Analysis and Discussion on Some Problems of the Edible Fungi Production in Asmara Area

2015-12-17 02:56ShaofengWUKehuaCHENZhongpingLUO
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年6期

Shaofeng WU,Kehua CHEN,Zhongping LUO

1.Edible Fungi Office of Fujian Province Jianyang City,Jianyang 354200,China;

2.Agricultural Station of Fujian Province Shaowu City Yanshang Town,Shaowu 354000,China;

3.Agricultural Bureau of Sichuan Province Bazhong City Enyang District,Enyang 636064,China

Analysis and Discussion on Some Problems of the Edible Fungi Production in Asmara Area

Shaofeng WU1*,Kehua CHEN2,Zhongping LUO3

1.Edible Fungi Office of Fujian Province Jianyang City,Jianyang 354200,China;

2.Agricultural Station of Fujian Province Shaowu City Yanshang Town,Shaowu 354000,China;

3.Agricultural Bureau of Sichuan Province Bazhong City Enyang District,Enyang 636064,China

According to the natural and economic conditions and the current conditions of edible fungi production of Asmara area,the essay analyzed the advantages and difficulties of edible fungi industry and discussed the countermeasures to develop edible fungi industry in Asmara area in several ways,including training professionals,determining dominant varieties,researching cultivation technology and selecting proper extending orientation.

Asmara;Edible fungi industry;Analysis;Discussion

E ritrea is a predominantly agricultural country which locates in the eastern Africa.80%of the population engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry.With backward production,and the self-sufficiency rate of only 60%-70%,it is one of the least developed countries in the world. The author of this paper,who was designated by Chinese government in October,2013,has joined the Aiding-Africa Senior Agricultural Expert Program to develop test,demonstration and guidance of Junco technology in Asmara,the capital of Eritrea,which lasted 5 months.Some problems in relation to edible fungi production in Asmara area were initially analyzed and discussed based on the author’s comprehension of natural and economic conditions of Asmara and his working experience.Some points of view might be immature and are for reference only due to the author’s short working time in Asmara and limited data source.

Current Conditions

So far,the edible fungi production is almost a blank field in Eritrea and the cultivation test of which is just within its initiation.The production of pure culture of Oyster mushroom,the cultivation test of Oyster mushroom and the planting of Juncao as the material of edible fungi production have been implemented successively under the direction of Chinese Juncao expert since March 2012.The pure culture and cultivation test of Stropharia rugoso-annulata and Oyster mushroom were implemented after October 2013.

The pure culture production and bagging cultivation were smooth and the end production was high according to the trial results of 2012.Statistics shows that totaling 510 bags of red Oyster mushroom cultivation experiment were carried out,the end production rate of which reached 96.2%, 1220 bags of grey Oyster mushroom, with the end production rate of 98.3% at the same year.The two on-trail varieties could grow fruit body normally, but the existing problem was lower yield.The second batch could not grow fruit after the harvest of first batch among the 510 bags,the total fresh fruit body was 17 kg,the biological efficiency was only 4.6%,(dry cultivation material 370 kg,fresh Oyster mushroom 17 kg);1 200 bags of grey Oyster mushroom,with 870 kg of dry material,the end product was less than 300 kg and its biological efficiency was only 34.5%.The biological effi-

According to the initial analysis based on the cultivation theory of edible fungi,the bio-characters of Oyster mushroom and the issues mastered by author,the causes of low biological efficiency are in the following.The first reason is natural condition difference. There is big natural difference between Asmara and China.If the management followed Chinese cultivation model,the natural conditions can not match with the management model, resulting the low yield.The second is material difference.The sawdust from needle leaf tree was not processed properly and can not be used as cultivation material for most of the edible fungi.A few of sawdust contains toxic material from deciduous tree such as eucalyptus,camphor and locust tree can not be used in edible fungi production.According to the investigation, the sawdust from eucalyptus occupies large proportion of the sawdust from deciduous tree,which might result in lower yield.The third is that the fruit body contains less water.The socalled biological efficiency means the percentage between the fresh fruit and dry raw material.As the relative humidity in Asmara is low,moisture evaporates too much in the growth of fruit body,so the water in fresh fruit is low. Therefore the weight of fresh fruit is low.But,according to the author’s estimation,the low water content in fruit body accounts for no more than 15% of the dropping range of yield.Therefore the two causes above mentioned are the major causes resulting in low biological efficiency in the test of 2012.

