The Effects of Nutrition Lick Brick and Salt Brick as Supplement Feed on the Production Performance of Tan Sheep

2015-02-05 03:30NinganMEIJianningDINGGuifenCHEN
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年6期

Ning’an MEI,Jianning DING,Guifen CHEN

1.Institute of Animal Husbandry&Veterinary Medicine,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan 750002,China;

2.Ningxia Shuofangmuyuan Cattle and Sheep Feed Technolopgy Innovation Center Limited Company,Yinchuan 750002,China

The Effects of Nutrition Lick Brick and Salt Brick as Supplement Feed on the Production Performance of Tan Sheep

Ning’an MEI1*,Jianning DING2,Guifen CHEN2

1.Institute of Animal Husbandry&Veterinary Medicine,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan 750002,China;

2.Ningxia Shuofangmuyuan Cattle and Sheep Feed Technolopgy Innovation Center Limited Company,Yinchuan 750002,China

In the paper,the effects of nutrition lick brick and salt brick as supplement feed on the performance of Tan sheep were studied.36 fattening Tan sheep with the average weight of about 23 kg were chosen,they were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the weight,and each group had 12 sheep.Control group was fed with normal daily ration,experimental group 1 was fed with normal daily ration+nutrition lick brick,experimental group 2 was fed with normal daily ration+salt brick,the experimental period was 60 d.The results showed that 1)compared with CK,daily gain of group 1 improved 17.09%(P<0.01),feed conversion ratio reduced 11.69%(P<0.05),and average gross profit per sheep improved 51.65 yuan;daily gain of group 2 improved 7.03%(P<0.05),feed conversion ratio reduced 4.06%(P>0.05),and average gross profit per sheep improved 19.78 yuan;2)compared with group 2,daily gain of group 1 improved 9.40%(P<0.05),feed conversion ratio reduced 7.96%(P<0.05),and average gross profit per sheep improved 31.87 yuan; these indicated that nutrition lick brick and salt brick as supplement feed for Tan sheep both can improve the production performance of Tan sheep,and the supplementary feeding effect of nutrition lick brick was better.

Nutrition lick brick;Salt brick;Tan sheep;Supplement feed

L ick brick as supplement feed has already become an important technical measure in cattle and sheep breeding industry[1].Brick products with reasonable formula can effectively supplement nutrient elements,balance dietary nutrition,and reduce the occurrence rate of all kinds of nutritional and metabolic diseases as well as allotriophagia.Therefore, we shall take full advantage of limited resources,excavate fodder potential, give play to the production performance of good breed,lower the cost and increase the benefit,in order to benefit the promotion of healthful aquaculture of cattle and sheep,thereby improving the productivity and efficiency of cattle and sheep rearing in confinement[2].

Based on the supplementary feeding function of nutrition lick brick and salt brick,its effects on the weight increment and economic benefit of Tan sheep were analyzed in the experiment.

Materials and Methods

Experimental products

Nutrition lick brick and salt brick models were TK800 and TY100,respectively,and they were both provided by Institute of Animal Husbandry& Veterinary Medicine,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.

Experimental design

Experimental designThe experiment adopted one-factor completely random design.

Experimental animal and grouping

The experiment was carried out in the park of Ningxia Nongken Helan Mountain Muslim Beef and Mutton

Daily ration composition and nutritional levelSheep of control group, group 1 and group 2 were respectively fed with normal daily ration,normal daily ration+nutrition lick brick and normal daily ration+salt brick.Daily ration composition and nutritional level are in Table 1.Nutrition lick brick contains compound trace elements,urease inhibitors,salt(38%),etc.;salt brick contains salt(88%),calcium(Ca), phosphorus(P),etc.

Daily managementDuring the preliminary trial period,expelling parasite and invigorating stomach were done for thorough disinfection of sheep yard.Every day,daily ration and feeding were conducted by the appointed person with the frequency of twice a day,first coarse diet then refined ration,water drinking and movement were not restricted.Finally,food intake and faeces should be observed carefully.

Observing indicatorsThe weight of sheep should be separately weighed at the beginning of the experiment and at the end of the experiment;moreover,daily gain,feed intake and feed conversion ratio must be calculated.

Statistic analysis of dataThe experimental data were processed by Excel 2003 for multiple comparison analysis.

Experimental Results

Observed results

The sheep of group 1 and group 2 both liked eating lick brick,and the feed intake of group 1 was more;after eating for some time,the feed intake became stable.The color of sheep’s wool and mental condition of sheep of group 1 were better than those of CK and group 2.

