
2015-01-18 08:48:23孙长虹
生态学报 2015年17期

王 颖, 孙长虹, 张 伟

东北林业大学野生动物资源学院, 哈尔滨 150040


王 颖, 孙长虹, 张 伟*

东北林业大学野生动物资源学院, 哈尔滨 150040


黄鼬; 被毛; 形态结构; 功能适应

动物机体的形态结构特征与其所处的环境及所要发挥的功能密不可分。哺乳动物被毛是发挥相关功能以使其适应环境的重要部分[1- 6],如一些动物被毛的颜色和斑纹对动物的隐蔽、求偶展示、吸收太阳能等起着重要作用[7- 10];同时,被毛的形态结构性状与所处环境也紧密相关,栖息于不同生境中的动物在被毛微观结构上的差异十分显著[11- 15],即使生活在特定生境中的动物也通过被毛的季节性脱换[2,16-17]和身体不同部位被毛的性状差异[18- 22]来适应所处的生态环境。比较动物不同身体部位的被毛特征,能够反映出不同部位的毛对适应环境的功能分化,也可以反映出动物对其生存环境的适应[23]。但以往的研究多是探索动物被毛对高寒环境的适应策略,事实上动物被毛除了用于防御严寒之外[24- 26],还要保护机体免受伤害[27-28],并且动物被毛在生态类型复杂、恶劣气候环境下的适应性特征和分化更加明显;同时,以往研究也多以毛被类型简单的动物为对象,代表性不突出。本实验选取生态类型复杂,冬季漫长严寒的黑龙江省通河林区为研究地,以分布性广、适应性强、毛被类型复杂(含直针毛、披针毛、绒针毛、绒毛、硬毛等多种类型毛)的黄鼬(Mustelasibirica)为研究对象,探讨动物被毛在形态结构上普遍存在的功能适应性特征和适应性分化现象。

黑龙江省通河龙口林场为低山丘陵地貌,属温带大陆性季风气候区,全年平均气温1.9 ℃,1月极端最低气温达-46.2 ℃,10月下旬到翌年5月下旬为结冻期。主要的森林类型为以阔叶红松林为主的针阔混交林和以桦树林、杨树林、栎树林组成的阔叶林,其次为榛子灌丛和胡枝子灌丛。在严寒而漫长的冬季,动物首先要解决保温问题,同时由于植被类型复杂,又要强化对机体的保护以避免外界环境刮伤身体和避免被毛过长阻碍其运动[29]。通河龙口林场的特殊的环境气候特征极适于开展动物被毛的生态适应性及功能适应性分化的研究。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料

将2005年12月—2006年2月在黑龙江省通河龙口林场采集的黄鼬东北亚种雌雄成体各10只的完整毛皮作为实验材料,分别在每只个体的背中部(dorsal back)、腹中部(belly)、后肢下部(lower hindleg)采集直针毛(unbent awn)、披针毛(sub-awn)、绒针毛(vellus awn)、绒毛(undercoat hair)各5根,在每只个体的后趾部(hind claw)采集硬毛(bristle)各5根。因同部位的同类型的单根毛即可进行形态学的物种鉴定[30],5根毛的统计数据可以有效避免测量误差[23]。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 光镜样本制备

将完整的毛样本置于培养皿中,用乙醚和95%的乙醇按1∶1组成的脱脂液脱脂20min;将脱脂后的毛置于30%的过氧化氢中脱色30 min,用无水乙醇清洗10 min。将处理后的毛放到2—3 mm厚的无色有机玻璃载片上,在其上下覆以无机玻璃载片,并用铁夹固定。放到120 ℃的DGG- 9053A型电热恒温干燥箱中加热2 h;待玻璃冷却后卸下铁夹及无机载片,此时毛附着于有机玻璃载片上;用窄透明胶带将整根毛粘起并平行贴于距毛鳞片印痕1—2 mm处,即制成可同时用光镜观察鳞片和髓质的装片[30]。

1.2.2 数据测量


图1 毛的测量部位示意图(a: 毛尖无髓段长度;b: 髓质长度;c: 毛根无髓段长度;d: 毛细度;e: 髓质细度)Fig.1 Measurement of different hair parameters (a: Non-medulla tip length, b: Medulla length, c: Non-medulla root length, d: Hair diameter, e: Medulla diameter)

1.2.3 相对指标的计算




1.2.4 统计分析



2 结果与分析

2.1 相同身体部位四种类型毛的长度、细度比较



2.2 不同身体部位被毛性状之间的比较

由表1可知,雄性直针毛的长度和细度表现为:背中部﹥腹中部﹥后趾部﹥后肢下部,而直针毛的其他性状指标(如雌性直针毛的长度和细度、雌雄性直针毛的髓质长度、髓质长度所占比例、髓质指数)则都表现为:背中部﹥腹中部﹥后肢下部﹥后趾部,毛尖无髓段长度所占比例则都表现为:背中部﹤腹中部﹤后肢下部﹤后趾部。虽然后肢下部直针毛与后趾部硬毛的长度、细度因黄鼬性别不同呈相反的变化趋势,但后肢下部与后趾部在毛长度(P雄∶后肢下部—后趾部=0.124>0.05,P雌∶后肢下部—后趾部=0.773>0.05)和毛细度(P雄∶后肢下部—后趾部=0. 229>0.05,P雌∶后肢下部—后趾部=0.589>0.05)上并无显著差异。这表明在总体上直针毛和硬毛的长度、细度、髓质长度、髓质长度所占比例和髓质指数由躯干向四肢末端递减,毛尖无髓段长度所占比例则正好相反(注:为了便于说明问题,将后趾部的硬毛与直针毛统一进行比较) 。