In accordance with the initial analysis,the major cause of the difference of elephant grass between two sites lies in the difference of management. The elephant grass planted in the yard of ministry of agriculture got better management,which mainly embodies watering in time and water sufficient. Due to the condition limit,the ones that planted in HALHALE could not be watered in time and could not get sufficient water.And also the lack of sufficient rainfall in the end of rain season stunted its growth.It is neither unrealistic nor economic depending on watering management by manpower completely in the large-scale production of elephant grass.So it is necessary to explore the planting technology of elephant grass which is adaptable in Asmara.


Optimal temperature condition

The edible fungi can be divided into three groups such as high temperature type,moderate temperature type and low temperature type as per the different temperature of growing fruit body.Presently,there are about sixty types of edible fungi artificial cultivated in the world,among which 80%are moderate type with the temperature of growing fruit body between 10-25℃. The optimal temperature of the spawns of most edible fungi is about 25℃.The annual average temperature in Asmara is 16.9℃,there are 10 days that the night temperature approaches zero in a year,and the average temperature in the highest temperature month is only 25℃.This unique temperature condition is very adaptable to the cultivation of edible fungi.This means that it can ensure the growth of spawns of edible fungi and fruit body normally with less or even no human-controlled temperature.The year-round cultivation of edible fungi which need extreme cost for most of countries and regions is easy to fulfill here.In addition,the temperature difference in Asmara is much big, which reaches to 10℃above between day and night.This is a favorable natural condition for the edible fungi such as shiitake which grows fruit body by temperature change.

High clean air

The pollution of cultivation material is the major cause of cultivating failing in the process of edible production, and control of the pollution rate within the process of cultivation is fatal.The author felt that although the conditions of all aspects are not perfect,but the rate of end products of spawns and fungi bags reached very high in the production of spawns and the making of fungi bags in recent months.The odds of suffering from pollution in the cultivation link are lower than that in South China so long as sterilization is complete and operations are as per the routine technologic norm.According to the initial analyze,it is mainly because that the cardinality of the varied infectious microbe in the air are low and air cleaning degree is high.Firstly, the relative humidity of air is low.The author tested the relative humidity in office successively and non-scheduled for several months,it was kept a range of 50%-60%.This dry context limited the propagation of various infectious microbes and made the speed of propagation of various infectious microbe slow.Secondly Asmara is located in plateau with strong ultra violet rays.The ultra violet rays from sunshine possesses strong killing infectious microbes effects so that the cardinality of various infectious microbe in the natural context largely drop because of the ultra-violet rays’effect.Lesser industrial pollution

The production process of edible fungi requires better environmental conditions,such as air,water and soil. If the environment suffers pollution from industrial waste water,waste materials and waste air,the light pollution affects the yield and quality,the heavy pollution results in fail of cultivating.Asmara,and even the entire Eritrea,possesses nice environment, the possibilities of bad influence which are produced by the industrial waste water,waste materials and waste air are lesser.

Safe material

The materials of edible production are from the residuals of farming, forestry products which contain rich celluloses,hemicelluloses,wild Juncao or artificial planting Juncao The coverage rate of forest in Eritrea is low,it may be forecasted that the materials of edible fungi production comefrom the residuals of farming product or artificial planting Juncao.Presently, fertilizers,pesticides and herbicides are not used in the agricultural production in Eritrea.Therefore,the residuals from farming productions do not have the risk of toxic residual due to the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides,thus safer as materials of edible fungi production.


Lack of basic data.

The measures of cultivating and management of edible fungi are designed according to the effective combination of the bio-characters of the varieties cultivated and the outer environment and the cultivating materials. To do the test and demonstration work of edible fungi well,it must possess detailed basic data including some meteorological data such as the variation of temperature and humidity,and also resources such as farming products residuals,forest,wild grasses, soil ingredients,and soil structure.Only through these data can the variety be selected effectively,the cultivating technology ensured and management explored.Presently,the data in this aspect are very deficient,of which Chinese expert felt most difficult in the process.The cultivating and testing work seemed like a blind person touches elephant.

No supporting products

The supporting products are necessary in the process of edible fungi production,which includes auxiliary stuff such as the bottle jars,plastic bags and some necessary equipment such as high pressure sterilization autoclave,shattering machine,mixing machine etc and other auxiliary stuff. Presently,all of these products are aided by Chinese government.It is not a problem for small scale tests,but it can not fulfill the requirements for the large scale cultivation.

