Shirley Temple:Our Little Girl Forever

2014-12-21 12:06MikeBarnes
英语学习(上半月) 2014年5期

Mike Barnes

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Shirley Temple, the enchanting singing and dancing child star with the glowing corkscrew curls who saved a Hollywood studio and helped yank America from the throes of the Great Depression, died, at the age of 85,on Feburary 10, 2014.1. 秀兰·邓波儿曾是一位欢歌载舞的童星,她长着一头光泽卷发,正是她拯救了一家好莱坞电影公司,帮助美国人民度过经济大萧条时期的艰难生活。她于2014年2月10日去世,享年85岁。corkscrew: 螺旋形的;yank: 猛地一拉,猛拉;throe: 阵痛,剧痛;Great Depression: 大萧条,是指1929年至1933年之间全球性的经济大衰退。Temple died of natural causes at her Woodside, California, home surrounded by her family and caregivers.2. natural cause: 自然因素,此处指秀兰·邓波儿由于高龄而自然死亡;caregiver: 照料者,护工。

Making $1,250 a week at age 6, the incandescent Temple was a veteran of 46 features and one-reelers before she turned 13.3. incandescent: 杰出的,才华横溢的;veteran: 有丰富经验的人;feature:〈美〉电影长片,故事片;one-reeler:〈美〉单盘影片(如新闻纪录片、动画片等)。A huge star in a pint-sized package, she received an average of 16,000 letters a month, and for one birthday, fans sent her 167,000 presents.4. pint-sized: 小型的,小巧的;package: 有关联的一组事物,此处指秀兰·邓波儿的身材体形。

A bigger box-of fice draw than Clark Gable (another actor with famous dimples), Temple captivated moviegoers with her furrowed brow, perplexed pouts and unrelenting cheeriness in such films asBright Eyes(1934), in which she belted out her signature song, “On the Good Ship Lollipop.”5. 秀兰·邓波儿的票房号召力甚至比克拉克·盖博(另一个有着迷人酒窝的演员)还大,在《亮眼睛》(1934)等电影中,她紧锁的眉毛、因不知所措而撅起的小嘴和一如既往的欢乐,迷住了电影观众们。正是在《亮眼睛》这部电影中,她演唱了她的那首招牌歌曲《好船棒棒糖》。Clark Gable: 克拉克·盖博(1901—1960),美国国宝级男影星,电影《乱世佳人》的男主角,被美国电影学会选为百年来最伟大的男演员第七名;unrelenting: 坚定的,不屈不挠的;belt out: 引吭高歌。

“On the good ship Lollipop, it’s a sweet trip to a candy shop. Where bon-bons play, on the sunny beach of Peppermint Bay,”6. bon-bon: 小糖果,棒棒糖;Peppermint: 薄荷糖。she sang. The sheet music7. sheet music: 散页乐谱,活页乐谱。sold a half-million copies.


With the country still reeling from the Great Depression,President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed,8. reel from: 由于……而蹒跚,受到……不好的影响;Franklin Roosevelt: 富兰克林·罗斯福(1882—1945),第32任美国总统,20世纪20年代到30年代美国经济危机时期和二战期间的核心人物之一;proclaim: 公开赞扬。“As long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be all right.” Her in fluence extended to lands far away: even foreign dignitaries sent her such gifts as a miniature, drivable Rolls-Royce (from the Aga Khan in the Middle East) and a kid-size jade elephant (from Asia).9. curry favor with: 拍马屁,曲意逢迎;dignitary:达官贵人,显要人物;miniature: 小于普通尺寸的,袖珍的;Rolls-Royce: 劳斯莱斯汽车,一个著名的英国豪华汽车品牌;Aga Khan:阿迦汗,伊斯兰教伊斯玛仪派对其首领的称呼;jade: 玉制的。

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presented Temple at age 6 with the first Juvenile Academy Award “in grateful recognition of her outstanding contribution to screen entertainment during the year 1934.”10. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences: 美国电影艺术与科学学院,奥斯卡金像奖的主办单位,由电影界的专业或资深人士组成的非营利组织;Juvenile Academy Award: 奥斯卡青少年奖,由美国电影艺术与科学学院裁定并颁发给18岁以下且在荧幕上有杰出表现的青少年表演者;grateful: 致谢意的,出于感激的;recognition: 认可,承认。She is the youngest person ever to receive an Oscar statuette11. statuette: 小雕像,此处指奥斯卡的小金人奖杯。, miniature or otherwise.

