. Acidic, basic, and neutral amino acids increased NH+4-N production in soil, but had little or no influence on NO-3-N production and nitrous oxide emission. Soil nitrification was significantly inhibited by the addition of methionine, resulting in the accumulation of NH+4-N. Nitrous oxide emission from soil as a whole increased with the addition of methionine. The decrease in SON under the amino acid treatments was more evident under 60%WHC than 90%WHC conditions. The turnover of amino acids in forest soil is very rapid, with NH+4-N being the major N form in soil. Nitrogen transformation in forest soil is probably related to the decomposed products of amino acid mineralization, rather than the charge of amino acids. These findings indicate that nitrogen transformation varies with amino acid type, and that the mechanism inhibiting methionine during nitrification needs further research. In conclusion, amino acids might represent the intermediate products between organic nitrogen and mineral nitrogen, regulating nitrogen transformation in forest soils.
amino acid; soil moisture content; subtropical forest soil; nitrogen transformation
国家自然科学基金项目(40901115, 41271282, 31070549, 31170578);教育部创新团队项目(IRT0960);福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划(JA12058)和福建师范大学优秀青年骨干教师培养基金资助(fjsdjk2012069)
2014- 05- 11; < class="emphasis_bold">网络出版日期:
日期:2015- 05- 18
*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail:mhl936@163.com
裴广廷,马红亮,林伟,高人,尹云锋,杨柳明.氨基酸添加对亚热带森林红壤氮素转化的影响.生态学报,2015,35(23):7774- 7784.
Pei G T, Ma H L, Lin W, Gao R, Yin Y F, Yang L M.Effects of amino acid additions on nitrogen transformation in subtropical forest soil.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2015,35(23):7774- 7784.