Limited conditions

According to the author’s recognition,there are some limited factors in the nature.Firstly,the humidity of air is low.This benefits enhancing the end products rate of inoculation and cultivation process,but no doubt it is difficult for the management of growing fruit body.The requirements of the relative humidity of air have differences due to different varieties in the growing process of fruits body.A large parts of fruit bodies need higher humidity in the growing process of fruit body for at least more than 80%;some of the fruit bodies need the environment alternation of wetting and drying.But the relative humidity of air were kept between 50%-60%,which was observed by the author in recent several months.It is easy to solve it in small scale test but appropriate technological measures in the large-scale production need to explore.In addition,intensive sunshine and ultra violet rays definitely affect the management of growing fruit bodies. So,it is necessary to explore the technological scheme to overcome these non-profit factors.

The weak public foundation.

Edible fungi production in China has a long history of more than thousand years,but it was really developed and formed in the agricultural industry only for more than 30 years,which contains high production value and multi varieties.The basic strength of development of edible fungi in China is the myriads of farmers.It is their active participation that made the production value multiplied several hundred times.But through the author’s recognition,although more than 70% of population in Eritrea is farmer,the planting technology can not extended in the massive farmers due to limits from economic conditions and acceptable ability to new things.And also,it lacks the public foundation of the edible fungi industry just as in China.


Training professionals

Professionals are the basis of an industry.The rapid development of edible fungi industry in an area depends on the participation of massive professions.As an industry in the initial stage,it needs professionals of various levels,various fields.Firstly,for the edible fungi researchers,they are requested to widen their views,to hold basic microbiology knowledge,to be familiar with basic edible fungi theory, to have the research and development ability of the production of edible fungi; secondly,for the edible fungi professionals,it is important to master the basic theory of edible fungi production, to understand the development trends of edible fungi,to be familiar with cultivating technology of edible fungi,to have the abilities of productive technology test,demonstration and direction; thirdly,for the edible fungi production faculties:they are organizers of edible fungi production who have strong interest in edible fungi production,be familiar with the raw and auxiliary materials and the issues of production market,and have definite economic basic, production and operation abilities; fourthly,for the operational persons of the edible fungi production:they are requested to understand the cultivating theory of edible fungi and have proficient operational skills.Presently,a few technicians of edible fungi major have been dispatched to China to study cultivating technology of edible fungi by Eritrea government.These technicians go through a period of practice exercise and theory promotion,some of them can become major researchers,some of them can become excellent major technicians,but this need government provide definitely necessary conditions and their own endeavor.The productive persons and operational persons need to go through lots of production practices so that they can be proficient.This can gradually be excavated and trained in the process of test and demonstration of edible fungi production.The existent problem is that the stability of professionals is not enough at present,some of them who accepted training in China no longer engage in the work of edible fungi.There is no fixed labor in the process of operation,all of which should be focused in the future work.

Determining dominant varieties

Presently there are 50 artificial edible fungi cultivation varieties in the world,each of which has difference within environment and adaptability of raw materials.Despite the theory that as long as there are production materials and well-controlled conditions, any variety can be cultivated in any area.But it needs cost to control the environment factors by labor.And depending on imported raw materials is not so economic.The consumers in various regions are not the same with the requirements of varieties.There-fore,there are improved varieties which can adapt the natural conditions,have lower costs and have grand profits in the different areas. Determining dominant varieties is an important measure where the edible fungi can be rapidly developed,avoiding the tortuous paths.There are several standards beneath which can determine dominant varieties:number one is meteorological conditions.The requirements of the context for the edible fungi mainly are temperature,humidity,light and air,among which temperature and humidity are the key issues.Light and air are easy to be controlled.But high cost is needed to control temperature and humidity. Hence,temperature and humidity are the first factors needed to be considered.Number two is raw materials resource conditions.Although the residuals from farming and forestry product which contain rich celluloses and hemicelluloses can be used for edible fungi cultivation,the practices proved that parts of edible fungi had selectivity to the materials.For example,sawdust can be used for cultivating Tremella, Agrocybe aegerita and Needle mushroom,but its yield is low.Only the cotton seed hull as major material can get higher yield and possesses productive value at present.Number three is considering the market requirements.The diet customs in various regions are different with different preference to the edible fungi.For example,the consumers in European and America countries have preference with Agaricus bisporus etc.,while consumers in Asian countries prefer to Shii-take, Agaric etc.On the basis of sufficient investigation and synthetic considering the three factors above,through a series of tests and demonstrations,a batch of dominant varieties can be determined with low cost,high yield, and vast market prospective,together with the social,economic,and ecologic profits.

