新目标八年级下Unit 8 A country music song changed her life forever教学设计

2015-01-29 15:29黄家旋
英语教师 2015年11期


教 材:新目标八年级下

单 元:Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives

After this lesson,students will be able to

1.Understand the origin of country music and the culture associated with country music.

2.Introduce country music by relating their own life stories,explaining basic information of the music type and as well as introducing the famous musicians.

3.Develop their speaking skills by making an interview.

Ⅱ.Teaching Important and Difficult Points

This lesson focuses on guiding students to learn to introduce a music type by relating their own life stories.Sentences like“It made sb.think about...”“She came to realize...”“ It brings us back to...”“It reminds us that...”Through these,students develop their speaking fluency and accuracy.

Students may find it difficult to introduce a type of music by introducing the basic information of a certain music type within limited time especially when internet access is impossible.The teacher will provide relevant information and encourage group discussion to lower the difficulty.

Ⅲ.Teaching Procedure

Step 1:Leading in(3 minutes)

1.Have Ss read the title and tell them they are going to learn a kind of music and someone’s life which has been changed by this kind of music.

2.Have Ss listen to a piece of music,then have them talk about their feelings.

Sentence pattern:The music sounds...(warm/elaxing/...)

3.Listen again and have them guess the instrument that the singer played.

4.Ask Ss to listen again and chant,then tell what they think of the lyrics.

5.Guide Ss to the feature of country music.

(Simple lyrics and very often guitars are played in the music.)


Step 2:While reading(12 minutes)

1.Read for understanding

Have Ss read and match the main idea for each paragraph.

2.Read details—country music

(1)Have Ss read Paragraph 2 and fill in the chart in the Ss’handouts.

Facts of country music(Para.2)What kind of music it is the southern states of America A famous country music place in Nashville a country Music Hall of Fame Museum A famous country music singer Garth Brooks A number of records he has sold more than 120 millions

(2)Culture note

Country music Hall of Fame Museum:The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum identifies and preserves the evolving history and traditions of country music and educates its audiences.It was built in 1961 and located at 222 Fifth Avenue South in?Nashville,Tennessee.

Nashville,Tennessee:Guide Ss to know the location of Nashville,Tennessee.

Garth Brooks:He has been the most influential country music singer in the 1990s.The number of records he sold is just second to Beatles.

3.Read for details—Music brings change

Have Ss read Para.1 and find out Sarah’s change.

Sentence drill:Have Ss listen to 2 pieces of music then have them tell the feelings the music brings to them.Use the following sentence pattens.

The music makes me think of...

I came to realize that...

4.Read for details—The value of country music

(1)Have Ss read Para.2 again to find the value of country music.

The value of country music(Para.2)1.It____________good old days,when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.2.It___________the best things in life are free,laughter,friends,family and the beauty of nature and countryside.

(2)Have Ss read these two sentences and then try to memorize them.

(3)Memory game:The group that best memorize the two sentences would be the winner.


以上三个详读环节紧紧围绕乡村音乐这一主题,分别突破了三个要点:一是乡村音乐的基本常识;二是乡村音乐给主人公Sarah带来的改变;三是乡村音乐的价值观。在阅读完课文后,学生先了解了乡村音乐的基本信息,其中穿插了3个文化常识,即Country Music Hall of Fame Museum,Garth Brooks和Nashville,使学生对这些文化名词有了一个更深刻的认识,进而更了解乡村音乐。教师设计的句型操练是让学生先听音乐,然后用句型说出音乐给他们带来的感受,这一环节使得学生能够更深刻地感受音乐的力量。感受过后,教师与学生一起探讨乡村音乐的价值观,在这个环节里,既帮助学生理解了故事,了解了乡村音乐的涵义,同时又通过操练句型和快速记忆,突破了本课的4个重点句型,即It made sb think about...;She came to realize...;It brings us back to...;It reminds us that... 这都为之后的综合活动提供了语言支持。

Step 3:After reading(10 minutes)

1.Role play—Country music and me

Scene:Sarah and two other country music lovers are being interviewed by the school TV station.They do this so that more students will know and get to like country music.

2.Task division

A—TV host


C/D—fans of country music

3.Have Ss vote for the best interview.

4.A quote about music

Share a quote with Ss.(Nothing is worth living for without music—Nietzsche〈尼采〉).

Encourage them to enjoy music and enjoy life.

【设计意图】交际离不开语境,口语教学也应该在真实的语境下进行。在课堂的最后,学生通过role play的形式推广乡村音乐,在采访中学生运用了本课的重点句型来表达观点、互相交流,达到了丰富和内化知识的目的。


1.Write about one type of music you like or sports or arts that can change people’s mind.

The following parts should be included.

(1)the change that the music brings to you;

(2)the facts of the music;

(3)one famous singer of this type of music.

2.Optional:Listen to the songs of Garth Brooks and try to learn one.




第一,深度解读文本,挖掘文化内涵。本课话题是乡村音乐,是一种具有美国民族特色的流行音乐。中国学生对这种音乐相对陌生,为了让学生通过本课的学习能真正了解乡村音乐文化,而不仅仅是停留在语言知识与语言技能层面,笔者在详读的三个环节中重点突破了乡村音乐的基本常识和价值观,在讲解过程中对文化名词The Country Music Hall of Fame Museum,Garth Brooks,Nashville,Tennessee等进行了链接介绍,抓住了培养学生对未知知识产生兴趣的最佳教学时机。

第二,教学活动设计指向性明确,为教学目标的达成服务。本节课中每一个活动的设计都在确保其为教学目标的达成服务的前提下,兼顾活动的多样性、知识性、趣味性和文化性。例如,为了让学生在最后的采访活动中流利运用重点句型“Itmadesb.think about...”“Shecametorealize...”“ Itbringsusbackto...”“Itremindsusthat...”来介绍乡村音乐和Sarah的音乐经历。从最后活动的效果来看,上台的三个小组都能很好地使用目标语言介绍乡村音乐,表现十分精彩。


本节课也存在些许不足:本单元的语法是完成时,文章中出现了许多havedone的结构,比如:Sarah hasreadalotaboutNashville,hasdonesomeresearchon....笔者没有详细处理,有待于再完善。

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边疆行( 之三):拉祜族原生乡村音乐的新生