人教版高中一年级必修4 Unit5 Theme Park阅读课教学设计
本堂课是根据人教版高一新教材必修4第五单元Theme Park中的Warm ing-up和Reading扩展而来的一节课。高一新教材使用已快一年,该教材是为了适应新形势发展的需要,根据教育部制定的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》的精神编写的,其指导思想明确,内容丰富,适应高中学生的学习兴趣,语言真实、地道,是一套相当好的教材。笔者所选的这节课,以探讨主题公园为主线,更是符合高中学生喜欢玩的一个特点,在引起学生兴趣方面更具优势。在“热身”部分,教材展示了不同国家的四个著名的主题公园,把学生引入主题公园这个主题中来;然后通过“读前”的一个问题,把学生引入到阅读文章中来。在这篇文章中,作者不仅讲述了主题乐园与普通公园的异同以及各种类型的主题公园,还指出了人们不仅可以在主题公园中通过娱乐使自己身心放松,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和必要的体验。
(一)Warm ing up
通过释读题目Theme Park—Fun and More Than Fun,明确建造主题公园的目的,帮助学生加深对本单元主题的理解。
掌握下列单词、短语:theme,amusement,various,shuttle,charge,admission,profit,souvenir,athletic, equipment,sneaker,m inority,fantasy,come to life,getclose to,and so on.
Step 1Greetings
T:Goodmorning/afternoon,boysand girls!
Step 2Warm ing up
Show students a picture of the park,which is near our school,and then let students discuss about the parks.While discussing,give studentssome questions to help them.In order to make it easy,teacher first talksabout the YangM ing Park asan example.
T:There aremany famous parks in YuYao.Can you name someof them?
Ss:YangM ing Park,ShunBei Park,LanShu Park,and so on.
T:Yeah.I often go to YangM ing Park,which is near our school.I think it is a good place to relax myself.I can take a walk,sit chatting w ith my friends,play games,and listen to the birds singing and so on.Then whataboutyou?Have you everbeen to the parks?Why do you go there?And what do you do there?
S2:Giveher details.
T:Now let’s see some other pictures.Do you know thispark?
S1:FengHuangShan Theme Park.
S2:Wewent there someweeksbefore.
T:Then please compare these two parks.Tell me the differencesbetween them.
S1:FengHuangShan Theme Park ismuch bigger than YangM ing Park.
S2:FHS Theme Park ismuch more interesting than YM Park.
S3:There are more entertaining equipment in FHSTheme Park.
T:Okay,you are all right,and what’s more,a theme park should have a theme,which is themost important.Now let’sseemore theme parks home and abroad.While looking,please tell me the theme of these parks.
T:OK,these parks all have their own themes. Besides these parks,do you know any theme parks in theworld?
Ss:Happy Valley.
T:Good.Could you introduce it forus?
S2:Iknow a theme park in...
T:It seems that you know many theme parks. Then do you know the history of the theme parks?Do you know which one is the oldest theme park in the world?You don’t know the answers?Neverm ind. Let’s read our text to find the answers.Now open your books turn to Page 33.let’s see our reading passage:THEME PARKS——FUN AND MORE THEN FUN.(W rite down the title on the blackboard at the same time)
[点评]Warm ing up安排了大量学生熟悉的余姚的地方公园,从学生熟悉的事情出发,吸引他们的兴趣,设计一些简单的问题,通过教师举例子,激发学生说的兴趣,然后把余姚的阳明公园与学生几周前刚去过的凤凰山主题公园对比,引入主题公园,通过对世界各地主题公园的图片观赏,激发学生对主题公园的好奇心,从而设计问题把学生引入到阅读文章中。
Step 3Reading
Ask students to listen to the tapeand read after it.
T:Now please listen to the tape of the text. While you are listening,please read after the tape to correct your pronunciation and intonation.At thesame time,please find the main idea of this text. Now let’sbegin.
(After tape playing)
T:Please look at the slide.Please choose the bestmain idea for this text.
What’s themain ideaof the passage?
A.Theme parksaremore than amusement.
B.Theme parks are places for people to amuse themselves.
C.Theme parks have a variety of things to see and do.
D.Theme parkshave a certain idea.
S1:Ichoose A.
T:Good.Now let’sdo some trueor falsequestions to check if you have really got themain idea of the text.
(1)Traditional amusement parks often want to teach visitorssomething.
(2)A ll theme parks try to combine fun w ith the opportunity to learn something.
(3)Disneyland in California is the oldest theme park in theworld.
(4)Theme parks are becom ing more and more advanced and populararound theworld.
