Hanjin LI,Chong GAO,Wenguo XU,Zhijun GAO
Puyang Meteorological Bureau,Puyang 457000,China
Effects of Droughts and Floods on Crops and Preventions in Puyang City
Hanjin LI*,Chong GAO,Wenguo XU,Zhijun GAO
Puyang Meteorological Bureau,Puyang 457000,China
The research analyzed characters of rice/wheat growth and yield structure in Puyang and explored the effects of droughts and floods on the crops.The results showed that droughts and floods had significant effects on crop growth and yield.In Puyang,the relieving and prevention technology of the disasters is concluded.Specifically,it is recommended to make full use of agricultural climate resources in a rational way and select suitable crop varieties according to climate and disaster characters,followed by timely sowing and scientific crop arrangement. What's more,ploughing should proceed in deeper soil layers and management measures should be optimized to reduce the effects of disasters on crops.In addition to that,disaster index system should be reinforced in terms of establishment, monitoring,warning and prevention to lay scientific foundations and provide references for safe crop production and preventing and reducing disasters.
Droughts and floods;Rice and wheat;Growth and development;Damage influence;Optimization prevention
P uyang City is a core area of crop production in Henan Province,where wheat and rice are staple food[1]in terms of sowing area or yield.Recently,both of crop price and planting area keep growing,and it is of significance for achieving high yields to maintain high and stable yield of rice and wheat.
Puyang City is located in the east of the Yellow River and has a temperate semi-arid continental monsoon climate,with four distinct seasons. Besides,extreme weathers,such as droughts and floods,occur frequently, resulting in destructions on crops in varying degrees and areas yearly. Therefore,it is important for accomplishing stable yield and improving farmer’s incomes to analyze the effects of meteorological disaster on crop growth and yield and explore scientific countermeasures against meteorological disasters to reduce or avoid the adverse effects.
In Puyang City,annual mean precipitation keeps in the range of 500 to 600 mm,which suggests that water resources are relatively lower,and therefore,droughts are prone to occurring throughout the year.What’s worse,the area by manual irrigation is uneven in Puyang(Fig.1)and droughts in some regions can not be relieved on time,leading to insufficient water of soils,which would affect seedling germination and deficiency of water in crops.Consequently,crop growth would be affected,involving few tillers and small plants,and even dead plants,under influence of meteorological disasters,especially for spring, summer and autumn droughts.
Spring droughtAccording to meteorological index of spring drought(total
Summer droughtEarly summer drought mainly affects grain filling of wheat,weight growth of seeds,crop sowing and seedling growth,and droughts during hot summer mainly influences earing,flowering and pollination in autumn.
Autumn droughtAutumn drought mainly occurs in September-December,and the occurring rate reaches 51%according to autumn drought index(total precipitation≤30 mm with rains for 40 successive days).It is notable that autumn drought mainly affects grain filling of seeds and wheat sowing and germination.
Rain floods
Rain flood,caused by rainstorm and continuous rain,is one of major meteorological disasters in Puyang City,which affects harvest of wheat. For example,rain floods would prevent root extending,resulting in poor tillering capacity,weak plant,thin stem,low earing rate,a small number of seed, and lowering of seed weight.As for rice,seedling regeneration would slow down,leaf would turn yellow,root decay and plant die.Besides,the number of tiller would reduce,and growth environment would go poorer;the peak-tillering stage would postpone upon growth term.What’s worse,as grain filling stops,the sterile spikelet rate would grow,and thousand-seed weight would decline.In addition,the longer flooding,the more serious the damages.
RainstormRainstorm is one of the most serious and frequent meteorological disasters in Puyang.It might occur in spring,summer and autumn in varying degrees,with uneven distribution,temporally or spatially(Fig.2).
Continuous rainContinuous raining refers to raining processes with raining for 5 or more successive days and precipitation over 30mm.In Puyang City,continuous rainy days usually occur for 5 or 6 times.Consequently, crop photosynthesis would be prevented and crop quality and yield would be under influence as well.
Prevention measures against droughts of winter wheat
The measures of protecting winter wheat from droughts include to select suitable species according to the type of year,to irrigate abundant available soil water at planting,to increase fertilizers,to plough farmlands deeply to increase permeation depth and enhance moisture storage,to irrigate in the period of seedling establishment and jointing stage in a limited way and to spray drought preventing agents.
Prevention measures against droughts of riceThe prevention measures include to select high-tolerance species against droughts according to local conditions,to cultivate seedlings with high resistance to droughts in arid or semi-arid fields,because the seedlings take advantage in rooting,and thick leaf,to dig holes for planting,followed by irrigation(If seedlings ripen and hard to be transplanted,the seedlings can be planted in fields with water in case of seedling aging in jointing stage,followed by growing after rainfalls)and to evenly extend grasses and tree leaves on paddy fields to prevent moisture evaporation.
Optimization and prevention measures at rain-waterlogging
Prevention measures of waterlogging for wheatIt is necessary to conduct drainage project with supporting facilities in order to control water level of inland rivers and guarantee water draining.
The plough layers should be deepened and moisture content of soils be adjusted by rational arrangement of crops and the same crop variety in order to advance root development.
The crop variety with resistance to humidity can be chosen to intensify humidity tolerance of wheat.
The growth regulatory substance should be sprayed to delay senescence and reduce flood damages[5].
Prevention measures of waterlogging for riceIt is recommended to construct flood control projects and drainage of stagnant water should be conducted timely at flooding.
The compactly-growing rice varieties with strong roots and stems,and high regeneration capacity should be chosen.
The farming system and intercropping varieties can be well arranged according to flood degree, supplemented by cultivation management to reduce flood damages to anextreme.
During seedling stage,drainage of stagnant water should be conducted timely in case of death by suffocation of seedlings.
If the flood is so serious on a hot day,it is not recommended to drain water once.Instead,the rice should be guaranteed with a resuming and adaption process in case of withering because of transpiration.After water draining,readily available fertilizers can be supplemented to promote seedling growth.
Finally,the control of floodcaused diseases or pests should be always well-prepared.
To strengthen agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation system
Disaster prevention and mitigation system consists of works before,in and after a disaster.It is urgent to establish an overall and prefect agricultural reduction and prevention system of agro-meteorological hazard according to causes and characters of local disasters.
To improve unified releasing system of agro-meteorological early warnings
Considering rural areas are fragile in preventing meteorological disasters, it is necessary to establish an effective coordination and communication system to enhance the prevention capacity and mitigate or prevent disasters.
To conduct afforestation and improve vegetation coverage
Forestlands promote soil taking in water and rich forests effectively reduce surface runoffs,so that rain water directly and rapidly permeate into soils,which decreases water evaporation from farmlands and improve local environment.
To adjust planting structure and intensify field management
It is suggested to take scientific and practical measures to reduce meteorological calamity degree and to avoid the sensitive phases of crops, such as flooding period,depending on drought-resistant cultivations to grow new varieties,in order to avert unneccesary loss based on rational and scientific planting.
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Responsible editor:Xiaoxue WANG
Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU
旱涝灾害;稻麦作物;生长发育;危害影响;优化防御precipitation≤30 mm,with rains for 50 successive days during March-May), spring drought occurred in most years (60%),affecting wheat growth in spring and crop sowing in autumn.
修回日期 2015-05-14
*Corresponding author.E-mail:hnpylhq@126.com
Received:April 4,2015 Accepted:May 15,2015
Agricultural Science & Technology2015年6期