Temple appeared in six other features that year,including the musicalStand Up and Cheer!12. Stand Up and Cheer!: 电影《起立欢呼》。She only had a small part in that movie—the plot sees the U.S.government creating a “Department of Amusement” to shake the nation from its Depression doldrums—but the movie quickly made Foxrealize what a valuable asset it had on its hands.13. doldrums: 萎靡不振,意志消沉;Fox: 美国福克斯电影公司,成立于1935年,是20世纪30年代到40年代美国八家大电影公司之一。

On the verge of bankruptcy and tens of millions of dollars in debt, Fox merged with Twentieth Century Pictures in 1935, and studio chief Darryl F. Zanuck made the adorable tot his No. 1 priority.14. on the verge of: 在……的边缘,濒临于……;tot: 小孩;priority: 优先权,优先考虑的事。He put the finest talents to work on her pictures, and the Shirley Temple Development Division at one time employed 19 writers.

Four of Temple’s most memorable films were released in 1935, includingThe Little Colonel, a Civil War musical drama where she tap-danced with Bill Robinson on a staircase in one of the most enchanting cinematic sequences of all time.15. 秀兰·邓波儿有四部最令人难忘的电影在1935年上映,其中包括《小上校》——一部以美国内战为故事背景的音乐剧。在这部电影里,她与比尔·罗宾逊在楼梯上跳踢踏舞的这一段插曲成为了历史上最迷人、最经典的一个电影瞬间。Civil War: 南北战争,美国历史上最大规模的内战;tap-dance: 跳踢踏舞;sequence: (电影)插曲。

She followed up that year withOur Little GirlandCurly Top—which introduced another of her songs that became a classic, “Animal Crackers in My Soup”—andThe Littlest Rebel, in which she and Robinson appeal to President Lincoln for help in another Civil War saga.16. appeal to: 向……上诉,呼吁;President Lincoln: 亚伯拉罕·林肯(1809—1865),第16任美国总统。在其总统任期内,美国爆发内战,林肯废除了南方各州的奴隶制度;saga: 冒险故事,传奇。



A gold mine with glowing locks—her mother Gertrude did her hair for each movie, with 56 corkscrew curls each time—the plucky Temple was No. 1 at the box of fice for four straight years, from 1935 through 1938.17. gold mine: 金矿,此处指秀兰·邓波儿是福克斯公司的大财源;locks: 头发;plucky: 有勇气的,大胆的。During this stretch18. stretch: 一段时间,(时间上的)连续。, Fox reworked her contract to pay her $50,000 per film.

The studio saw monstrous earnings from Temple’s pictures, with the girl endorsing such products as dresses, cereal and soap.19. monstrous: 巨大的,数量庞大的;endorse: 为(产品等)做广告;cereal:谷物食品。Her dolls sold at a rate of 1.5 million a year. She lost her innocence, or at least her belief in Santa Claus, “when my mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph,” she once said.20. department store: 〈美〉百货公司,百货商店;autograph: 亲笔签名。

In a 1988 interview withPeoplemagazine, she admitted she didn’t realize how famous she was.“I really didn’t know it,” she said.“When I asked my mother why crowds shouted my name and said,‘We love you,’ she would dust it off21. dust off: 〈口〉抛置一边,丢弃一边。by saying, ‘Your work makes them happy.’ She never let it go to my head22. go to one’s head: 冲昏头脑,使自负。.”