Suggested answers:F,T,T,T
Paragraph One:Appearance and his achievements
T:I would like to invite one of you to read paragraph 1 for us,and others,while listening,please find the topic sentenceof thisparagraph.
(A fter reading)
T:Do you find the topic sentence?
S1:Yes.The firstsentence is the topic sentence.
T:Yes,you are right.Sit down please.Now I haveanotherquestion:
According to Paragraph 1,parks
A.arenotnecessary places for you to relax.
B.areall the same.
C.are cheap or free foryou to go to.
D.are places for fam iliesonly.
Suggested answer:C
Paragraph Two
T:Paragraph 1 tells us the functions of most parks.Butwe know our topic is theme parks,right? Now,let’s come to para.2.This time,Iw ill invite a girl to read it.Still,while she is reading,you should find the topic sentenceof thisparagraph.
(A fter reading)
T:Do you find the topic sentence?
S:Yes.The topic sentence is...
T:That’s right.Para.2 mainly tells us that in recently years,theme parks are designed to provide entertainment.Now stillanotherquestion:
According to Paragraph 2,theme parks
A.havea long history.
B.have no rides,such as a Ferris wheel,merry-go-round,ora rollercoaster.
D.are restaurants where you can see lots of things
Suggested answer:C
Paragraph Three to six
T:Let’ssee para.3 to 6,this time,please read it by yourselves to find out how many parks arementioned by the text.
(A fter four to fivem inutes)
T:Have you finished reading?Now let’ssee some questions,first,how many parks are mentioned in the text?
S:Six.They are Sports Theme Park,History and Culture Theme Park,Disneyland,Marine or ocean parks,Science Theme Park,Future Theme Park.
T:Yes.Very good.Now let’s see whatwe can do in these parks.Please look at the screen,decide whether we can do these activities in these parks. (Show a chartand dealw ith itwith thewhole class)
Theme parks Activities Sports theme parks 1.Play orwatch sports.()2.Buy sportsequipmentorclothing.()History or culture theme parks 3.Take picturesofemperorsorminority people.()4.Know about the lifeof theearly settlers in America.()Disneyland 5.See the characters from Disney films.()6.Sw im w ith dolphins.()Marine or ocean parks 7.Help cook see foods.()Science theme parks 8.Takean activepart in experiments.()Future parks 9.Go on imaginary trips to space.()10.Experience life in the past.()
Suggested answers:
Theme parks Activities Sports theme parks 1.Play orwatch sports.(T)2.Buy sportsequipmentorclothing.(T)History or culture theme parks 3.Take picturesof emperorsorm inority people.(F)4.Know about the lifeof theearly settlers in America.(F)Disneyland 5.See the characters from Disney films.(F)6.Sw im w ith dolphins.(F)Marine or ocean parks 7.Help cook see foods.(F)Science theme parks 8.Takean activepart in experiments.(F)Future parks 9.Go on imaginary trips to space.(F)10.Experience life in the past.(F)
Step 4Post-reading
Summarize the text
T:Now we have read through the whole text.I think you musthave a clear view of the theme park. Now Iwould like you to summarize the theme parks in yourownwords.Iwillgive youonem inute to prepare. Youmay discuss itwith your partner.Are you clear?
(Onem inute later)
T:Okay,now who wants to have a try?Any volunteer?
S1:Theme park is a park w ith a particular theme.It is very entertaining and we can playmany interesting games in it.
S2:There are many theme parks home and abroad.
Design a theme park
T:Yes.Youmentioned a lotabout theme parks. Now is therea theme park in YuYao?
T:Yeah.What a pity.We can’t enjoy all the exciting activities in a theme park in YuYao.Do you want to build a theme park in YuYao?
T:Butwe know thatbuild a theme park needs a lotofmoney.Do you have somuchmoney?
T:Neverm ind.Iwill give youmoney.Now let work in pairs to design a theme park.You should give a theme for your park and then design all kinds of activities for your park.Work in pairs of four to design a theme park.Iw ill give you fourm inutes to prepare.A fter that,please choose a speak man to describe your park for the whole class and let’s see whose park is the bestand then Iwill give themoney to this group and let them build this theme.Are you clear?Let’sgo.
Step 5 Homework
T:Youhave designed a theme park by yourselves. Butmany people don’t know it,right?Now please makea poster to telleveryone aboutyour theme park. Nextperiod,Iwillask you to show your poster to the whole class.
张泽.新课程理念下的高中英语教学[J].http://english. cersp.com/jiaoshi/fansi/200704/1962.htm l.
Wang Lifen.2000.A Survey of Modern Language Learning&Teaching[J].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Press.