Weight gain

The initial weight and final weight after 60 days of Tan sheep were in Table 2.

Seen from Table 2,①for average daily weight gain per sheep,group 1 was 17.09%above CK group,and the difference was extremely remarkable; group 1 was 9.40%above group 2,the difference was remarkable;group 2 was 7.03%higher than CK group,the difference was significant;②for feed conversion ratio,group 1 was 11.69% lower than CK group,the difference was remarkable;group 1 was 7.96% lower than group 2,the difference was also remarkable;group 2 was 4.06% lower than CK group,the difference was not remarkable.

Economic benefit analysis(in Table 3)

The efficiency analysis showed that the gross profit of group 1 was 520.27 yuan,which was 51.65 yuan and 31.87 yuan higher than CK group and group 2,respectively,and the increased ranges were 11.02%and 6.53%,respectively.The gross profit of group 2 was 488.40 yuan,which was 19.78 yuan above CK group,and the increased range was 4.22%.

Table 1Daily ration composition and nutritional level

Table 2The statistics of experimental results

Conclusions and Discussions

(1)Tan sheep of nutrition lick brick group and salt brick group showed that Tan sheep liked eating lick brick,and the feed intake of nutrition lick brick was more obvious;after eating for some time,the feed intake became stable.The color of sheep’s wool and mental condition of sheep of nutrition lick brick group were better than those ofCK group and saltbrick group.

(2)According to average daily weight gain per sheep,nutrition lick brick can improve weight gain performance of Tan sheep(P<0.01),salt brick also can improve weight gain performance of Tan sheep(P<0.05). However,the weight gain effect of nutrition lick brick was superior to that of salt brick.

(3)For feed conversion ratio,nutrition lick brick reduced the feed conversion ratio of Tan sheep(P<0.05), salt brick also reduced the feed conversion ratio of Tan sheep,but the difference was not obvious(P>0.05).In conclusion,the feed conversion ratio of nutrition lick brick group was lower than that of salt brick group(P<0.05).

(4)From economic benefit analysis,it was indicated that nutrition lick brick and salt brick as supplement feed for Tan sheep both can improve the culture benefit of Tan sheep,but the economic benefit of nutrition lick brickwas better.

[1]WANG YH(王应和),WU M(吴敏).Status quo of MMUB research and application in cattle and sheep(牛羊舔砖的研究应用现状)[J].China Herbivores(中国草食动物),2011,31(3):44-47.

[2]HU MQ(胡民强).Research progress on multinutrient block of cattle and sheep in China(我国牛羊复合营养舔砖的研究进展)[J].Guangdong Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science(广东畜牧兽医科技),2004,29(6):8-9.

Responsible editor:Nanling WANG

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU



试验研究了在补饲营养舔砖与盐砖对滩羊生产性能的影响。选择36只平均体重为23kg左右的育肥滩羊,按体重随机分成3个处理组,每组12只,对照组为基础日粮,试验1组为基础日粮+补饲营养舔砖,试验2组为基础日粮+补饲盐砖,试验期为60 d的。结果表明,1)与对照组相比,试验1组,日增重提高17.09%(P<0.01),料重比降低11.69%(P<0.05),只均毛利润提高51.65元;试验2组,日增重提高7.03%(P<0.05),料肉比降低4.06%(P>0.05),只均毛利润提高19.78元;2)试验1组与试验2组比较日增重提高9.40%(P<0.05),料重比降低7.96%(P<0.05),只均毛利润提高31.87元;说明滩羊补饲营养舔砖与盐砖均可提高滩羊的生产性能,营养舔砖的补饲效果优于盐砖。

营养舔砖;盐砖;滩羊;补饲Group Co.,Ltd.,the experimental period was 60 d.36 fattening Tan sheep aged 8-10 months with the same gender,age,weight,physiological status,feeding and management level were chosen,they were divided into 3 groups,and each group had 12 sheep. They were uniformly banded with swallow fork and fed concentratedly.Control group was fed with normal daily ration,experimental group 1 was fed with normal daily ration+nutrition lick brick,experimental group 2 was fed with normal daily ration+salt brick; each group had the same basal feed composition;initial body weights of group 1,group 2 and control group were 23.22,23.65 and 23.37 kg,respectively,and the differences among the three were not obvious.



修回日期 2015-05-26


Received:March 20,2015 Accepted:May 26,2015

“旅月”归来出苗 牛羊有望吃上“太空草”