表2 雌雄黄鼬四种类型毛长度相关性(n=400)

表3 雌雄黄鼬四种类型毛细度相关性 (n=400)

3 讨论








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Hair morphology as functional adaptation in winterMustelasibiricain Tonghe forest area

WANG Ying, SUN Changhong, ZHANG Wei*


The body function and external morphology of animals with long life span are affected by the environment. Changes in environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and illumination, affect the animal′s appearance and its internal functions through changes in physiological mechanisms. Many species of mammals are characterized by a layer of hair on the skin. Hair, being constantly exposed to the outside environment, directly indicates functional adaptations to the environment. Adaptation to the environment is caused by a long-lasting selection pressure on a trait as a result of natural selection. To fit the environment, animal can change a series of traits, such as color and body shape. The hairs, which serve for thermal insulation and protection, are the result of a long adaptive evolution. As a result of geographic isolation, populations of one species that are isolated from each other for a long time undergo speciation, resulting in subspecies or new species. Morphological structure of hairs covering different body regions is the result of different functional adaptations. Often there is a gradient in hair variation from the body to the end of the limbs in many mammals. Siberian weasel is a valuable fur animal and a subject of various studies in China. The animal molts seasonally starting from tail to hips, back, and neck, and lastly head and limbs in the fall, and in the opposite direction in the spring. The hair type in Siberian weasel is complex. On the basis of its shape and structure, hair is divided into guard hair, sub-awn, vellus awn, undercoat hair, and bristles. In this study, we measured the length and diameter of guard hair, sub-awn, vellus awn, and undercoat hair, all of which were sampled from the center of the back and venter, the lower end of hind limb, and bristles from the upper side of the hind toe. These hairs were collected from winter pelage of 20 adult Siberian weasels located in Tonghe forest area of Heilongjiang Province. Results showed that the length and diameter of the four types of hair always decreased at the same position. We detected significant correlation between the length of the four hair types (P< 0.01) and significant positive correlation between the diameter of guard hairs and sub-awns (P< 0.01) as well as between vellus awns and undercoat hairs (P< 0.01). The character of each hair type provided the potential to properly insulate and protect animal body as a whole. Thus, the insulation provided by the hair decreased from the back to the hind toe, whereas the protection increased. The hair traits differed among body regions in relation to different temperatures at those parts. We collected and analyzed morphological characters of the guard hair including its length and width, cuticular scale pattern, and medulla. We found significant difference in hair density between the winter and summer coat, hair length, and proportion of absent medulla in guard hair, and we discuss the adaptive mechanism of this variation. Pelage is found only in mammals, where during the course of evolution, its primary role became insulation and protection from the elements. The morphology of the pelage related to the insulation and protection function differed significantly between body regions, resulting from the differentiation of the characteristics during the course of adaptation of pelage. There is a visible gradient in its morphology from the trunk to the limbs. This study reported functional adaptability of the morphological structure of winter pelage of Siberian weasel. The fur was sampled from 20 Siberian weasels (10 males and 10 females) from Longkou Forest Farm of Tonghe in Xiaoxingan Mountain, Heilongjiang Province, in winter from December 2005 to February 2006. Five hairs of each of the four hair types (unbent awn, sub-awn, vellus awn, undercoat hair) were sampled from different parts of the body including dorsal back, venter, and lower hind leg, and five bristles were sampled from upper side of hind claw. The length of the hair, medulla, and non-medulla tip as well as the diameter of the hair and medulla were measured in all sampled hairs and the measurements were used to calculate the proportion of the length of medulla, non-medulla tip, and indexes of medulla (proportion of medulla diameter to hair diameter). All the measurements were carried out by using microscope photography and its supporting software for photo processing and measuring. The analyses indicated a significant correlation between the length of the four hair types and a significant positive correlation between the diameter of unbent awn and sub-awn (P< 0.01) and between vellus awn and undercoat hair (P< 0.01); the hair length played a very important role in the insulation and protection properties of the pelage. Furthermore, the morphological properties of the Siberian weasel winter pelage showed a gradual change from the trunk to the limbs, indicating that the gradient in the insulation and protection function of the pelage corresponds to the heterothermy. Observed polarization of winter pelage in Siberian weasel is the result of adaptation to cold environment in winter. This study provided insights into the strategies of Siberian weasel to adapt to cold climate in the Tonghe forest area.

Siberian weasel; pelage hairs; morphological structure; functional adaptation


2013- 11- 27;

日期:2014- 11- 03


*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail: zwfur@aliyun.com

王颖, 孙长虹, 张伟.通河林区黄鼬 (Mustelasibirica)冬季被毛形态结构的功能适应性.生态学报,2015,35(17):5623- 5631.

Wang Y, Sun C H, Zhang W.Hair morphology as functional adaptation in winterMustelasibiricain Tonghe forest area.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2015,35(17):5623- 5631.

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