Researching cultivation technology

Cultivation technology is technological measures which are formed by different conditions in different regions. Some technological measures have a broad adaptability,while some technological measures only adapt a definite region,which can not be applied mechanically.For example,according to the author’s test,the temperature of boiling water in Asmara is only 89℃,this means that the sterilization way which was used vastly in rural regions in China under routine pressure can not reach to optimal outcome here.The research of cultivation technology should be included several aspects beneath:

Number one is the research of basic information.Firstly,it is research of natural conditions including collecting and analyzing of information such as annual air temperature variation issue, rainfall issue,relative humidity issue as well as the soil structure,and content of humus and heavy metal.Secondly, it is trimming with the cultivation materials information and sources collected,including the residuals from farming and forestry products in the region, the total amounts of the wild grasses resources as well as its current major use,prices,and the analyzing datum of the major ingredients of various materials including carbon element,nitrogen element and ash content;moreover there still have some relative information collected and trimmed including water supply issue,pH value of water,mineral content etc.and the traits of manpower and cost etc.

Number two is the research of the cultivation model.According to the different dividing standards,the cultivation model of edible fungi can be divided into many classifications.For example,the traditional cultivation model and industrialization cultivation model, raw material cultivation model and sterilization material cultivation model, indoor cultivation model and outdoor cultivation model,bag cultivation model and ground cultivation model,sunshine ground cultivation model and shadow ground cultivation model, round year cultivation model and seasonal cultivation etc.According to the local natural conditions,edible fungi production basic and other issues,the author thinks that it is easy to get achievements in exploring the cultivation model of raw materials,round year cultivation,crops intercrop etc.The author suggests that the industrialization fungi production is not developed temporarily.This is because that the current electricity supply can not meet the requirements of industrialization cultivation,the supply linkage of supporting materials,equipment and auxiliary materials are still not formed, the products consumption markets still not develop ripe too.

Number three is the research of cultivation technology.Even the same variety can not adopt the unanimous cultivation technology.Therefore,it is fully necessary to research the cultivation technology which is fit for local region including the selection of materials,design of the substrate formulas, the making of fungi bags and spawns, technology points of each cultivation links and the concrete controlling measures of context conditions in the stage of growing fruit body.

Number four is the research of cultivation materials.Except collecting and trimming of the basic information of the material mentioned above,the research of Juncao cultivation should be developed.Through the author’s understanding,forestry resource is much lesser in Asmara region at present,a large part of residuals from farming products are utilized as animals feed.The residuals from farming products can be used as edible fungi materials are in high price currently, and Juncao is likely to be the major materials of edible fungi production. Consequently it is necessary to make a research with Juncao which can be cultivation material including the sieving of tolerant-drought variety and concrete cultivation technology.

Selecting proper extending orientation

Technology need to be extended, so that it can produce benefits.Here two aspects of content are included: firstly,whom the cultivation technology is extended to;secondly,how to extend the cultivation technology.According to the local condition,it is difficult to be like in China that the fungi cultivation technology was extended to the massive farmers extensively in the initial stage of edible fungi development.But this can be tried out to extend to parts of farms.Select farms which have definite market sense, definite economic strength and production conditions as pilots,extend cultivation technology to them.If thecultivation get success and the production enter into the market,the farmers can get benefits.It will be extended fast and widely like the fire of tiny spot.The government should dispatch technicians to teach and direct with the cultivation,and provide necessary support on the other hand in the process of extension.


We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to Center for International Cooperation Services,Ministry of Agriculture,PRC that project implementation unit for the strong support in the project implementation process.


[1]ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL OFFICE OF CHINESE EMBASSY IN ERITREA:Current Conditions of food security and policy in eritrea and advice on bilateral cooperation[R].Interior Document,2012.10.

[2]LIN ZX,LIN ZH:Juncao technology[M]. China Agricultural Scientech,China.

Responsible editor:Xiaoxue WANG

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU




阿斯马拉;食用菌产业;分析;探讨ciency of them was far below the biological efficiency of 90%-100%in China.According to the result of the test cultivation of Juncao,these two varieties can grow in Asmara region,but with big differences in terms of growth. The elephant grass grew well,which were planted in the yard of Ministry of Agriculture of Eritrea in March of 2013. The height of stalks reached 3.9 meters in less than 10 months.But the ones planted in August of 2013 in an area of 1 000 square meters in the South Province HALHALE which is 50 km far to Asmara grew only 50 cm until January of 2014,and parts of them died.

吴少风(1960-),男,福建建阳人,研究员,研究方向:食用菌,E-mail:wooshaofoong@163. com。*通讯作者。


修回日期 2015-05-16


Received:April 6,2015 Accepted:May 16,2015

立字立人 墨香校园
建阳水仙茶 天然兰花香