Shirley Jane Temple was born in Santa Monica on April 23,1928. Her father, George, was a banker, and her mother was a homemaker23. homemaker: 操持家务者,家庭主妇。. She had two older brothers. Her mom claimed that her baby’s very first words were a lyric to a Rudy Vallee song, and she enrolled her incredibly bright daughter in dance school.24. lyric:(民歌、流行音乐等的)歌词;Rudy Vallee: 鲁迪·瓦勒(1901—1986),美国流行歌手、演员;enrol:注册参加。

At age 5, Temple signed with Fox, meteorically ascending from contract player to full- fledged star afterStand Up and Cheer!played theaters.25. 五岁时,邓波儿与福克斯公司签约。电影《起立欢呼》在影院上线后,她从一个合同演员快速成长为一名成熟的明星演员。meteorically: 迅速地,快速地;ascend: 上升,攀登;full- fledged:羽翼丰满的,经过充分训练的。

The studio kept its biggest star sheltered in her own bungalow in an effort to preserve her natural childlike charm.26. shelter: 庇护,使不受侵害;bungalow: 小屋,平房;preserve:保持,维持。“If I lost my innocence,” she recalled a studio executive telling her, “it would show in my eyes.”Her films were always filled with boundless optimism and an uncanny ability to melt the hardest of hearts.27. boundless: 无限的,无穷尽的;optimism: 乐观精神;uncanny:不可思议的,异乎寻常的。

From 1937 to 1940, she toplined28. topline: 出演主角。such films asHeidi, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Little Miss Broadway, The Little Princess, The Blue Bird and Young People. Those last two films,though, were flops29. flop: (戏剧、电影、书等的)彻底的失败,崩溃。. Soon, Mickey Rooney,another youngster, was king of the box of fice,and Fox and Temple ended their association in 1940.30. Mickey Rooney: 米基·鲁尼(1920— ), 美国电影演员和艺人。他曾获得多个奖项,包括一个奥斯卡青少年奖,一个奥斯卡终身成就奖,两个金球奖等;youngster: 年轻人,少年。Her parents placed the 12-year-old Temple in a school for girls, and her last professional af filiation31. af filiation: 联系,交往。with show business was in the late 1950s and early ‘60s, when she hosted and sometimes starred inShirley Temple’s StorybookandThe Shirley Temple Showon television.

A Republican, Temple unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 1967, supporting America’s involvement in the Vietnam War.32. Republican: 共和党人;Congress: (美国)国会,美国的立法机构,位于国会大厦;Vietnam War: 越南战争,是二战以后美国参战人数最多、影响最重大的战争。A year later, President Nixon appointed her a U.S. delegate to the United Nations.33. President Nixon: 理查德·尼克松(1913—1994),第37任美国总统,由于“水门事件”而被迫辞职;delegate: 代表,此处指美国在联合国的代表官员。She later served as the U.S. ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia and as the State Department’s chief of protocol.34. Ghana: 加纳,非洲西部的一个国家;Czechoslovakia: 捷克斯洛伐克,位于欧洲中部,于1992年解体为捷克和斯洛伐克;State Department’s chief of protocol: (美国)礼宾司司长。

In 1988, Temple published her best-selling

autobiography,Child Star, and received Kennedy Center honors35. Kennedy Center honors: 肯尼迪中心荣誉奖,用以表彰终身为美国文化作出贡献的杰出人士。. She accepted the Screen Actors Guild’s (SAG)Life Achievement Award36. Screen Actors Guild’s Life Achievement Award: 美国演员工会终身成就奖,由美国影视演员协会颁发的年度奖项,专门针对在电影与电视节目的杰出表现而设置。in 2006 but stayed out of the public eye in her final years.

“When I was 3 years old, I was delighted to be told that I was an actress, even though I didn’t know what an actress was,” she said to much laughter at the SAG

presentation.“I have one piece of advice for those of you who want to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award:Start early!”

秀 兰(短篇小说)